
7 Benefits of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

7 Benefits of Self-Awareness

The more self-awareness you possess, the more positive your life can be. Here are seven benefits of self-awareness:

  • Greater ability to manage your thinking and behavior.
  • Getting to know yourself more fully.
  • Dealing with your personal issues at a deeper level.
  • Becoming healthier and happier inside.
  • Understanding who you really are as a person.
  • Living your life authentically.
  • Treating yourself and others well.

It takes deliberate time and effort to build self-awareness but, the more you get to know yourself, the more in-tune you’ll be with who you really are and what brings you happiness in life. What would you add to this list?


Self-Awareness and Fear - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Fear

Many people live in fear rather than actively working on increasing their self-awareness so they can live more courageously and happily. When you know yourself deep inside you have the power to resolve the issues that scare you rather than repeating them unconsciously. Here are some of the signs of living in fear:

  • Afraid of new experiences.
  • Fear of people who are perceived as different.
  • Resistance to new ideas or change.
  • Strict adherence to routines.
  • Mistrust of anyone not in one’s inner circle.
  • Constant feeling of lack of safety.
  • Uncomfortable with uncertainty.
  • Lashing out toward people and things perceived as threats.
  • Reluctance to acknowledge or heal inner hurts.

People don’t do these things because they feel happy and balanced inside, they perpetuate them because they don’t know what else to do. Thankfully, there are ways to alleviate fear and they all start with the person’s willingness to change direction. Eliminating fear is a gradual process where the person in question deliberately decides to move in a positive direction and replace the old thoughts, feelings and actions with new ones that aren’t based on anxiety or alarm. What will you do to not live in fear?



self-awareness consulting

Self-Awareness Is about You - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Is about You

It’s hard to experience self-awareness if you decide you don’t want to work on it. You have a lot of power to decide what you’re willing to do. You can move forward confidently or you can put up obstacles. The only person who chooses whether you grow and succeed is you.

Take some time to think of the areas in your life you’d like to improve and what would make you feel happy and balanced. Then it’s up to you to determine where you want to start and what you’re willing to do. The key in self-awareness is to live authentically and take action on the things that will help you live a genuine life.




Self-Awareness and Why Your Voice Matters - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Why Your Voice Matters

Your voice matters because no one else in the world thinks exactly the same way as you do. An important part of self-awareness is the ability to understand who you are deep inside and share the real you with the world in a positive way. Your point of view is valuable and your insights can enrich other people’s lives.

A lot of people are scared to use their real voices because they think they’ll be judged or not fit in with their social groups. In my experience, showing the world who you really are deep inside is part of being a fully developed, sensitive, compassionate, courageous human being. It means you’ve reached a point where you’re so comfortable with yourself that you’re able to be vulnerable and share your authentic thoughts and feelings.

You have the potential to use your voice to positively impact the world around you rather than falling into the trap of using it to perpetuate negativity and misery. The more self-awareness you possess, the more likely you’ll be to use your voice to help others, and the happier you’ll be.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and make your voice matter?



Self-Awareness and Hope - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Hope

Self-awareness gives you hope because you’re able to live proactively and consciously rather than enduring whatever comes your way. If you don’t know yourself very well you might see the world as a vast, unknown, scary entity that has total control over you, which might lead you to say things like:

  • Life is hard and it will always be.
  • I have no opportunities.
  • I can only rely on myself.
  • Things will never change.

Fortunately, you have a lot of control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and you can view even the most difficult situations from whatever perspective you choose. For example, you could convert the statements above to ones that indicate you understand how much power you have:

  • Life may be hard at times but I can decide to move forward positively.
  • I’m going to look for the opportunities in this situation.
  • I know I can rely on myself but I can also connect with others.
  • I can make change happen.

Each of these sets of examples represents a different worldview: One is based on the assumption that the world is harsh and negative and the other suggests that you can affect your environment even if things are difficult. When you understand yourself really well, you shift from living passively to choosing how you experience the world. What will you do to increase your hopefulness through self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Thinking of Others - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Thinking of Others

One of the most difficult tasks for human beings is being able to think of others. It takes a significant amount of self-awareness and lack of ego to consider the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others.

Why even worry about others? We don’t live alone in this world, there are billions of other souls we impact both directly and indirectly through our thoughts and actions. Do something negative and it ripples not only inside you, but through the cosmos. Do something positive and the effects build a better world.

Paradoxically, thinking of others allows us to become more well-rounded, balanced human beings. When we treat others with kindness and compassion, we become more caring toward ourselves.

People who are actively building self-awareness often find that they are able to think beyond themselves to the plight of humanity. As they become more and more happy with who they are, they are better able to understand and feel what others are going through.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and think of others?



Self-Awareness and Believing In Yourself - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Believing In Yourself

One of the most important elements of self-awareness is believing in yourself. That means that you take action because you deeply value who you are and want to improve the quality of your life. It requires that you appreciate your innate ideas, talents and gifts and have the confidence to share them with the world.

Having confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight, it requires taking action over time so you can eventually get to the point where you truly love yourself. Thankfully, anyone can embark on this journey and build up their confidence, all it takes is doing things like:

  • Healing the hurts from your past.
  • Doing one small thing each day to move in the direction of your dreams.
  • Saying positive things to yourself.
  • Treating yourself well.
  • Following your own inner voice.
  • Continue increasing your self-awareness.

When you believe in yourself, you are willing to do things to improve your life and take care of yourself. It allows you to move in any direction you wish and follow your inner voice.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and believe in yourself?



The Self-Awareness Guy