Self and Self-Awareness

Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person

The key to self-awareness is to understand how your thoughts, emotions and behaviors affect you and others so that you can live a deeply meaningful, fulfilling life without the junk that gets in the way of being effective, balanced or happy. Here are some of the characteristics of a self-aware person:

  • You’re willing to look at yourself honestly.
  • You let go of what doesn’t work.
  • You celebrate the things you do well.
  • You understand how your behaviors affect others.
  • You work on being as healthy as possible.
  • You work on living a life of balance instead of extremes.
  • You say you’re happy only when you really are.
  • You continue taking steps to understand yourself.
  • You allow yourself to be vulnerable.
  • You keep learning about yourself.
  • You work toward achieving enlightenment.
  • You’re comfortable with being touchy-feely.
  • You work on resolving the psychological issues that hold you back.
  • You feel your emotions.
  • You live your life authentically.
  • You take steps every day to make your dreams come true.

Imagine if you did things like these and how your life would be impacted. Remember that you don’t have to do everything at once, pick one thing you’d like to work on and practice it until it becomes second nature, then move on to the next. Over time, you’ll become a more self-aware person.



Self-Awareness and Inner Peace - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Inner Peace

When you possess a high level of self-awareness you also experience inner peace because, when you know yourself well, you let go of a lot of the noise that gets in the way of feeling great about yourself and living the life you want to. Here are some ways self-awareness leads to inner peace:

  • You actively work on healing your hurts so you can feel better about yourself.
  • You look deep inside and discover who you really are and then live your life accordingly.
  • You become familiar with the things you do well and the things you need to improve so you can be a more effective person.
  • You let go of superficial concerns and focus on the things that really matter.
  • You attract healthier relationships because you’re healthier.
  • Each day become an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • You feel a sense of calm inside because you are more in tune with who you are.
  • You do kind things for yourself and others.
  • You make the world a better place for yourself and others.
  • Your life is more fulfilling and joyful.

A lot of people never achieve inner peace because they forget to look within. Self-awareness allow you to intimately understand who you are and live life as the real you. When you wake up each day able to enjoy being yourself, your whole existence changes.



Self-Awareness and Envisioning Your Future - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Envisioning Your Future

A lot of people stumble along their self-awareness journey because they forget to visualize what they want to achieve. The key to successful personal development is to be able to envision yourself as being the person you want to be. Take some time to picture what your goal is; what it feels like; what you see; what’s happening around you. Let go of negative thoughts that tell you can’t do it or other noise that only gets in the way. Picture success and you’ll head in that direction.

You might find it helpful to consider the following ideas to help you build your self-awareness and vision:

  • Look deep inside yourself and identify what you really want to do in life.
  • Pick one thing to start working on.
  • Do one small thing each day to work toward your goal.
  • Keep doing small things until you feel like you’ve reached your goal.
  • When you reach your goal, evaluate what you did well and what you would improve.
  • Start the process over again.

Picturing your future doesn’t require some magic insight, all you have to do is take action each day to move in the direction of your dreams. Remember that it’s the act of continuously doing small things that will get you where you want to be. Along the way you’ll learn and grow and become more self-aware.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and envision your future?



Self-Awareness and the Key to Achievement - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and the Key to Achievement

When I help people figure out what they want out of life a common theme arises time after time: that every movement in our lives starts with us. This seems like a basic concept but it can have profound implications. We can choose to build self-awareness and move in a different direction at any time, but we have to start. Here are some steps you may try to get going:

1. Think of something you want to achieve in your life.
2. Think of one thing you can do today to achieve your goal.
3. Take action and do it.
4. Praise yourself for actions you complete.
5. Ask yourself, “What did I learn about myself?”
6. Repeat.

People just like you create amazing change in their lives by being self-aware and taking action. It’s incredible how much control we have over our lives if we consciously do things to change it. All it takes is deciding that we are going to do something and then following through.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and achieve what you want in life?



10 Signs You Lack Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

10 Signs You Lack Self-Awareness

Here are ten signs you lack self-awareness:

  • You always feel off-balance.
  • You can’t seem to control your emotions: You’re angry, or sad, or scared a lot of the time.
  • You do things to not feel your emotions.
  • You have unresolved issues in your life that affect you and others adversely.
  • You feel like you’re living life as someone else.
  • You don’t know who you really are deep inside.
  • There is a lot of conflict in your life, within yourself and with others.
  • You feel like you’re not following your true path in life.
  • You’re unhappy with how your life is going.
  • You listen to others instead of listening to your inner voice.

