Business Consulting That Builds Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Business Consulting That Builds Self-Awareness

Business consulting based on self-awareness can help you improve yourself and your business by helping you focus your energy and talent on things that will help you take your business to the next level. I help executives, managers and companies develop self-awareness, improve staff morale, increase productivity, build stronger teams and practice excellent workplace communications. I help managers to help them delegate more effectively and give their staff the opportunity to grow and excel. I help business owners focus their vision and take action on their goals.

Successful business owners know that when their employees feel their skills and abilities are being recognized and utilized the business benefits from a more productive workforce. Skilled managers understand that a happy workforce reduces turnover and hiring costs. I enjoy working with businesses to help them identify their employees strengths and use their talents.

The consulting services I provide include:

Self-Awareness Consulting for Individuals: Targeted support for leaders and staff to help improve specific situations. Helping individuals clarify what is happening in the situation and develop strategies to meet the challenge. Individuals build on their own strengths and devise their own plans of action with the support and encouragement of a coach.

Self-Awareness Consulting for Groups: Working intensively with staff to build a shared culture and purpose. Building stronger interpersonal connections through ongoing skill building. Monitoring participant progress and promoting accountability by encouraging participants to meet their goals and plan for the present and future.

Self-Awareness Consulting to Increase Success: Supportive partnering to identify areas of interest, barriers to achievement and areas of strength. Building clearer goals and devising specific strategies to reach those goals. Developing a clearer vision of where you are going and how you will get there.

Businesses benefit from having an impartial outside person help leaders and staff individually and in small groups to build skills and achieve goals. My self-awareness consulting services are an ongoing process that helps the individual clarify what she wants to accomplish and helps her achieve it through strategic support and accountability. My consulting is individualized and focuses on promoting successful behaviors that create change over time.

What will you do to increase self-awareness in your organization?



The Self-Awareness Guy