
Self-Aware People Are Dynamic Instead of Static - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Are Dynamic Instead of Static

People tend to be static or dynamic, which means that they either want to keep the status quo or value ongoing change. When you lack self-awareness and live a static life, you devote a lot of energy to keeping things as they are, a daunting task since the universe is constantly transforming around you. Being self-aware and dynamic helps you be nimble, flexible and able to handle the challenges that come your way, as well as being happier. Here are some signs that indicate whether you’re static or flexible:

Signs You’re Static
Try to keep things the same.
Struggle with change.
Pine for the good old days.
React to events.
Resist new trends.
Struggle with new ideas.
Look at change as losing something.

Signs You’re Dynamic
Don’t mind if things aren’t the same.
See change as a positive.
Pleased that things are constantly evolving.
Behave proactively to welcome change.
Welcome new trends.
Appreciate new ideas.
View change as gaining something.

In the history of the world, many people have tried to halt change but none has succeeded in the long run. Struggling against change only leads to frustration and disappointment whereas welcoming it makes life easier and more enjoyable. Being static will leave you consistently behind while being dynamic gives you the ability to handle any situation that comes your way.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be more dynamic?



Broken People Lack Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Broken People Lack Self-Awareness

Broken people lack self-awareness and live based on their unresolved hurts instead of striving to increase their self-awareness and become more balanced and healthy. Broken people don’t like themselves, which means they do things like:

  • Treat themselves and others poorly.
  • Act out of self-interest.
  • Lack empathy.
  • Hurt others to get what they want.
  • Never resolve their own issues.
  • Think and behave in profoundly fearful and negative ways.
  • Don’t understand their own thoughts and behaviors.
  • Thrive on conflict.
  • Build superficial or negative relationships.
  • Have to be on top of others.

It’s not that people like this are intrinsically evil, it’s just that they don’t have the self-awareness to realize there are other options in the world, like healing their inner hurts and traumas and moving in a healthier, more positive direction.

Individuals who feel great about themselves treat others well and make the world a better place for as many people as possible. They act out of compassion and kindness and help others grow and succeed. They value self-awareness and constantly work on becoming healthy and whole.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and avoid being a broken person?



Self-Awareness and Building Confidence - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Building Confidence

People who lack self-awareness often ask me how to increase their confidence. It’s been my experience that people build their confidence by doing things they enjoy and experiencing both success and failure. The common denominator is that confident people tend to be those who confront the challenges in their lives and learn from the outcomes.

Eleanor Roosevelt said:

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

Taking deliberate and conscious action to increase self-awareness and doing things purposefully to work toward some goal will help you become a confident person. We all have an incredible ability to take on any challenge in our lives, we just have to be willing to actually do something to make things happen.

Try taking on a challenge today and keep doing it until you are an expert. Put one foot in front of the other and keep walking. Then take on another challenge and keep going. In time you’ll wonder why you ever lacked confidence at all.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and build up your confidence?



Self-Awareness and Attachment to Outcomes - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Attachment to Outcomes

A lot of personal development experts talk about doing anything you want in life. You can move in the direction of your dreams at any time you want but many people lose motivation when they feel like they aren’t getting exactly what they wanted. The key to success is to gradually build your  self-awareness without focusing on a specific outcome. You never know what you’ll discover along the way.



Self-Awareness and Really Loving Yourself - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Really Loving Yourself

A lot of people who lack self-awareness loudly proclaim that they respect and love themselves and then get trampled mercilessly by every person who comes into their lives. They also go from one broken heart to another wondering why it keeps happening to them. They never seem to heal or resolve their inner issues. Many people who don’t possess self-awareness navigate the waters of relationships focusing almost entirely on other people’s needs. They invest huge amounts of time and energy into making someone else happy or worrying about how they’re doing while ignoring the most important person in the room, themselves.

Why is it we go through such elaborate efforts to mold our lives around someone else only to find ourselves losing our self-identity and wishing for better relationships?

Somewhere along the way we lose sight of the importance of caring for ourselves. Being self-aware enough to take care of ourselves first is a critically important step in creating fulfilling relationships in our lives but we don’t do it consistently. We benefit from tending to our own needs first so we can be in great shape to attract positive, vibrant people into our lives and share great relationships. So how do we do that? The good news is that there are many straightforward things we can do, starting today, to take care of ourselves and begin the process of respecting and loving ourselves.

You can consciously become healthy and happy by healing your inner hurts, practicing self-love, and behaving in positive ways. Loving yourself requires getting to know who you are deep down inside and understanding how to tend to your own needs and treat yourself well. Only after you’re genuinely healthy and enjoy your own company can you invite other people in.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and really love yourself?



Self-Aware People Are Deep - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Are Deep

Possessing self-awareness is synonymous with being a deep person, where all the meaningful parts of life reside, although most people prefer to stay in the shallow end. There’s nothing horrible about talking about the weather, sports, or cats, but I prefer to go where other people dare not: the inner workings of the mind in all its tumultuousness, ambiguity, insecurity, and pain.

I’ve always been someone who feels things very intensely, often to the point of discomfort, so it makes sense that my self-awareness work tends to reflect deeper emotions. Many people try to ignore these feelings and uncertainties, sometimes for an entire lifetime, but I figure we’re all wired to feel and we each get to choose whether we use our natural ability to emote. So many of the problems in the world could be resolved if people were willing to work out their inner turmoil before putting it on others.

Being a deep person allows you to experience life at its fullest, warts and all, but with the idea that you’ll be stronger and more balanced when you deal with your issues. When you acknowledge and feel pain, you can then do something positive to heal it.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be a deep person?



Self-Awareness and Avoiding Being Ordinary - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Avoiding Being Ordinary

Self-awareness helps you avoid being ordinary so you can experience a life of courage, joy, love, enlightenment, meaning, and fulfillment. Throughout my career consulting for and training thoughtful people who are searching for answers in their lives and trying to develop self-awareness, I have noticed that there is a vast difference between conforming and blazing your own path. My experience has taught me that the goal in life isn’t to just get by or live an ordinary existence, but rather:

  • Being who you really are.
  • Doing courageous things each day to make your dreams come true.
  • Going against the grain when in the presence of injustice.
  • Thinking and behaving differently than the norm.
  • Not trying to fit in.
  • Adding to the beauty in the world.
  • Making the world a better place for as many people as possible.
  • Moving beyond high-school behaviors.
  • Becoming your own person rather than the one your parents, family, or peer group want you to be.
  • Thinking and behaving with kindness and compassion rather than self-interest.

Moving past the standard way of being requires consciously diverging from what most people do. It means having the self-awareness to be your own person and do your own thing. The underlying reason is that you get to be yourself rather than conforming to others or pretending you’re someone else, thus living a much richer, more meaningful life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and go beyond ordinariness?



The Self-Awareness Guy