
Self-Awareness and Facts - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Facts

Self-awareness and facts compliment each other because you can’t live authentically unless you’re willing to look at who you really are and what you actually do in life. People run into all kinds of trouble when they ignore what’s really happening inside and around them. It’s very difficult to pretend you’re someone you’re not and deny how you think and behave. Here are some signs that you may be ignoring the facts:

  • You think in ways that are based on fiction rather than verifiable reality.
  • You have an image of yourself that doesn’t match your actions.
  • When you try to fact check your thoughts and beliefs, you have difficulty finding empirical evidence to back them up.
  • Your facts are based on fears or hurts you possess deep inside.
  • Your facts cover up who you really are.
  • The image you show the world is not the real you.
  • You don’t do any work to become healthier or more balanced.
  • You have various areas of your inner life in conflict with each other.
  • You have to justify and rationalize your actions to yourself and others.
  • You feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled inside.

Just reading this list is exhausting and deflating because it’s the opposite of self-awareness, fulfillment, joy, peace, and enlightenment. Thankfully, you can take a candid look at yourself any time you choose and move in a more positive direction by examining the actual results of your thoughts and behaviors. What will you do to pay attention to the facts in your life?



Self-Awareness Helps You Stop Being a Jerk - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Stop Being a Jerk

How to stop being a jerk? Throw away what you’re currently doing and replace it with something more positive. People are jerks because they lack self-awareness and don’t know what else to do but, luckily, even the most difficult person can change their habits if they truly want to.

Here are some ideas to help you stop being a jerk:

  • Start with the idea that you’re not a bad person, just someone who got into a certain behavior pattern.
  • Realize that there is a way to do things that doesn’t involve discomfort, strife, and conflict.
  • Understand that you can actually get along with people.
  • Give yourself the gift of going to go see a professional therapist to work out the underlying issues (usually from your childhood) that have led to this point.
  • Keep working on yourself with the help of a therapist, explore changing the patterns you’ve established.
  • Learn new ways of recognizing, moderating, and applying your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Give yourself a pat on the back for work well done.
  • Heave a sigh of relief that you can leave all the garbage behind.

Being a jerk is really about someone not knowing what else to do. Thankfully, we now have the knowledge to help people work through their issues and develop positive habits so they can enjoy life at home and at work.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and stop being a jerk?



Living Courageously with Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Living Courageously with Self-Awareness

Living courageously requires building your self-awareness and doing things that are difficult and uncomfortable, such as:

  • Healing your inner hurts.
  • Daring to pursue your dreams.
  • Admitting mistakes.
  • Writing poetry.
  • Doing things to make the world a better place.
  • Advocating for people who lack power.
  • Standing up to injustice.
  • Showing the world the real you.
  • Feeling your feelings.
  • Letting your voice be heard.

Anyone can just let life happen to them. The challenge is to strive for deeper meaning and substance, an existence you can be proud of because you made a significant difference in some way, and not just for yourself. I enjoy connecting with people who value self-awareness because they are often the ones discussing the difficult topics that no one else wants to delve into.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and live courageously?



Self-Awareness and Success in Our Culture - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Success in Our Culture

Our culture often defines success it as having a lot of money, prestige, or power. My interpretation of success is building your self-awareness so you can be in touch with who you are inside and live in such a way that you don’t need to worry about wealth or influence.

There are countless really rich and powerful people who are miserable; you can tell because they don’t treat others well. Anyone who is willing to harm other people doesn’t feel good about himself or herself deep inside. Happy, balanced, fulfilled people treat themselves and others kindly because their lives are centered around creating a positive world rather than amassing wealth or crushing others.

I love consulting for people who value self-awareness because they tend to view success in terms of how healthy they are, not how much stuff they have or trophies they display on the mantle. Even if you don’t make a penny, you can still create something of great value.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be meaningfully successful?



Self-Awareness and Balancing Your Work and Personal Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Balancing Your Work and Personal Life

People who lack self-awareness often spend so much time at work that other areas of their lives suffer. It’s not uncommon for people to spend every waking moment toiling on some task related to the workplace. They spend much of their time scrambling around putting out fires rather than planning ways to do things more efficiently and enjoyably.

You can implement some basic steps that can help you increase self-awareness, bring your life into balance, and allow you to focus on what really needs attention. It all starts with prioritizing. Think about the following questions as you begin your workday:

1. What are the things I absolutely have to do right now?

2. What are the things I can do later?

3. What are the things I can have someone else do for me?

When you ask yourself these questions you begin to move away from emergency response mode and into self-awareness and planning deliberate actions each day. My consulting clients often tell me that, when they learn how to prioritize more effectively, they actually increase the time they have to focus on ways to grow their business.

The next area is your personal life. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a healthy personal life. A healthy personal life will improve your general outlook and performance. Think about the following ideas and how they apply to you:

1. How much time have I set aside for my personal life today?

2. What can I postpone doing at work to spend more time on my personal life?

3. What have I done to take care of myself today?

Thinking about these questions allows you to pay more attention to yourself and the things you need to keep you feeling great. If you work too much, dial in a little more personal time. If you have too much free time, do a few more things to further your career. When you achieve work and personal life balance you will feel invigorated in all parts of your life and will be ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

Ultimately, I would recommend that you pursue your dreams and do what you really want to do in life. When you live life authentically you don’t have to worry about work/life balance, you just get to be the real you each day. What will you do to develop self-awareness and enjoy life more?



Finding Inner Peace through Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Finding Inner Peace through Self-Awareness

Self-awareness leads to inner peace because it means you’re working through your fears and hurts and sharing who you really are with the world. I was talking with a dear friend recently and mentioned how peaceful I feel each day when I’m doing what I love. I don’t have to worry about doing things I don’t like or pretending to be someone I’m not, I just have to show up and be me.

Inner peace comes from resolving your issues and following your authentic path in life. Self-awareness is a great tool to heal yourself because there are no limits to how much you can grow. You can explore as much or as little as you wish and all you have to do is be open to sharing your real self with the world. When I’m not helping people build self-awareness, I write poetry. It helps me connect with who I am at my core and express my innermost thoughts and feelings. When I’m writing poetry, nothing else matters because I’m just enjoying being the real me.

I enjoy helping people achieve self-awareness because I’ve made the journey from being clueless to being rather more enlightened. Along the way, I’ve learned how to be myself and enjoy life on a deeper, more harmonious level. What will you do to develop self-awareness and find inner peace?



What Self-Awareness Isn't - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

What Self-Awareness Isn’t

A lot of people think self-awareness happens simply by saying you have it. This leads to people insisting that they understand themselves well while leaving a trail of destruction wherever they go. Here are some examples of what self-awareness isn’t:

  • Saying you do one thing and then doing another.
  • Having various parts of your life in conflict.
  • Saying you care about people but treating certain ones poorly.
  • Insisting you’re happy and balanced when you have a lot of unfinished inner business to deal with.
  • You say you love yourself but you do things that hurt you.
  • Thinking and behaving in ways that hurt others.
  • Saying that other people don’t have self-awareness and then doing things that demonstrate you don’t.

Getting to know yourself well is an ongoing process where you comprehend why you think and do certain things and continuously move your life in a positive direction. You become so comfortable with yourself that you treat others with great care and compassion because you’re deeply happy inside. What will you do to keep building self-awareness?



The Self-Awareness Guy