Self and Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Consulting and Being Serious about Change - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Consulting and Being Serious about Change

self-awareness consulting is only effective when you’re serious about change. A lot of people go to a professional thinking that it’s a quick fix or that they have some magic formula that will instantly create success or fulfillment. The only way to live your dream life is to consciously decide to take charge of your thoughts, emotions and behaviors and move in a positive direction. self-awareness consulting can help you become happier and healthier by:

  • Offering a professional, outside perspective.
  • Providing caring support.
  • Helping you clarify your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Building accountability.
  • Monitoring your progress.
  • Cheering you on.
  • Believing in you.
  • Helping you decide what you want to do in life.
  • Getting to know yourself on a deeper level.

For self-awareness consulting to be effective it requires a highly motivated, courageous person who is willing to look at his or her warts and make significant changes. I advise people to only consider self-awareness consulting when they are ready to take on the most difficult challenges in their lives, the stuff they don’t want to look at. Otherwise they’re setting themselves up for failure and disappointment. How serious are you about change?

I love working with creative, kind, open-minded individuals who are serious about finding out who they are, welcoming change and living authentically.



Self-Awareness Helps You Not Give Up - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Not Give Up

Self-awareness helps you not give up because, when you know yourself deep inside and understand why you feel, think, and behave the way you do, you’re better able to believe in yourself and move forward confidently even in the face of obstacles.

As you try to increase your self-awareness you may find that you don’t progress at the speed you want to. Don’t worry, a natural part of creating change in your life is to keep practicing. Even when you feel like giving up, keep doing small things to move your life forward. Over time you’ll build up your strength and ability to do what you want to do.

Everyone has moments when they fell like they’re failures or will never succeed. The trick is to replace negative emotions, thoughts, and actions with positive ones that will help you get where you want to go. Remember that you’re a valuable person who deserves to keep moving forward.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and not give up?



Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem

Self-awareness is linked to increasing self-esteem because, when you understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to perform an accurate assessment of who you really are and take action accordingly.

Here are some self-awareness building ideas to help you increase your self-esteem:

  • Do one thing at a time instead of everything all at once.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Surround yourself with people who support your growth.
  • Celebrate your achievements as you go along.
  • Be true to yourself and do things you love.
  • Don’t let others hold you back.
  • Live your life, not someone else’s.
  • Practice completing tasks.
  • The more you practice the more confident you’ll be.
  • Let people know what you need.
  • Find out who you really are.
  • Share your talents and abilities with the world.
  • Learn how to say no.

The key element in how to increase your self-esteem is living your life with self-awareness. Think and behave consciously and positively and you’ll move in a favorable direction. You may encounter obstacles and challenges but you’ll be building your self-esteem by continuing to take action and believe in yourself.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and increase your self-esteem?



If You're Self-Aware, You Already Have the Answers Inside - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

If You’re Self-Aware, You Already Have the Answers Inside

Deep inside you live the answers to the questions you have about life. Many people who lack self-awareness spend their entire lives ignoring these inner thoughts, but those who listen to them benefit from following a life of great fulfillment. The reason that we have the answers inside of us is that we are born with certain hopes, dreams and talents that are unique to each of us. Nobody else in the world has these talents and only we can provide the subtle variation and specialization of these particular gifts. On the receiving end are people who are ready to connect with us and use our talents because it makes sense to them.

When you look within you for the answer to life’s questions you begin to connect with who you really are, increase your self-awareness, and live a life of less effort and strain. Following the voice inside you allows you to live comfortably because you are following the path that makes sense to you. The next time you are looking for answers from someone else consider the following questions:

  • What does my inner voice say I should do?
  • Does this answer reflect who I really am inside?
  • Am I blocking the true answer in any way?
  • What small step can I take today to follow up on this answer?

Learn to trust your inner voice and you begin the process of validating yourself. We each have the answers to what we need in life inside us. It is our choice whether we listen.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and look for the answers within?



11 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now with Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

11 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now with Self-Awareness

There’s a big difference between letting life happen to you and having he self-awareness to consciously choosing what you think and do. You can live a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life at any time by deciding that you’re going to do it. If you’re not quite sure how to begin, here are ten ways to improve your life starting right now:

  1. Let go of the need to control events and other people.
  2. Think and behave positively.
  3. Love yourself and others unconditionally.
  4. Heal your hurts, especially the ones you don’t want to look at.
  5. Help others without expecting anything in return.
  6. Discover what you really want to do in life and take daily small steps to make it happen.
  7. Experience all your feelings and learn how to guide them in a positive direction.
  8. Spend time doing the things that matter in life; like working on your dreams or hugging your significant other.
  9. Surround yourself with people who appreciate the real you.
  10. Be open to increasing your self-awareness throughout your life.
  11. Be yourself.

Improving your life requires commitment and effort. Try these ideas and, over time, you’ll improve your quality of life because you’ll be more self-aware and thinking and behaving in ways that lead to deeper happiness. Remember that you don’t have to everything at once, start with one item and then move on to the next.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and improve your life?



Self-Awareness and Taking Action - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Taking Action

A major element of self-awareness is understanding what motivates you and actually doing things to create positive movement in your life. I’ve consulted for and trained a lot of people over the years and I’ve noticed that there is often a disconnect between what they say they want to do and what they actually do. People mean well but very often they don’t know how to follow through to reach their goals. The missing ingredient is taking action.

In order to do anything in life it’s important to actually do stuff. If all you do is think about things, you’ll live a great imaginary life but not get a lot done in the physical world. Achievements don’t just appear out of thin air, they require deliberate and conscious effort. You have to actually move from thinking about things in your head to doing things in the outside world.

People who value self-awareness tend to understand the process of working hard each day to get to know themselves better and continue moving in the direction of their dreams. What are your thoughts on taking action?



Self-Awareness and the Five Steps to Success - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and the Five Steps to Success

Many people I consult with, and who lack self-awareness, ask me if there is a secret to success. There really isn’t a secret, it just requires purposeful action, which means that we are fully conscious and have thought about every action that we take. We don’t leave things to chance except when appropriate and we consciously do things to improve our self-awareness and keep working on the issues in our lives that require attention.

Think of success in terms of practical things you can do to move in whatever direction you want. The following steps will help you achieve what you want in life but there is one caveat: you have to take action.

  1. Define what success means to you.
  2. Break your definition into parts and give each one a clear name. These become your goals.
  3. Select one goal you want to work on.
  4. Brainstorm different tasks that will help you achieve your goal.
  5. Pick one task and follow it through to completion.

Use these five steps to keep progressing. Success is based on continuous movement and action. With each action you complete, you become stronger and more successful. Don’t worry too much about what goal you choose or what action to take, it is the act of doing things that creates the change in your life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be successful?



The Self-Awareness Guy