Self and Self-Awareness

Increasing Self-Awareness Helps You Build Positive Relationships - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Increasing Self-Awareness Helps You Build Positive Relationships

Increasing self-awareness helps you build positive relationships with others and make decisions that help you treat yourself well and move your life in a beneficial direction. Try asking yourself some questions to decide what kind of relationships you want in your life, such as:

  • What kind of person do I want to be with?
  • How do I want them to treat me?
  • What kind of relationship do I want?
  • What am I doing to have a great relationship with myself without a significant other in the picture?
  • What can I do to make sure I take care of myself and move in a positive direction?
  • How do I define love or friendship?
  • What things am I doing to build up my self-awareness so I am able to invite positive people into my life?

Take some time to think about questions like these. After a while you’ll have a clearer idea of what kind of relationships are best for you. They key is to know yourself and be healthy enough to attract positive people into your life. It all starts with you.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and build positive relationships?



Broken People Lack Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Broken People Lack Self-Awareness

Broken people lack self-awareness and live based on their unresolved hurts instead of striving to increase their self-awareness and become more balanced and healthy. Broken people don’t like themselves, which means they do things like:

  • Treat themselves and others poorly.
  • Act out of self-interest.
  • Lack empathy.
  • Hurt others to get what they want.
  • Never resolve their own issues.
  • Think and behave in profoundly fearful and negative ways.
  • Don’t understand their own thoughts and behaviors.
  • Thrive on conflict.
  • Build superficial or negative relationships.
  • Have to be on top of others.

It’s not that people like this are intrinsically evil, it’s just that they don’t have the self-awareness to realize there are other options in the world, like healing their inner hurts and traumas and moving in a healthier, more positive direction.

Individuals who feel great about themselves treat others well and make the world a better place for as many people as possible. They act out of compassion and kindness and help others grow and succeed. They value self-awareness and constantly work on becoming healthy and whole.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and avoid being a broken person?



Self-Awareness and Building Confidence - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Building Confidence

People who lack self-awareness often ask me how to increase their confidence. It’s been my experience that people build their confidence by doing things they enjoy and experiencing both success and failure. The common denominator is that confident people tend to be those who confront the challenges in their lives and learn from the outcomes.

Eleanor Roosevelt said:

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

Taking deliberate and conscious action to increase self-awareness and doing things purposefully to work toward some goal will help you become a confident person. We all have an incredible ability to take on any challenge in our lives, we just have to be willing to actually do something to make things happen.

Try taking on a challenge today and keep doing it until you are an expert. Put one foot in front of the other and keep walking. Then take on another challenge and keep going. In time you’ll wonder why you ever lacked confidence at all.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and build up your confidence?



Self-Awareness and Attachment to Outcomes - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Attachment to Outcomes

A lot of personal development experts talk about doing anything you want in life. You can move in the direction of your dreams at any time you want but many people lose motivation when they feel like they aren’t getting exactly what they wanted. The key to success is to gradually build your  self-awareness without focusing on a specific outcome. You never know what you’ll discover along the way.



Signs of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Signs of Self-Awareness

I’m often asked whether one can tell when someone has self-awareness. When you’re working on understanding yourself well you might be doing some of the following things:

  • Becoming the most effective you possible.
  • Functioning well in life.
  • Achieving what you want.
  • Finding happiness and balance.
  • Letting go of negative behaviors.
  • Being comfortable with who you are.
  • Resolving personal issues.
  • Enjoying your career.
  • Loving yourself and others.
  • Living consciously.
  • Being proactive rather than reactive.

Many people let life happen to them because they feel they can’t change or develop in any way. The good news is that anyone can move in any direction as long as he or she is willing to put in the effort to make things happen. You decide what happens in your life and whether you believe in using self-awareness as a tool to help you grow and succeed.



The Secret to Developing Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

The Secret to Developing Self-Awareness

Developing self-awareness means moving from living unconsciously to thinking, feeling and behaving intentionally. Countless people live their lives stuck in their comfort zones, repeating behaviors that don’t make them happy and not realizing they have other options. Here are five ideas to help you develop your self-awareness and improve the quality of your life:

  1. Be willing to look at yourself. You can’t live deliberately if you don’t take a look at and understand who you are as a person. Make it a habit to continuously assess what you do well and what areas need some strengthening.
  1. Examine your thoughts. Which of your thoughts help you succeed or make you happy? Which ones hold you back or keep you from living authentically? Evaluate how your thinking affects your life, keep what works and get rid of what doesn’t.
  1. Examine your emotions. Learn how to acknowledge and feel all of your emotions, not just the ones you’re comfortable with. Heal and bring closure to challenging issues or past hurts in your life. The more you learn how to feel and appropriately manage your emotions, the healthier and more balanced you’ll be.
  1. Examine your behaviors. There are things you currently do that yield excellent results and some that keep you from working on your dreams. Keep the behaviors that help you live meaningfully and let go of the ones that lead you off course.
  1. Be willing to make changes. It’s very difficult to grow in any way if you don’t believe change is possible or vital to your personal development. There is always something you can fine tune so you can become stronger and better able to live a fulfilling life.

Self-awareness matters because, when you understand yourself deeply, you’re able to live consciously instead of haphazardly. It’s the difference between stumbling through life repeating the same patterns and creating your own destiny. What will you do to keep developing your self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Respect - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Respect

Respect is a word that gets thrown around a lot by people who lack self-awareness but that isn’t always clearly defined. This leaves everyone guessing and doing different things that may or may not lead to respect. We sometimes ask for respect from others or we strive hard to be respectful in our relationships but we don’t always ask for it for ourselves. We may find ourselves in relationships where we give all the respect in the world and get little or none in return.

So what creates this uncertain, rocky landscape when it comes to respect? It’s often caused by lack of self-awareness and because people don’t really know what respect is. I simply define respect as loving yourself and others, and thinking and behaving kindly toward yourself and others.

The important thing is for you to define it in a way that works for you and that you can clearly communicate to others. We often do not receive respect because we do not tell people what we need and we don’t take action to educate them. We essentially give other people the power to treat us negatively and not respect us. These patterns keep repeating because we don’t know what else to do. As we begin our journey toward asking for respect it is helpful to define the term. In romance and relationships, respect may be defined as someone allowing us be who we are, to help us and encourage us to grow, to share our triumphs and disappointments, to listen to us and to make us feel great. So how do we find this elusive thing called respect?

A logical starting point in the quest to respect ourselves is increasing our self-awareness and figuring out what we want out of our relationships and how we want to be treated. If we don’t know what we want, then how can we expect others to fulfill our wishes? Think in terms of defining who you are as a person and what is important to you. The second step toward honoring ourselves is to ask for respect from others. This is accomplished by asking the significant people in our lives for what we need. It’s our job to educate others about how we would like to be treated. As you’ve probably noticed, people aren’t mind readers – we have to tell them what we want. Many of us believe that people will just automatically understand how to respect us but, for the most part, people treat us exactly like we show them how to. We get results based on what we put out. If you act like a doormat you will attract people who will treat you like one. If you act healthy and balanced you will attract that kind of people.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and respect yourself and others?



The Self-Awareness Guy