
Self-Awareness and Being Kind to Yourself - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Being Kind to Yourself

People are frequently quite hard on themselves and are constantly concerned about how well they are doing things. The key in life is to develop your self-awareness so you can truly understand your strengths and areas for improvement instead of just berating yourself over everything. Try this three-step process every day to start being kind with yourself.

1. Praise yourself for something you did today.
2. Do something positive that you enjoy.
3. Repeat every day.

Getting in the habit of doing these simple things can feel different at first but, over time, it leads to us doing things that make us feel good. It’s great when we can rely on ourselves rather than others to make us feel good. As you build your self-awareness you will begin to understand how to channel your emotions, thoughts, and behavior in a positive direction.

Next time you feel completely stressed out and about to explode, take a moment and try these steps instead of being hard on yourself. You are an amazing human being who deserves caring and affection. What will you do to be more self-aware and kind to yourself?



Self-Awareness Means Looking at the Difficult Things in Life - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Means Looking at the Difficult Things in Life

A lot of times self-awareness is about looking at the difficult things in your life. These are the areas that perhaps you don’t want to bring up or examine. The challenge is to find a way to deal with the difficult issues in your life so you can move past them and live without their influence. It’s like finally healing a wound that’s been hurting for a long time.

The vast majority of people live their entire lives without resolving the pain from their past. This limits their ability to grow and succeed. Think of how amazing your life would be if you became self-aware to the point that you genuinely loved yourself and were able to live as the real you. Too many people get stuck living a life that they settle for instead of doing the hard work necessary to live a conscious, fulfilling life. Self-awareness requires effort but it allows you to let go of all the junk that holds you back.

If you’re afraid of looking at the difficult things in life, that’s normal. The choice you have is whether you decide to move past those things or you let them dictate what you should do. Self-aware people choose to deal with the challenges so they can live wonderfully healthy and expansive lives.



Self-Awareness and Your Quality of Life - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Your Quality of Life

Your level of self-awareness greatly affects your quality of life. The more you’re in touch with why you think, feel and do the things you do, the more consciously and happily you can live. Consider these two examples of people with different perspectives:

  1. Person A goes through life appearing to be confident, is outwardly successful, seems to have everything anyone would dream of having but is deeply insecure and realizes it’s all a mirage.
  2. Person B lives life with confidence, sometimes has doubts and shows vulnerability, but when he (or she) looks in the mirror, he knows he’s looking at a real person who is living authentically.

The difference between these two examples is that one person has to pretend to be someone else. Genuine fulfillment and happiness arise from looking at your strengths and areas for improvement and continuously working on being the real you inside and outside. What will you do to live a quality life?



Self-Awareness and the Secret to Effective Communication - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and the Secret to Effective Communication

People often ask me what’s the secret to effective communication.  There really are no hidden mysteries, it just requires having the self-awareness to communicate with people in a way that makes things easier for everyone in the workplace. Try these ideas and you’ll be on your way to communicating more effectively and getting more done with less effort.

  1. Build up your self-awareness so you understand how your emotions, thoughts, and communication style affects you and others.
  2. Think before you talk.
  3. Speak calmly or don’t speak at all.
  4. Listen more than you talk.
  5. Try not to react to what the other person is saying.
  6. Ask open-ended questions.

How many of these concepts do you practice on a regular basis?  Once you master these skills you’ll be on your way to enjoying communicating with others.  Effective communication is achievable, you just have to be conscious of what you’re doing to make it happen. What will you do to increase your self-awareness and communicate effectively?



How to Develop Self-Awareness: A 10-Step Plan - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness: A 10-Step Plan

Here is a ten-step plan on how to develop self-awareness:

  1. Decide that you’re willing to look deep inside yourself. Don’t start this process if you’re not committed to being fully honest and working hard on developing self-awareness.
  2. Make a list of all the great things about you.
  3. Make a list of the things you feel, think, or do that are detrimental to your well-being.
  4. Make a list of all the things you’d like to improve.
  5. Pick one item from your list of things you’d like to improve and decide on one action you’re willing to take to work on it.
  6. Take action and then evaluate what benefit it had on the thing you’d like to improve. If it worked, move on to the next thing you’d like to improve; if it didn’t, choose another action.
  7. Once you have found the appropriate action to resolve the issue, start the process again. It’s important to do this because your lists will change whenever you change in some way.
  8. Keep working continuously, one item at a time. Don’t overload yourself by trying to do several things at once. Choose one thing and work on it deliberately.
  9. Whenever you resolve an issue in your life, celebrate and praise yourself for the great work you’ve done.
  10. Continue to identify and resolve issues throughout your life.

Developing self-awareness doesn’t happen overnight, it requires sustained attention and effort over time. Try this ten-step process and, as you do it, you’ll be gaining insights into yourself and living a healthier, more balanced life.



Developing Self-Awareness to Get Rid of Fear Instilled by Parents - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Developing Self-Awareness to Get Rid of Fear Instilled by Parents

As you build self-awareness you’ll find it easier to leave behind some of the negative beliefs your parents may have instilled in you. Many well-meaning parents project their fears onto their children by offering “helpful” guidance and suggestions about what they should do with their lives. This leads to many kids growing up doubting themselves and following career paths that make them miserable.

Parents want their children to succeed and not get hurt but these caring instincts often stifle creativity, squash dreams, and force people to live inauthentic lives. Thankfully, you can pursue your bliss regardless of what your parents say now or have said in the past.

It isn’t just parents who limit our horizons, it’s other caring people like teachers or good friends, all of whom project their own fears onto us and make us second-guess whether we can pursue our dreams. The irony is that it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, you get to follow your dreams if you so desire.

The key to living with self-awareness and enjoying a fulfilling, meaningful life is to kindly thank people for their advice and then do what you really want to do deep inside. Chart your own course and live as you wish.

What will you do to increase your self-awareness and move past the fear instilled in you by your parents?



How to Develop Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness

People often ask me how to develop self-awareness. Here are some ideas on how to do it.

Heal Your Hurts

Self-awareness means getting to know and understand yourself, which starts with looking deep inside to see what makes you feel, think, and behave the way you do. One of the main reasons people practice negative behaviors is that they are functioning from their inner hurts, the unresolved issues that lead to less-than-desirable outcomes.

Take the time to heal the hurts from your past, it will allow you to be a mentally healthier person who is able to live life positively. You’ll feel better inside which will lead to much more favorable emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The way you do it is to go to a professional therapist, someone trained to help you heal the challenging issues from your past.

Look Inside

You can’t be self-aware without looking inside. Make the effort to look deep within to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Be honest and candid with yourself, work on improving the things that you need some help with and celebrate the positive things about yourself.

Looking inside doesn’t mean beating yourself up, it’s just the process of being aware of the areas you need to fine tune and improve. The idea is to be aware of how your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors affect you and others.

How to Develop Self-Awareness

So, you’ve worked on healing your hurts and continually looking inside to improve yourself. Now what? Self-awareness is an ongoing process, you don’t just do it in a one-day workshop or after one try, it takes continuous practice and effort to master. Each day is an opportunity to develop your self-awareness by working on improving the things that don’t yield positive results in your life.

The idea of self-awareness is to always be working on becoming the best version of yourself, a person who is comfortable with herself and feels, thinks, and does positive things. You don’t have to be perfect, all you have to do is always be working on being comfortable with who you are and making sure others also feel the same way around you.

There’s no big mystery to self-awareness, it just means working on yourself so you become a high-functioning, happy person who treats herself and others well. What will you do today to develop your self-awareness?



The Self-Awareness Guy