Self-Awareness and the Definition of Emotional Intelligence - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and the Definition of Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness leads to emotional intelligence because people who understand themselves well are able to cope positively with whatever they’re feeling at a particular moment.

Here is an emotional intelligence definition I’ve developed over years of working with people: The ability to accurately identify and feel the emotions inside you and deal with or manage them in such a way that you live a happy, balanced life.

Emotional intelligence also refers to the ability to deal with other people’s emotions in a positive, supportive way. It means that you can handle what other people are feeling without falling apart or letting it affect you negatively.

When you are self-aware and emotionally healthy, you are able to deal with any emotion that arises inside you. You are able to name it (happiness, fear, anger, or sadness) and use it to become a more fully-functioning human being. You don’t run away from your emotions or live in fear that you can’t handle them.

The reason emotional intelligence is important is because it can make the difference between living a wonderful life and an endlessly difficult one. If you understand and are comfortable with what you feel deep inside, you’ll be able to live your life to its fullest.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence?



The Self-Awareness Guy