Self-Aware Leaders Are Proactive, Not Reactive - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware Leaders Are Proactive, Not Reactive

Did you know you can lead without being in emergency mode all the time? Self-aware leaders are proactive instead of reactive because they understand how their and others’ emotions, thoughts and behaviors affect workplace functioning.

I specialize in consulting for leaders and I often hear them talk about how they run from one crisis to another and never seem to catch up on things. While there is nothing horribly wrong with this approach, it tends to stress people out and wear them down rather quickly. In spite of the negative consequences of leading chaotically, millions of people spend their entire careers reacting to events rather than trying to foresee them.

There is an approach that helps leaders build self-awareness to get out of triage mode and move toward balance. It takes a shift in mindset but the rewards are that they get to relax more and avoid many emergencies. It’s called planning. Try the following tips to help you develop fewer ulcers.

  • Make a list of possible emergencies that could happen. This will help you start visualizing all the things that used to take you by surprise.
  • For each item on the list, develop a series of actions you can take. This helps you plan what you’re going to do instead of reacting.
  • Clear your head and tell yourself you will not react to emergencies.
  • Tell your employees that you will only allow emergencies to be dealt with at a certain time during the day, say, 1-3 PM. This will broadcast to your employees that you are non longer defining every event as an emergency. It sets a new tone.
  • Plan each of your days in advance and stick to the plan.
  • Do not deviate from the plan unless there is a dire, life-threatening event. The reason for this is that you are forcing yourself to get out of crisis mode and lay back a bit.
  • You are not required to hover over everyone and be part of everything that happens. I encourage you to become a better leader by trusting that your employees are doing their job. Make yourself available by appointment if they need some education or training or delegate that task to someone else.
  • Take a lunch and leave the facility.
  • Breathe deeply and sigh with relief because you’re not running from one crisis to another.

Moving from reacting to behaving proactively requires that you let go of the notion that you are only valuable if you’re in problem-solving, crisis mode at all times. Try the ideas we’ve mentioned above for at least a month and you will enjoy the benefits of being more proactive.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be a more proactive leader?



The Self-Awareness Guy