Using Self-Awareness to Communicate More Effectively - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Using Self-Awareness to Communicate More Effectively

You can use self-awareness to communicate more effectively because, when you understand and can positively manage your and others’ emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re more adept at chatting with people.

We all are capable of communicating effectively, we just haven’t learned how to actually do it. Here are some basic tips on how to get started.

1. Set up an atmosphere for communicating. Everyone gets to say what they want, nobody is punished, everyone is safe to say what they want with no fear of retribution.

2. Everyone agrees to listen and only person talks at a time. When someone speaks other people simply listen. There should be no advice giving, rebuttals or contradicting. Everyone gets a chance to say what they want.

3. Everyone agrees that there is no such thing as a wrong comment or dumb question.

4. Everyone agrees to talk about the same amount of time. No one person monopolizes the conversation. No one person is more important than another.

5. We agree to communicate with each other respectfully, with a calm tone of voice, without harsh language and with no derogatory comments.

6. We agree that any information that is communicated will not be used against someone or to make them feel bad.

7. Keep it simple. Say what you mean, say it briefly and constructively.

8. Leave any personal agendas out of the meeting.

9. Keep it positive. Communication ideally builds a positive atmosphere that promotes solutions rather than only gripe sessions.

Once you follow all of these ideas, you will be on your way to communicating effectively. Each one takes practice and commitment from all parties involved. Practice each one (one at a time) until you master it. When you have mastered all of them you will experience the peace of mind that comes from communicating in a healthy way.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and communicate effectively?



The Self-Awareness Guy