Self and Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness

People often ask me how to develop self-awareness. Here are some ideas on how to do it.

Heal Your Hurts

Self-awareness means getting to know and understand yourself, which starts with looking deep inside to see what makes you feel, think, and behave the way you do. One of the main reasons people practice negative behaviors is that they are functioning from their inner hurts, the unresolved issues that lead to less-than-desirable outcomes.

Take the time to heal the hurts from your past, it will allow you to be a mentally healthier person who is able to live life positively. You’ll feel better inside which will lead to much more favorable emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The way you do it is to go to a professional therapist, someone trained to help you heal the challenging issues from your past.

Look Inside

You can’t be self-aware without looking inside. Make the effort to look deep within to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Be honest and candid with yourself, work on improving the things that you need some help with and celebrate the positive things about yourself.

Looking inside doesn’t mean beating yourself up, it’s just the process of being aware of the areas you need to fine tune and improve. The idea is to be aware of how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect you and others.

How to Develop Self-Awareness

So, you’ve worked on healing your hurts and continually looking inside to improve yourself. Now what? Self-awareness is an ongoing process, you don’t just do it in a one-day workshop or after one try, it takes continuous practice and effort to master. Each day is an opportunity to develop your self-awareness by working on improving the things that don’t yield positive results in your life.

The idea of self-awareness is to always be working on becoming the best version of yourself, a person who is comfortable with herself and feels, thinks, and does positive things. You don’t have to be perfect, all you have to do is always be working on being comfortable with who you are and making sure others also feel the same way around you.

There’s no big mystery to self-awareness, it just means working on yourself so you become a high-functioning, happy person who treats herself and others well. What will you do today to develop your self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Prioritizing - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Prioritizing

When you’re working on developing self-awareness it’s important to prioritize. You get to decide what’s most important to you and what actions you want to take. You have a lot of power to move your life in any direction you want by choosing to work on things that will create positive results. Spend less time on minor details and focus on what really matters and you’ll be on your way to success. For example: Would you rather heal one of your inner hurts so you can be genuinely happier or do something superficial that just puts a band-aid on everything?

Prioritizing means that you get to choose what you work on and when. A big part of self-awareness is knowing yourself well enough that you can tell the difference between meaningful and superficial work. I always recommend that people work on the deeper things in life, the ones that will bring them meaning and fulfillment rather than just getting by or pretending things are okay. What will you decide to do today?



4 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem through Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

4 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem through Self-Awareness

Building your self-awareness leads to higher self-esteem because, when you know yourself well and are able to positively manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’ll feel much better about yourself and live a happier life.

Have you ever met someone who seems to have strong self-esteem but who does things to sabotage himself or herself? We all do things that keep us from succeeding and we do it at an unconscious level. Oftentimes, the messages we learned early in life keep holding us back and telling us that we can’t achieve what we want in the workplace. The good news is that you can change those inner messages by following some practical steps.

1. Identify the message. Ask yourself, “Where did this message begin.”

2. Ask yourself if the message is true. For example, do you really not deserve to succeed?

3. Think of the opposite of the message and do that instead. Make it a positive message that gets you where you want to go.

4. Every time a negative, limiting message comes into your head repeat these steps until it is gone.

As your self-awareness increases, so will your self-esteem, but it requires concerted effort. It will take you some time to become an expert at changing your inner messages but you will do it if you stick with it over time. Plan on spending at least 30 days practicing the new behavior and then check in with yourself to see how you’re doing. You’ll be happy with the results because you’ll be moving in a positive direction. If you’re not, it’s likely you have another message to work on. What will you do to start building your self-esteem?



Self-Awareness and Retirement - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Retirement

Retirement can be both an exciting and challenging time in life but you can retire with self-awareness and foresight. The key to living the next faze of your life meaningfully is to ask yourself questions like:

  • Will I continue working?
  • What is my passion in life and am I pursuing it?
  • What unresolved issues do I need to fix in my life?
  • How is my relationship with those I love?
  • What are my skills and talents?
  • What will I do with the rest of my life.
  • What brings me great joy and am I doing that?

Take a moment to think about who you really are as a person and what you want to purposefully do with your life. When I coach people, I help them clarify what they want out of life and plan for the future. I’m always amazed at the wonderful things that people can do when they follow their dreams.

As you think about retirement, try to include things you love and that have great meaning to you. Retirement can be a wonderful time to show the world who you are and leave your mark as the great person you are.



Self-Awareness Can Help You Find Inspiration in Life - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Can Help You Find Inspiration in Life

Developing your self-awareness can help you find inspiration in life. The more aware you are of how your emotions, thoughts, and actions affect you, the more open to inspiration you’ll be because you won’t have unresolved issues blocking your path.

People have told me over the years that they feel most inspired when they are doing the things that really move them in their hearts. Have you ever had the experience of doing something you really love and suddenly hours have passed and you didn’t even realize it? This is what being inspired is about.

Being inspired is living the life we are supposed to. If you love to dance, dance. If you love sports, play sports. If you love writing, write. It’s all about finding that thing that calls to you and incorporating it into your life. It doesn’t matter if you don’t become famous, it just matters that you are doing that which you love.

When you live a life that includes the things that really inspire you, you begin a fascinating process where your life moves in the direction of your inspiration. People start to recognize you for who you are and your gift touches them because they can tell it means something to you.

Try devoting some time in your life to your inspiration. You’ll feel more grounded and balanced when you build your self-awareness and ursue what you love.



Develop Your Self-Awareness and Stop Focusing on Others - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Develop Your Self-Awareness and Stop Focusing on Others

When you develop your self-awareness, you can stop focusing on others, which will allow you to pursue your own dreams. Imagine what your life would look like if you loved yourself and didn’t worry about what others are doing.

A lot of people spend extraordinary amounts of time focusing on what others are doing rather than taking care of themselves. A big part of developing self-awareness is looking at yourself and what you need to do to make sure you’re the best you possible.

Take the time to learn how to manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Move them in a positive direction that will help you learn and grow. All you have to focus on yourself instead of others.

The more self-aware you become, the more you’ll be able to love yourself and do things that are deeply meaningful. You’ll be happier and worry less about what others are doing. The idea in life is to take care of yourself first so you can be in a position to help yourself. Once you’re happy and mentally healthy, you’ll spread good vibes throughout the universe, but it all starts with you feeling great about yourself.

What will you do to build your self-awareness and focus on yourself?



People Who Lack Self-Awareness Crave Power and Control - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

People Who Lack Self-Awareness Crave Power and Control

There is an emptiness to power and control that many people in positions of affluence and influence experience when they increase their self-awareness and realize it doesn’t matter how much they dominate others when they themselves don’t feel balanced and happy inside.

A lot of people seek power and control even though it doesn’t provide them with deep, abiding fulfillment. Sure, it can produce temporary, superficial gratification, but that doesn’t feed the need for meaning. The only way to be truly happy in life is to have inner power and control by healing one’s hurts and being as healthy as possible toward oneself and others.

A lot of people think having power and control means subjugating or dominating others; qualities that are dramatically different from inner peace and balance. The key to living a genuinely happy life is to be so self-aware that it radiates outward and helps others grow and succeed. What will you do improve your self-awareness instead of craving power and control?



The Self-Awareness Guy