Self-Aware Leaders Aren't Drunk with Power - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware Leaders Aren’t Drunk with Power

Power is heady stuff. It makes leaders who lack self-awareness feel important and can even seem to plug the holes they have in various areas of their lives. Have you ever worked for someone who loved power or always reminded you of how powerful or influential they are? These types of behaviors predictably create less-than-ideal workplaces because leaders who are solely focused on gaining and maintaining power aren’t really thinking of anyone else in the company. Here are ten ways to tell if you lack self-awareness and are drunk with power.

1.  You’re in love with the sound of your commands.
2.  You don’t entertain others’ ideas.
3.  You frequently remind your employees how much power you have over them.
4.  Employees need to run everything by you for your approval.
5.  Your employees aren’t encouraged to make decisions on their own.
6.  Everything runs smoothly as long as nobody contradicts you.
7.  You make people do small stuff just to show you can.
8.  You design elaborate ways to limit others’ power while increasing yours.
9.  You surround yourself with people who tell you how great you are.
10. Your workplace runs on a strict top-down hierarchy.

So what do you do if you exhibit some of these qualities? Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you’re some kind of monster, it’s just that you’re being pulled in a certain direction. Power doesn’t have to be toxic, it’s used by self-aware, enlightened leaders to build strong companies where employees are fulfilled and happy and productivity and morale are high. The secret is to make power about everyone, not just you. When your employees feel valuable and powerful they’ll help you move your organization in new and exciting directions.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and avoid being drunk with power?



The Self-Awareness Guy