Self and Self-Awareness

Superficial People Lack Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Superficial People Lack Self-Awareness

People who lack self-awareness show the world a superficial face while they boil under the surface. You can tell this is the case by how quickly they react to perceived attacks, withdraw when confronted or get uncomfortable when touchy subjects come up. We’re not accustomed to dealing calmly and candidly with the deeper issues in life, the things that really matter. Here are some examples of the concepts you’ll encounter when you look at yourself in more detail:

  • How you treat yourself.
  • How you treat others.
  • Whether you are living your dreams.
  • What kind of a person you are.
  • Whether you let life happen to you or take control of your destiny.
  • How confident you really are.
  • What kind of relationships you build.
  • Whether you practice self-awareness and take a careful look at how you feel, think and behave.
  • How you deal with the issues that cause you fear or discomfort.
  • Whether you live life authentically or settle for being someone else.

Examining issues like these openly and honestly is a vital part of building self-awareness. Consciously understanding yourself and being willing to work hard on being the most whole person possible will bring you the greatest happiness and success in life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and look below the surface?



Self-Awareness Helps You  Be Happy - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Be Happy

Imagine living a life where you possess self-awareness and think and act in ways that bring you deep joy and fulfillment. When you understand yourself deep inside, you’re more likely to enjoy who you are and experience the world positively. Here are ten things you can do starting right now to be happy:

  1. Forgive yourself and others.
  2. Do meaningful work that reflects your real passions.
  3. Let go of the need for things to turn out a certain way.
  4. Make sure what you say matches what you do.
  5. Treat yourself and others with kindness.
  6. Help others, including people you don’t know.
  7. Praise someone.
  8. Give someone a hug.
  9. Tell someone you love him or her, tell yourself too.
  10. Heal your hurts.

When you do these things you’ll be connecting on a more meaningful level with yourself and others as well as building self-awareness. The trick is to consciously do positive things every day that lead you toward happiness. The more you do it, the better you’ll feel.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be happy?



What Does It Mean to Be Self-Aware? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

What Does It Mean to Be Self-Aware?

What does it mean to be self-aware? Here are some of the characteristics of people who possess self-awareness:

  • They have the ability to deal with their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and channel them in positive ways.
  • They know who they are deep inside and work each day to live their dreams.
  • They can deal positively with other people’s emotions, thinking, and behaviors.
  • They are genuinely happy because they are themselves.
  • They are on their true path in life.
  • They are psychologically healthy.
  • They treat themselves and others well.
  • The enjoy positive relationships.
  • They have less conflict and strife in their lives.
  • They live proactively rather than reactively.
  • They feel more at peace inside.

Being self-aware simply means that you’re mindful of who you are, how you treat yourself and others, how you deal with challenges, and how you interact with your environment. Self-aware people live happier, more fulfilling lives because they’ve done the work necessary to arrive at a place of calm. What would you add to this list?



Self-Awareness and Finding Your Meaning of Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Finding Your Meaning of Life

When you build your self-awareness, you’re better able to find your meaning of life because you’re more in touch with how to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, and how they affect your life.

People often tell me about their goals and aspirations followed by all the reasons why they can’t do anything about them. Frequently the only thing stopping people from doing what they want to is their self-imposed limitations.

The meaning of life is pretty much whatever you decide it is for you. You have immense power to move your life in any direction you want it to. Try the following today:

1. Think of something you really love doing.
2. Plan a way to fit this thing into your life.
3. Continue doing it.

Make sure you act in ways that get you closer to your dreams. For example: If you love art do everything in your power to pursue the interest. This could mean taking an art class, going to museums, creating your own art or talking to artists. The idea is to always develop your self-awareness and do things you love.

Once you start this movement toward doing things you love you will live life more meaningfully. I always encourage people to do the things that bring them joy. In this way, we live more fulfilling lives. What will you do to increase your self-awareness and find meaning in your life?



What Does a Self-Awareness Consultant Do? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

What Does a Self-Awareness Consultant Do?

A self-awareness consultant helps you look inside yourself and find the answers that work for you in any given situation. Self-awareness consulting can help you overcome the challenges in your life head on and develop a plan to move forward successfully.

A self-awareness consultant can help you:

1. Figure out what is the issue you are facing.

2. Develop a plan to fix a problem you face.

3. Build on your strengths and abilities.

4. Achieve your goals and dreams.

5. Feel good about yourself.

6. Build your self esteem.

7. Celebrate the great things about you.

8. Live the life you want to live.

9. Share your talents with the world.

10. Find excitement in your life.

11. Build fulfilling relationships.

12. Fix the problems that have been nagging you.

13. Move forward in life.

14. Actually plan your success.

Think of a self-awareness consultant as a person who will listen to you unconditionally and helps you celebrate who you really are. Please feel free to contact me if you are ready to look inside and find the answers you always knew were there. I look forward to hearing from you.



Learn more about my self-awareness consulting.

Self-Awareness Helps You Look at the Difficult Things - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Look at the Difficult Things

A major part of self-awareness is to take a careful look at the difficult things in your life. This can include things you have a hard time doing or past events that bring up uncomfortable memories. The more you work on resolving issues in your past, the better able you’ll be to grow and succeed.

Here are some examples of difficult things you might want to look at to improve your self-awareness and help you live a more meaningful and rewarding life:

  • The hurts from your past.
  • Negative family issues you haven’t resolved.
  • Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that hold you back.
  • Things you would change about yourself.
  • Actions you would take to live a better life.
  • How you treat yourself and others.
  • Finding meaning and guidance within instead of externally.
  • Making amends for negative behavior.
  • Doing things to make the world a better place.
  • Admitting mistakes.

A big part of self-awareness is being able to take a candid look at yourself, celebrate the positive things, and change the negative ones. It requires courage and conscious attention but, when you do it, you’ll be laying the foundation to live a much better life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and look at the difficult things?



Self-Awareness and Being Successful - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Successful

If you possess self-awareness and think you will succeed, you tend to succeed because you take action and you move in circles that are beneficial to you. Even though people understand this concept intellectually they often get stuck in, “I can’t succeed,” mode. It’s perfectly normal to feel like you’ll never break through or achieve your goals but you can have a great impact on how your life moves by simply thinking successfully.

Try thinking about the following things the next time you feel like you are lacking success:

1. What do I want to succeed at?

2. What am I doing today to achieve my goal?

3. What baggage can I shed so I can begin working on my goal?

4. What is one step I can do today to succeed?

5. How will I know if I’ve succeeded?

6. What will I do to enjoy and celebrate my success?

7. What do I need to do to continue thinking successfully?

Try working through these seven questions and focusing your energy on building your self-awareness and being successful. So much of your success depends on how you view what you do in your day to day life. If you always focus on what’s going wrong you’ll tend to move in that direction. If you take the time to celebrate the little things you do along the way, you’ll build a positive reservoir that will help you move forward.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and invite success into your life?



The Self-Awareness Guy