Lack of Self-Awareness Leads to Sick People and Sick Societies - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Lack of Self-Awareness Leads to Sick People and Sick Societies

Sick people build sick societies, which is the opposite of what self-aware, happy, healthy people do. Here are some of the signs of a lack of self-awareness that lead to a sick society:

  • People don’t like themselves and, by extension, each other.
  • People are territorial and against sharing.
  • Propensity toward violence to resolve disputes.
  • Us vs. them mentality.
  • Unable to build healthy relationships at every level, including with oneself, other people, and other nations.
  • Belief that improving one’s mental health is not possible or important.
  • Little value put on introspection or self-awareness.
  • Culture of materialism and greed.
  • Very little collaboration because everything is a competition.
  • Living in fear.

People in unhealthy societies will tend to lack self-awareness and believe that these types of behaviors are the only option they have, but there are countless other ways to build a more positive society; using impulses and skills that people have in them at this very moment. Picture a society where people make the shift toward being self-aware and building a healthy world, they might do things like:

  • Become as healthy as they can and help others do the same.
  • Share with others.
  • Resolve disputes without violence.
  • Embrace differences and diversity.
  • Build healthy relationships.
  • Value improving one’s mental health.
  • Value introspection and self-awareness.
  • Value kindness and compassion over greed.
  • Work together to build a better world for as many people as possible.
  • Live with courage and openness.

The irony of the second list is that, as human beings, we can do any of these things right this moment if we choose to do so. The only reason we don’t do them is because we’re stuck in the type of thinking that says we can’t be healthy at any level: personally, interpersonally, or globally. What will you do to increase your self-awareness and build a healthy society?



The Self-Awareness Guy