How Self-Aware Leaders Communicate Effectively - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

How Self-Aware Leaders Communicate Effectively

Leaders who lack self-awareness often think that effective communication is about showing how powerful or in control they are and talking on top of their employees or clients. This approach overlooks the reality that there is more than one person involved in a conversation. Self-aware leaders realize that communicating effectively is about making sure everyone feels important and valued. Here are some practical tips to help you practice effective communication in your workplace.

Talk Much Less

It’s much easier to understand what other people are saying when you’re not talking, thinking of the next thing you’re going to say or how you’re going to defend yourself. It’s very difficult to accurately grasp what other people are saying if you’re talking at the same time they are.

Listen Much More

A frequently overlooked skill, active listening helps you get more information from the other person so you can then make better decisions. Listening actively means that you are intensely focused on understanding what the other person is saying and you’re there with them the whole time they’re talking.

Keep an Open Mind

Effective communication isn’t just about forcing one point of view on others, it’s about understanding that other people have ideas that may be greatly beneficial to the organization. Try not to go into conversations with an agenda or strategy for victory. Be willing to consider ideas that don’t agree with yours.

Value the Input of Your Employees

Show your employees that you value what they have to say by letting them say it. Give your employees the opportunity to share their ideas and perspectives. Create a workplace where people are free to use their knowledge to make their jobs more satisfying and improve how the company functions.

Lose the Ego

Conversations aren’t exclusively about you. Let go of the need to control communication and you will have more opportunities to learn about your employees and what’s actually going on in your workplace. Let go of having to defend or rebut and you will have smoother, more easy-going interactions and get more done.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and communicate effectively?



The Self-Awareness Guy