If you recognize yourself in any of these items then you have a great opportunity to take an honest look at yourself and start working on being the best version of you possible. Self-awareness isn’t something that happens automatically, you have to identify the areas in your life that require some attention and work on them so you become a healthier more well-rounded person.



Self-Awareness and the Secret to Success in Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and the Secret to Success in Life

The secret to success is that there’s no big mystery to it, all you have to do is increase your self-awareness and do three basic things: follow your dreams, have a plan, and take action. These are the hidden secrets that influence the people who are self-aware and lead happy and fulfilled lives. As you actively work on these vital steps you will find yourself unraveling the mysteries of your own success.

1. The first secret is following your dreams. At the very core of every person who reaches unlimited success is a powerful connection with his or her dreams. We can spend a lot of time making huge sums of money or acquiring influence and status but it can leave us empty at the end of the day. The one thing that makes people feel consistently successful is the ability to do what they want in life, something that speaks to them on a very deep level. When you begin pursuing your most personal desires you start the process of validating yourself. This relationship is far more important than the accumulation of wealth and status. It relates to your natural talents and the amazing abilities you were born with. When you are functioning from your innermost dreams you are connecting with something bigger than any obstacle you could ever encounter. You suddenly open up the doors of opportunity because you are moving in the direction you were put on this earth to follow. Suddenly people will recognize you for your gifts and talents rather than based on the stuff you merely do to get by.

2. The second secret is taking action. Every single endeavor in human history required that someone take some kind of action. Nothing ever happens on purpose unless someone actually does something. While this may seem like a simple concept, millions upon millions of people wake up every morning and do nothing to advance their goals and dreams in any sort of organized manner. They get up and work hard and dream a lot about how things might be but they never take that first deliberate step toward their dreams. It may sound basic, but all it takes to move in any direction you want is your commitment to actually do something instead of just thinking about it. You unlock an amazing amount of power when you move from simply thinking or hoping something will happen to taking action in some way. Taking action means doing something that proves you are moving toward your objectives.

3. The third secret is having a plan. We all need a way to keep our momentum going when we are pursuing our dreams. There is a certain power to writing things down and committing to follow them that is absent when the ideas are simply bouncing around in our head. A coherent plan helps us keep moving and increases the likelihood that we will reach our goals. Make sure you create a document that is brief, clear and to the point. Keep things simple and remember to only include a manageable amount of tasks. Also keep in mind that you don’t have to do everything at once, one specific task at a time is enough. Design your plan so that you fully complete one part of it before moving on to the next. Take time to celebrate when you finish one part and then proceed confidently to the next. When you have a coach for what you are going to do the world suddenly becomes less scary because you have an actual series of steps you can follow.

The powerful secret of success is that you can be successful if you have the self-awareness to follow your dreams, formulate a plan, and take action. When you follow these basic steps you open up the door to opportunities you never knew existed and weren’t available to you until you decided to start the process. Achieving your dreams requires conscious thought, deliberate action and consistent practice. The secret is that you get to decide when you start courageously moving toward success.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be successful in a way that is meaningful to you?



Self-Awareness and Living Your Dream Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Living Your Dream Life

Did you know you can start living your dream life today? You don’t have to settle for whatever comes your way when you choose to use self-awareness to look deep inside yourself and identify what your passion is in life. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to start making your dreams come true:

  • What are my innate talents and abilities?
  • What is one thing that brings me great joy in life and reflects who I am deep inside?
  • What is the thing I love doing so much that time flies by?
  • If I could choose any one thing to do in life, what would it be?
  • What ideas do I have to incorporate more of this thing into my life?
  • What single action am I willing to take today to move in the direction of my dreams?

Think about questions like these to clarify what you really want to do and how you’ll start the process. Living your dream life means building self-awareness about who you are and what path you want to take. Once you understand yourself well you’ll be able to incorporate more and more of what you love into your life.

There will be pitfalls along the way and it will take time and effort to create your dream situation but, if  you’re willing to keep looking at yourself and taking small steps, you’ll live much more authentically. Remember that you don’t have to make everything happen at once, just keep moving forward consciously.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and start living your dream life?



The Self-Awareness Guy