Self and Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and How to Be Successful in Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and How to Be Successful in Life

How to be successful in life? Practice self-awareness by deciding what you genuinely want to do deep down inside and then start taking action. Here are five steps you can take to create success in your life:

1. Think of what you want to happen.

2. Think of three things you can do to achieve that goal.

3. Pick one thing to take action on and start doing it today.

4. Check in with yourself to see how you’re progressing.

5. When you’ve finished one goal, move on to the next.

The purposeful act of choosing to do something and then following through literally builds self-awareness and trains your mind to take on challenges. When you achieve any goal it opens up great possibilities because you begin to understand that you really can impact your work life in significant ways.

Any shift in your work life begins with a conscious desire to accomplish something. The key to success is going from the abstract thought phase to actually taking action and doing something. Try these steps today on any goal you want to achieve and follow through until you generate results. Along the way you will be learning, growing, and increasing your chances of success.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be successful in life?



Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth

Are you someone who values self-awareness and is searching for truth? Do you seek answers to your questions? Do you want to find meaning and purpose in your life? Well, you’ve come to the right place or, better yet, you’ve always been at the right place.

A lot of people who lack self-awareness think the truth comes from some outside entity, person, or group but it really lives inside you. Right at this moment you possess within you all the answers you will ever need, all you need to do is learn how to listen to your inner voice. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to find your truth:

  • What would I do with my life if I didn’t have to think about money?
  • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment in life?
  • Who am I deep down inside?
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • In what ways do I treat myself well?
  • What do I do to love myself?
  • What actions am I taking each day to get to know myself?
  • What am I doing to follow my bliss?
  • What do I do each day to discover who I really am deep down inside?
  • What am I doing to heal my hurts each day?

Ask yourself questions like these to increase your self-awareness and discover your own truth. The secret to life is that you get to define who you are and what makes you happy. Get to know yourself well, listen to your inner voice, and you’ll find your true path in life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and discover your own truth?



25 Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

25 Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person

Here are twenty-five characteristics of a self-aware person:

  1. You’re able to look inside yourself.
  2. You understand how your thoughts and behaviors affect you and the people around you.
  3. You’re able to manage your emotions and comfortably deal with other people’s emotions.
  4. You don’t walk through life hurting others.
  5. You treat yourself and others well.
  6. You’re generally happy and balanced.
  7. You live a meaningful and fulfilling life.
  8. You know who you are deep inside.
  9. You follow your dreams.
  10. You listen to your inner voice.
  11. You build healthy relationships.
  12. You don’t get into a lot of conflicts.
  13. You don’t try to control other people.
  14. You behave with kindness and empathy.
  15. You don’t feel you have to win or beat people.
  16. You heal your inner damage.
  17. You derive your self-esteem from being a healthy person.
  18. You listen to other people.
  19. You don’t feel threatened by new or different ideas.
  20. You live based on reality.
  21. You give to others.
  22. You don’t have an inflated ego.
  23. You don’t make excuses for the mistakes you make.
  24. You’re willing to change.
  25. You’re a nice person.

Being self-aware means that you’ve done the work necessary to understand who you really are and fix the things that cause you or others discomfort. When you possess self-awareness, you’re in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and actions, so that you can live a life where you treat yourself and others with care and compassion and help build a better world.



Self-Awareness and Treating People with Kindness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Treating People with Kindness

Self-awareness leads to treating people with kindness because, when you understand your and others’ emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to be more empathic and caring and act in ways that make everyone feel great.

As you work on your self-awareness you’ll be faced with choices on how to behave toward other people. Always remember that the way you treat others is a reflection on how you feel about yourself. Take conscious action to treat people with kindness and you’ll create positive momentum in your own life.

Being kind doesn’t only help other people, it makes you feel great because you spread good vibes in the universe. Each time you think, say, or do something good, you create positive ripples that have a way of making the world a better place.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and treat people with kindness?



Self-Aware People Don't Crave External Validation - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware People Don’t Crave External Validation

Self-aware people don’t crave external validation because they are happy with themselves and understand their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. They are comfortable with who they are and forge their own path in life.

Many individuals lack self-awareness and spend their lives doing what other people say. The only person who really matters is you and it’s important that you listen to what your inner voice is telling you. That doesn’t mean that you need to ignore wise people, just that it’s positive to think independently and trust yourself.

If you feel yourself craving validation, try doing something different than you normally would, like:

  • Increasing your self-awareness by evaluating your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Working on healing the hurts from your past.
  • Doing some positive thing you love doing and that moves you in a beneficial direction.
  • Taking a walk.
  • Doing something creative.
  • Creating a list of wonderful things about you and adding to it each day for thirty days.

The trick to moving past needing outside validation is to learn how to love yourself by knowing who you are and what brings you joy in life. All it takes to get there is doing small things each day that will eventually transform your life. What will you do to develop self-awareness and stop craving external validation?



Self-Awareness and Where Your Thoughts Lead You - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Where Your Thoughts Lead You

It’s amazing what happens when you build self-awareness and think in ways that lead to positive results. If you focus only on negative thoughts and what you can’t do, your life tends to follow a predictable pattern. It moves very differently if you think in brand new ways. Try the following steps to help you achieve what is meaningful to you:

1. Think of a goal you would like to achieve.

2. Think of the reasons why you can’t achieve that goal.

3. Think of dumping those negative reasons in a trash can.

4. Develop new, positive, ways you can achieve the goal.

5. Picture what your life would look like if you pursued these positive paths.

6. Start working on your goal.

You will find that your thoughts are a powerful predictor for how you will do in life. You get results based on your self-awareness and what you think you can achieve. Try this exercise each time you feel like you can’t do something and begin moving in new and exciting directions.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and think in ways that help you live a great life?



People Who Lack Self-Awareness Get Stuck in Patterns - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

People Who Lack Self-Awareness Get Stuck in Patterns

It’s really normal for people who lack self-awareness to get stuck in a pattern, even if it’s negative. They become accustomed to the pattern to the point where it becomes normal. They take it for granted and just live with it.

For many people the key to getting unstuck is to build self-awareness and do something differently. For example: If you’ve had a certain kind of results in a relationship, doing something different has the inevitable result of changing the situation. But there is one caveat, you have to do it consistently over time until the new behavior takes root.

Try taking some part of your life and consciously doing something differently. Do it over time until it becomes your new “normal.” Lather, rinse and repeat. This approach can be applied to any number of issues. Keep it simple and do one at a time, you’ll eventually see the results.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and avoid getting stuck in a negative pattern?



The Self-Awareness Guy