Self and Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Being Yourself - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Yourself

Self-awareness is about being true to yourself and listening to your inner voice. You’ll live a much happier life when you find out who you really are and live a life based on what genuinely interests you. The difficulties arise when people live in a way that doesn’t reflect who they are deep inside.

Here are some ways you can build self-awareness and work on being yourself:

  • Heal the hurts from your past.
  • Discover who you really are deep inside.
  • Do things you love doing.
  • Take small actions each day to make your dreams come true.
  • Be aware of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, and how you can manage them to get positive results.
  • Treat yourself and others well.
  • Be open to new ideas.
  • Welcome change.
  • Live the life you really want to.
  • Live courageously.

The more you know yourself, the better your life will be. Do things like we’ve talked about here and you’ll be happier and more fulfilled. What will you do to develop self-awareness and be yourself?



Self-Awareness Helps You Find Happiness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Find Happiness

My clients frequently ask me how to find happiness. Over the years I’ve noticed that a common characteristic of people who are happy is self-awareness.

Self-awareness is a deep understanding of who we are. It literally impacts how we treat ourselves and others and what kind of life we live. Let me give you a real world example to illustrate what I’m talking about.

Person A says he is a happy go lucky person that always is having a great time. He has a lot of friends and says he’s confident and an optimist. He lives a life that looks great to everyone on the outside but, when he has to think about it, Person A is deeply unhappy. He has unresolved issues in his life that are so difficult that he refuses to look at them. So person A appears happy on the outside but inside he is constantly struggling to ignore and cast aside the demons he carries. This type of person is not living a life of self-awareness because he won’t even begin the process of understanding who he is in order to move forward. He chooses instead to live a live of superficial happiness based on appearances.

Person B, on the other hand, also has issues that hurt him deeply and made him unhappy. He also appears happy to the outside world but his happiness comes from a very different place. Person B decided years ago to look at the things that brought him pain. He worked very hard to acknowledge his past and create a plan to move beyond the hurt. When person B is alone he feels genuinely happy because he has actually moved past the challenges in his past. This type of happiness is far more genuine because the person has literally worked through the things that made them unhappy. His happiness is real because it’s based on his deep self-awareness based on facing his hurts.

Genuine happiness comes from deep inside us. It is a level of existence that we achieve only when we work through the challenges from our past. I’m not suggesting that we live in the past, only that we acknowledge the things that hurt us earlier in life and then develop a plan to move forward.

Everyone deserves to live a life of genuine happiness, the kind that comes from deep inside. Those who are truly happy have left the burdens of the past in the past. Think about it as the difference between living your life with the burden of carrying a giant monkey on your back and never getting rid of it versus letting it go and living a much lighter and energized existence.

Self-awareness is not about being selfish or self-indulgent, it’s about understanding who you are and constantly working on becoming the best person you can be. Those who choose to be aware of whom they really are reap the benefits of living a genuinely happy life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and find happiness?



How Do You Define Self-Awareness? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

How Do You Define Self-Awareness?

We are all at different stages of self-awareness. As you plan your journey, keep your own personal definition of self-awareness in mind. Don’t worry about what other people are doing or want you to do. Have confidence in your inner voice and grow in the areas that are meaningful to you.



Dating and Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Dating and Self-Awareness

People often ask me why they keep dating the wrong people. The answer that they most often come up with after some self-exploration is that they are looking for people based on mistaken assumptions.

Most of us look for people that create a spark, that excite us into wanting to get to know them better. This method creates an initial euphoria that blinds us to understanding clearly what we want from relationships. We become so intoxicated with romance that we are unable to make rational decisions.

What I help people with is building self-awareness. When we understand who we are and what we love and need we tend to make better choices regarding relationships. If we don’t know ourselves very well or don’t like ourselves we tend to attract people that reinforce that. When we understand ourselves better and are healthier we tend to attract more positive people.

There really is no magic to this process. What’s been shown to work time after time is that people who are healthy attract other healthy people. All it takes is some work first on getting ourselves as healthy mentally and physically as possible. Then we attract people who admire us for the wonderful, healthy people we are.



Self-Awareness Consulting and Being Serious about Change - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Consulting and Being Serious about Change

self-awareness consulting is only effective when you’re serious about change. A lot of people go to a professional thinking that it’s a quick fix or that they have some magic formula that will instantly create success or fulfillment. The only way to live your dream life is to consciously decide to take charge of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors and move in a positive direction. self-awareness consulting can help you become happier and healthier by:

  • Offering a professional, outside perspective.
  • Providing caring support.
  • Helping you clarify your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Building accountability.
  • Monitoring your progress.
  • Cheering you on.
  • Believing in you.
  • Helping you decide what you want to do in life.
  • Getting to know yourself on a deeper level.

For self-awareness consulting to be effective it requires a highly motivated, courageous person who is willing to look at his or her warts and make significant changes. I advise people to only consider self-awareness consulting when they are ready to take on the most difficult challenges in their lives, the stuff they don’t want to look at. Otherwise they’re setting themselves up for failure and disappointment. How serious are you about change?

I love working with creative, kind, open-minded individuals who are serious about finding out who they are, welcoming change and living authentically.



Self-Awareness Helps You Not Give Up - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Not Give Up

Self-awareness helps you not give up because, when you know yourself deep inside and understand why you feel, think, and behave the way you do, you’re better able to believe in yourself and move forward confidently even in the face of obstacles.

As you try to increase your self-awareness you may find that you don’t progress at the speed you want to. Don’t worry, a natural part of creating change in your life is to keep practicing. Even when you feel like giving up, keep doing small things to move your life forward. Over time you’ll build up your strength and ability to do what you want to do.

Everyone has moments when they fell like they’re failures or will never succeed. The trick is to replace negative emotions, thoughts, and actions with positive ones that will help you get where you want to go. Remember that you’re a valuable person who deserves to keep moving forward.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and not give up?



Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem

Self-awareness is linked to increasing self-esteem because, when you understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to perform an accurate assessment of who you really are and take action accordingly.

Here are some self-awareness building ideas to help you increase your self-esteem:

  • Do one thing at a time instead of everything all at once.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Surround yourself with people who support your growth.
  • Celebrate your achievements as you go along.
  • Be true to yourself and do things you love.
  • Don’t let others hold you back.
  • Live your life, not someone else’s.
  • Practice completing tasks.
  • The more you practice the more confident you’ll be.
  • Let people know what you need.
  • Find out who you really are.
  • Share your talents and abilities with the world.
  • Learn how to say no.

The key element in how to increase your self-esteem is living your life with self-awareness. Think and behave consciously and positively and you’ll move in a favorable direction. You may encounter obstacles and challenges but you’ll be building your self-esteem by continuing to take action and believe in yourself.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and increase your self-esteem?



The Self-Awareness Guy