
Self-Aware People Ask for Help - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Ask for Help

When I help people figure out what they want out of life they often ask me why some people achieve their goals and some don’t. The answer is that successful people have the self-awareness to ask for outside help so that they can learn new ways of doing things that break the patterns they’ve established. As a self-awareness consultant, I am familiar with people’s power to change their lives dramatically with the help of someone supportive helping them reach their goals.

It’s great to have friends and family but there is an additional valuable place for having someone helping us who does not know us. It introduces an objectivity and clarity we can’t get from people who know us. Some people look for help from a therapist, for others a consultant is a great option, for others a class or group of some kind helps them acquire new insight. The people who most succeed at changing things in their lives are those who actively build self-awareness and seek outside support that opens their minds to new possibilities.

An outside, supportive person can help us see things from a more neutral point of view and can identify things that people who know us don’t see. If we are stuck in the same rut it’s often refreshing to just have a neutral, outside perspective that gives us clear feedback. Try it sometime: think of something you want to work on in your life and then reach out to an outside helper who can help you get where you want to go. The only thing you have to lose are the negative things you endure now.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and ask for help?



Self-Awareness and Going Deeper - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Going Deeper

Having self-awareness means that you understand what makes you tick and you’re willing to work on improving yourself. A lot of people spend their entire lives avoiding going deeper into what makes them think and behave the way they do. The irony is that you can’t live a truly authentic and fulfilling life unless you deal with the difficult issues inside you. In general, the more you want to avoid something the more attention it merits.

If you chronically avoid thorny issues you do yourself a disservice because you never get past them, which means you function day to day as if you were carrying a heavy piece of luggage or baggage. The key to living a great life is to heal your hurts. It may be unpleasant at first, but when you work past them you’ll experience life at its most satisfying.

The great thing about possessing self-awareness is that you’re able to look at all the things that make you the person you are, warts and all, and are open to fearlessly examining your innermost self. The more you know yourself, the happier you’ll be.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and go deeper?



Self-Awareness Helps You Celebrate Yourself - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Celebrate Yourself

A big part of self-awareness is being able to celebrate yourself. Treating yourself well is as much a habit as a state of mind. It’s a good idea to cut yourself some slack and celebrate the things you do well. We spend so much time beating ourselves up that we forget that we possess wonderful skills and abilities. Ask yourself the following questions to begin thinking about how great you are.

1. What do I do well?
2. What do I love to do?
3. What thing do I do that truly makes me happy?
4. What can I do to reward myself today in a positive way?
5. What am I an expert on?
6. What can I do today to take care of myself?

Practice one of these ideas each day and teach yourself how to live a life of self-awareness and positive self-reinforcement rather than negativity. Learn to be your own best supporter, a person who recognizes the amazing things about you. Don’t be afraid of doing something silly like saying affirmations to yourself out loud. You have a unique power to be your own best supporter. It just takes a little practice and perseverance.

Keep doing it and, over time, you will shift your way of thinking to one that celebrates the things that make you special. What will you do to develop self-awareness and celebrate yourself?



The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness

When you lack self-awareness you’re more likely to live in a confusing, contradictory, uncertain world where things don’t make sense and beauty is less prevalent. Countless people live this way and pretend it’s normal rather than seeking a more fulfilling, balanced existence. You can choose to move toward inner and outer beauty or away from it, as in the following examples.

If you don’t possess self-awareness you:

  • Lack self-knowledge.
  • Live an inauthentic life.
  • Experience a lot of cognitive dissonance.
  • Have various parts of your mind not talking to each other.
  • Live unconsciously, reacting to your environment.
  • Are not in touch with your feelings.
  • Are superficially happy.
  • Miss much of the beauty in the world around you and inside you.

If you possess a high level of self-awareness you:

  • Understand yourself in a healthy way.
  • Live life based on your innate talents, passions and interests.
  • Think and behave in consistently positive ways.
  • Have the various parts of your mind in sync.
  • Live consciously, deliberately and mindfully.
  • Are in touch with your feelings.
  • Are deeply happy due to living meaningfully.
  • Live a life of inner and outer beauty.

Each day you have the ability to choose where your thoughts and actions will take you. Beauty is all around you as well as inside you, it’s up to you whether you access it. What will you do to celebrate the beauty in your life?



Self-Awareness and Your True Path - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Your True Path

As you increase your self-awareness you’ll naturally follow your true path in life rather than:

  • Pretending you love doing something you don’t.
  • Justifying doing things you really don’t find meaningful.
  • Doing things solely for money.
  • Doing something because you sort of like it.
  • Doing something because you can.
  • Following other people’s visions.

The more deeply you know and understand yourself, the more you’ll:

  • Do things you genuinely love.
  • Do what you really want to do and find meaningful.
  • Worry less about money and more about fulfillment.
  • Do things because you’re passionate about them.
  • Do things because they’re your calling.
  • Follow your own inner compass.

The key to living an authentic and fulfilling life is to be the real you rather than pretending to be someone else. Take the time to discover who you are and let your authentic self guide your thoughts, feelings and actions. What will you do to follow your true path?



self-awareness consulting

Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth

Are you someone who values self-awareness and is searching for truth? Do you seek answers to your questions? Do you want to find meaning and purpose in your life? Well, you’ve come to the right place or, better yet, you’ve always been at the right place.

A lot of people who lack self-awareness think the truth comes from some outside entity, person, or group but it really lives inside you. Right at this moment you possess within you all the answers you will ever need, all you need to do is learn how to listen to your inner voice. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to find your truth:

  • What would I do with my life if I didn’t have to think about money?
  • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment in life?
  • Who am I deep down inside?
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • In what ways do I treat myself well?
  • What do I do to love myself?
  • What actions am I taking each day to get to know myself?
  • What am I doing to follow my bliss?
  • What do I do each day to discover who I really am deep down inside?
  • What am I doing to heal my hurts each day?

Ask yourself questions like these to increase your self-awareness and discover your own truth. The secret to life is that you get to define who you are and what makes you happy. Get to know yourself well, listen to your inner voice, and you’ll find your true path in life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and discover your own truth?



Self-Awareness and Treating People with Kindness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Treating People with Kindness

Self-awareness leads to treating people with kindness because, when you understand your and others’ emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to be more empathic and caring and act in ways that make everyone feel great.

As you work on your self-awareness you’ll be faced with choices on how to behave toward other people. Always remember that the way you treat others is a reflection on how you feel about yourself. Take conscious action to treat people with kindness and you’ll create positive momentum in your own life.

Being kind doesn’t only help other people, it makes you feel great because you spread good vibes in the universe. Each time you think, say, or do something good, you create positive ripples that have a way of making the world a better place.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and treat people with kindness?



The Self-Awareness Guy