The Self-Awareness Guy

Self-Awareness Helps You Believe in Yourself - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Believe in Yourself

Self-awareness helps you believe in yourself because, when you understand why you feel, think, and behave the way you do, you are able to appreciate your amazing talents and value the person you are.

We all reach points in our work lives where we may not believe in ourselves. Sometimes a difficult situation arises or a hurdle of some kind shakes your confidence. Perhaps you’ve had to endure long periods of disappointment or many challenges simultaneously. It’s very normal to reach these points in life.

Everyone has moments of self-doubt or insecurity. The key is to continue building self-awareness and keep believing in yourself even when you think there’s nothing to believe in. Here are six tips to help you believe in yourself even when things aren’t going so well:

  • Try not to take things personally. The events that happen in life are not personal slights, they are only events. Just as bad ones can occur, so can good ones.
  • Focus on the positive. If you tend to focus on what’s going wrong you may miss all the great things we are doing.
  • Make a list of the things you do well. It doesn’t have to be perfect or long, just write down some things you do well.
  • Feel free to dream. Dreaming is free and helps you get in a positive mindset where you look forward to the future.
  • Take action. Nothing reverses a lack of belief in oneself than taking action. Even if the things you do don’t lead to any immediate results you still have the satisfaction of doing something to improve your situation.
  • Breathe and take care of yourself. Take time to do calming, centering activities that don’t cost money and don’t require huge amounts of effort. Take a walk or some other thing you enjoy to break up the usual routine.

These ideas will help you find your balance again and believe in yourself. Life is often challenging but you have the ability to feel great about yourself no matter what comes your way. What will you do to develop self-awareness and believe in yourself?



Self-Awareness Helps You Dream Big - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Dream Big

Self-awareness helps you dream big because, when you know yourself deep inside and understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to move your life in any direction you wish.

If you’ve ever wanted to achieve something you’ve probably noticed that you get the results that you work on. If you have a small goal you tend to work toward that, if you have a larger vision you tend to move toward it.

A great way to accomplish almost anything is to start with a dream, a specific thing you would like to see happen or that excites you. The dream will guide all the actions to follow. Think about the following questions as you build self-awareness and pursue your dream:

1. What would I love to do, what is my dream?

2. What are the reasons this dream is important to me?

3. What small action can I take today to make my dream come true?

If you dream big you are constantly moving toward expansive and exciting horizons. It doesn’t mean that all you do are grand, sweeping thing, it just requires that you work toward something that really helps you stretch and grow as a person.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and dream big?



10 Benefits of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

10 Benefits of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness offers many benefits to help you live a happier, more fulfilling and genuine life:

  1. The ability to act consciously instead of reacting to people and events.
  2. The ability to genuinely love yourself.
  3. Being authentically happy rather than pretending you are.
  4. Greater depth of experience and enjoyment of life.
  5. The ability to redirect your negative thoughts and emphasize positive ones.
  6. Behaving positively instead of creating additional obstacles.
  7. Enjoying positive interpersonal relationships.
  8. Being the real you.
  9. Living courageously and without limits.
  10. The ability to make your dreams come true.

What would your life look like if you did all these ten things on a regular basis? Self-awareness is a powerful tool to help you live the life you’ve always wanted rather than settling for whatever comes your way. What will you do to live a more conscious life?



Self-Aware People Are Unique and Wonderful - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware People Are Unique and Wonderful

Life is richer and more fulfilling when there are many voices sharing their particular points of view, it creates a beautiful song with many tones and cadences. As you build your self-awareness, you will come to realize how unique and wonderful you are and how much of a difference it makes when you share your authentic self with the world.

There is no one else like you in the world because they don’t have your unique combination of life experience and perspective. Nobody feels, thinks, and behaves exactly like you; which makes you a precious gift.

One of the reasons I enjoy connecting with people who value self-awareness is that they are open to sharing their inner workings with the outside world. It’s liberating to find your own voice and say what you want to say because no one else can possibly do it like you. Every day is a new opportunity to discover who you really are deep down inside and live your life in way that brings you (and others) great joy and fulfillment.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and celebrate how unique and wonderful you are?



Advantages of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Advantages of Self-Awareness

I’m often asked what are the advantages of self-awareness. It’s almost impossible to overestimate the impact self-awareness can have on someone’s life, here are some of the advantages I’ve noticed through years of working with people and organizations over the years:

  • An ability to understand one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions and manage them positively.
  • Understanding why other people think, feel, and act the way they do.
  • Ability to empathize and practice compassion toward others.
  • Identifying your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Living your life more authentically because you understand who you really are deep inside.
  • Thinking and behaving more positively because you’ve worked through your stuff.
  • Being more open to new information, experiences, and change.
  • Choosing positive friends and significant others.
  • Being a better leader at work because you’re not working out your issues on others.
  • Feeling more balanced and together.
  • A sense of deeper understanding of yourself and your path in life.
  • A more meaningful and fulfilling life.

There’s no mystery to self-awareness, it’s simply a tool that helps you know so much about yourself that you literally become a happier, more effective human being which, in turn, positively affects you and the people around you. When you possess self-awareness you tap into a stream of consciousness and knowledge that helps you treat yourself and others better, as well as allowing you to make the world a better place. What would you add to this list?


Self-Awareness and Being Whole - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Whole

One of the major benefits of increasing your self-awareness is that you get to live life whole, as in:

  • You know who you really are deep inside.
  • You honor your inner voice.
  • You follow your dreams.
  • The various parts of your personality are in harmony with each other.
  • Your actions are consistent with your thoughts.
  • You are actually happy and healthy inside, not just pretending in order to not show weakness or conform to what someone else is expecting.
  • You look inside for answers.
  • You trust that you’re the best guide for your life.
  • You deal well with your entire range of emotions.
  • No one part of your personality, thoughts, or actions dominates your life.
  • You believe there is such a thing as happiness.
  • You’re following your dreams, the real ones, not the ones you pretend are your dreams.
  • You surround yourself with interesting, healthy people.

Being whole means living a completely authentic life. It doesn’t require being perfect, just that you be yourself. What will you do to work on being whole?



Self-Awareness and Building Healthy Relationships - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Building Healthy Relationships

One of the biggest self-awareness challenges is building healthy relationships. As you go through life you’ll have many choices about what kind of people you attract. Here are a few ideas to help you take care of yourself:

  • Be yourself.
  • Heal your inner hurts.
  • Know yourself well, both your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Follow a path in life that is meaningful to you.
  • Find people who share your interests.
  • Associate with people who treat you well and value who you are.
  • Live a great life and you’ll attract people who appreciate what you’re doing.
  • Don’t settle.

It’s important to treat yourself well in all your relationships. You’re a valuable person who deserves to be around people who help you grow and succeed. The trick to enjoying positive relationships is to look deep inside yourself, heal your hurts, and continue to improve who you are as a person. The more well-adjusted you are, the better your relationships will be.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and build healthy relationships?



The Self-Awareness Guy