Self and Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Reducing Negative Thoughts - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Reducing Negative Thoughts

Self-awareness can help you reduce negative thoughts because, when you understand yourself well, you are able to focus your thinking in a positive direction. Negative thoughts can keep you from being the person you really want to be. Here are some examples of negative thoughts guaranteed to hold you back:

  • I can’t do this.
  • I’m not good enough.
  • I’ll never succeed.
  • I’m a loser.
  • My parents, siblings, friends, teachers, co-workers, and acquaintances were right about me.
  • I’ll never amount to anything.
  • My dreams don’t matter.
  • I’ll never be who I really want to be.
  • That’s impossible.
  • People like me can’t do those types of things.
  • I’ll continue doing what we’ve always done.
  • You can’t change.
  • Life is hard.
  • I always have bad luck.
  • I guess I’ll settle for this.
  • I prefer to be safe and comfortable.
  • Something bad is going to happen.
  • I’ll look stupid.

Imagine what your life will look like if you say things like these to yourself. As you increase your self-awareness, your thoughts will become more positive because you’ll be working toward being the real you, not these statements that tear you down. As you think more clearly and positively, you’ll be better able to take positive action to improve your life. The key to success is to think in ways that lead in a positive direction and help you be the real you.

What will you do to increase your self-awareness and reduce your negative thoughts?



11 Advantages of Possessing Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

11 Advantages of Possessing Self-Awareness

There are many advantages to possessing self-awareness including:

  • A deeper knowledge of who you are.
  • A clearer understanding of why you think, feel and act the way you do.
  • The ability to build more meaningful relationships at work and in your personal life.
  • You can live life as the real you.
  • The ability to read other people and understand where they’re coming from.
  • You can interact with others without getting your stuff all over them.
  • You realize that not everything is about you.
  • You create less conflict.
  • You spread positive vibes because you’re happy with yourself.
  • You have the opportunity to work on your hurts and genuinely like yourself.
  • You have a big picture view of who you are and how you interact with the people around you and the events in your life.

When you’re thinking about the advantages of self-awareness, it’s important to realize that you get to decide how you think, feel and behave in life. If you understand yourself well, you’ll be much more likely to let go of the stuff that doesn’t work and live a life of joy and fulfillment. How will you start building self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Finding Purpose in Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Finding Purpose in Life

Finding purpose in life can be a daunting challenge. There are countless people out there right at this moment who don’t know who they are or what they really want to do in life. That’s a recipe for a lot of confusion and fear. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to increase your self-awareness and find your purpose in life:

  • What would I do in life if money were no object?
  • What do I love doing more than anything else?
  • What brings me great fulfillment when I’m doing it?
  • What do I want to do in life that doesn’t involve other people?
  • What is my true path in life and what am I doing to follow it?
  • What am I doing to celebrate who I really am deep inside?

When you ask yourself questions like these, you build self-awareness and start moving in the direction of your dreams. Having a purpose in life isn’t a mystery, it just requires that you look deep inside, figure out who you are, and follow your own path.

What will you do to improve your self-awareness and find purpose in life?



15 Benefits of Developing Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

15 Benefits of Developing Self-Awareness

Here are fifteen benefits of developing self-awareness:

  1. You heal the hurts from your past.
  2. You’re in touch with your emotions, are able to feel them, and can use them to move in a positive direction. You’re also comfortable with other people’s emotions.
  3. You understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  4. You treat yourself and others with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
  5. You do things to make the world a better place.
  6. You focus on the deeper things in life rather than living superficially.
  7. You get to know the real you and live your life accordingly.
  8. You let go of the need for power and control and focus instead on being the best person you can be without dominating others or having to win.
  9. People like you at home and at work.
  10. You don’t have the constant internal conflict of saying one thing and doing another.
  11. You’re generally happy and balanced, even in difficult situations.
  12. You understand why you feel, think, and do things.
  13. You learn and grow each day.
  14. You become a nice person.
  15. You enjoy life.

When you develop self-awareness you have a wonderful opportunity to move beyond all the garbage that creates conflict, chaos, confusion, and misery in your life and focus instead on living a kind, joyful, deeply introspective and fulfilling existence. When you’re fully self-aware, you no longer live day to day, reacting to everything, you get to be the real you and do what you really love in life.



A Practical Definition of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

A Practical Definition of Self-Awareness

Here is a practical definition of self-awareness: The process of gaining understanding of who you are and how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect you and others.

A lot of people think that self-awareness is something negative or scary that will force them to face things they don’t want to. That perspective in itself indicates a lack of understanding of how important it is to be able to look at yourself so you can live consciously instead of repeating the mistakes of the past.

Proactive, forward-thinking people use self-awareness as a tool to treat themselves and others well rather than living in perpetual inner and outer discomfort or conflict. Remember, life is so much more enjoyable and fulfilling when you experience it wide awake.



When You Feel Like Giving up, Use Self-Awareness to Keep Moving Forward - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

When You Feel Like Giving up, Use Self-Awareness to Keep Moving Forward

It’s natural to sometimes feel like giving up. When it happens, you can use self-awareness to keep moving forward. Self-awareness helps you stay positive because, when you understand who you are deep inside, including your strengths and areas for improvement, you’re better able to keep striving to succeed.

One of the most important elements of getting to know yourself is the idea of not giving up. A lot of people embark on a self-awareness journey only to find that it’s more difficult than they anticipated. It’s hard to create change in your life because modifying your behavior requires long-term commitment and practice. It’s not a quick fix.

The key to gradually building self-awareness is to keep trying even when you think it’s not making a difference.

There will be plenty of times when you feel you’re treading water but you’ll actually be making progress. Stick with it, don’t give up, and you’ll eventually see the results. You’re worth it.

What will you do to not give up and use self-awareness to keep moving forward?



Do You Feel Insecure? Self-Awareness Can Help You Gain Confidence - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Do You Feel Insecure? Self-Awareness Can Help You Gain Confidence

If you feel insecure, self-awareness can help you gain confidence because, once you know yourself well and are comfortable with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’ll be able to lead a healthier more fulfilling life.

Perhaps you feel insecure about yourself and wonder if people are judging you or don’t like you. Insecurity is not about other people, it’s about you. When you feel insecure you are looking at the world through your fears. Some helpful things to think about when you’re feeling insecure are:

  • What difference does it make what that person thinks of you?
  • Nothing anybody says can affect you unless you let it.
  • Insecurity goes away when you practice doing things and become more proficient over time.
  • Take a moment to take it easy on yourself.
  • There are great things about you that you can feel secure about right now.
  • You can start healing yourself any time you decide to.
  • You’re a wonderful person.
  • You have unique talents and abilities.

Practice helps you build self-awareness, confidence, and competence. The next time you feel insecure ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this?” and consciously decide to move in a positive direction. Only you have the power to get rid of insecurity, by thinking and behaving differently. What will you do to increase your self-awareness and feel less insecure?



The Self-Awareness Guy