
Self-Awareness Helps You Rewire Your Brain - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Rewire Your Brain

Rewiring your brain is a big part of self-awareness. It means taking a look at the beliefs you’ve carried for many years and are programmed into your thought process. Take a look at the things you believe that don’t help you succeed. Move past those negative messages by replacing them with productive, helpful alternatives.

Our brains are full of all kinds of erroneous information. Self-awareness helps you get in touch with and understand why you think the way you do and why it leads to certain outcomes. For example: If you don’t really love yourself deep inside you might believe that you’ll never succeed in life or have anyone love you or treat you well. You can guess what direction those thoughts will lead you in. The trick is to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones like: you’re worth loving, you can be successful, and you deserve to be treated well.

Every time you have a negative thought you get to choose whether you replace it with a positive one. This gives you an amazing amount of power to move your thinking in any direction you desire. What will you do to develop self-awareness and rewire your brain?



Self-Awareness Helps You Love Yourself - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Love Yourself

Have you ever met people who say they love themselves but seem angry at the world or always in the middle of some kind of chaos? The general coachline for someone who loves herself is that she becomes more balanced, more accepting, kinder and more happy.

Learning how to love ourselves begins with self-awareness. Do you really love yourself? A good way of finding out is to evaluate whether you do things that help or hurt you in life. List the things that you allow to happen that are uplifting and then a list of the ones that bring you down. Do you have more things in your life that make you feel great or a larger number of disappointments? If you have a significant number of negative items on your list, don’t worry, this just an exercise to give you an idea of what to work on first. Look at your list and pick one thing from the negative side that you want to work on, the one that jumps out at you the most. Congratulate yourself because you have now started the process of working on loving yourself through building up your self-awareness.



Lack of Self-Awareness Is the Root of All Problems in the World - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Lack of Self-Awareness Is the Root of All Problems in the World

The root of all the problems in the world is people’s inability to deal with emotions. Individuals who have self-awareness are able to identify what they’re feeling, the emotion that drives it, and channel their actions in a positive direction, people who aren’t comfortable dealing with emotions often do things like:

  • Hurt themselves or others.
  • Lash out in anger.
  • Go numb because they don’t want to feel anything.
  • Watch as horrible things happen to others.
  • Seek revenge or retribution.
  • Wish awful things to happen to others.
  • Create roadblocks and make life difficult for others.
  • Become withdrawn or depressed.
  • Sabotage themselves or others.
  • Turn to drugs and alcohol to escape what they’re feeling.
  • Be aggressive toward others to protect their soft insides.
  • Refuse to connect meaningfully with others because it might expose them to feeling something.
  • Accept negative relationships as normal.
  • Accept violence and chaos as normal.
  • Live in fear.

It’s not that people want to do these things, it’s just that their families, friends, societies, and they themselves have grown to believe that this is the only available option. What they may not realize is that they don’t have to live this way, they can actually build self-awareness, get in touch with their emotions, and do things like:

  • Treat themselves and others well.
  • Focus on being joyful.
  • Actively work on experiencing what’s going on inside them.
  • Help other people.
  • Forgive.
  • Wish for good things to happen to others.
  • Make life easier for others.
  • Step out of their shell.
  • Do things to help themselves and others succeed.
  • Experience what’s inside themselves and seek counseling for anything that’s leading them in a negative direction.
  • Be caring toward others.
  • Let people into their lives and show their real selves.
  • Strive to build positive relationships.
  • See kindness and peace as normal.
  • Live with courage.

For every negative approach to dealing with emotions there is a positive counterpart. The key to creating a better world is for people to have the self-awareness to realize when they’re feeling something, identify the emotion beneath it, and deal with it in a positive way. As human beings, we’ve become very skilled at coping with emotions (and the way they make us feel) in profoundly negative ways. The irony is that we can move in a positive direction any time we choose and build a world that benefits everyone.

By the way, if you’re thinking that this type of approach is unrealistic or impossible, you’re behaving like the people in the first list. In order to create a more emotionally healthy world, it’s important to first acknowledge that something is askew and then take conscious steps to move down a different path.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and deal positively with your emotions?



Self-Awareness and Trusting Your Inner Voice - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Trusting Your Inner Voice

Nothing is a beautiful as the voice inside you. Pay attention to it and you’ll live a life of great self-awareness, success and happiness. Ignore it and you’ll move in a very different direction. Your inner voice is that part of you that tells you what you really want to do in life and who you are deep inside.

Self-awareness means paying attention to your inner voice as it guides you toward living authentically and making your dreams come true. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to begin discovering your true path:

  1. If I could choose any career in life what would it be?
  2. What is the talent I possess that I could use to bring joy into my life?
  3. What message(s) is my inner voice sending me?
  4. How would my life be different if I listened to my inner voice?
  5. What will I commit to doing today to achieve what my inner voice tells me to?

As you answer these questions you’ll begin thinking more deeply about the things you find meaningful and fulfilling. Imagine living your life based on what you want to do rather than settling for whatever comes your way or what other people tell you to do. What will you do to listen to your inner voice?



Self-Awareness and Moving Your Life in the Direction You Choose - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Moving Your Life in the Direction You Choose

A big part of self-awareness is knowing yourself well enough to consciously move your life in any direction you choose. The way you behave each day predicts the results you will get, whether you succeed or stagnate. Here are some practical things you can do to start your journey:

1. Focus on the thing you want to happen, this is your goal.
2. Determine three actions you can take to achieve that specific goal.
3. Pick one action and start following through on it today.
4. When you’ve achieved one goal, move on to the next.
5. Take time to celebrate yourself and your accomplishment.

The purposeful act of following through and taking action trains your mind to take on challenges. When you achieve a goal it gives you strength and courage to keep moving forward in life, you begin to see the power you have over your circumstances, and it also increases your self-awareness.

The key to success in life is going from the thinking phase to the doing part. Try working through the five steps we’ve outlined and keep doing it until you succeed. Along the way you will be practicing the skills necessary to move your life in any direction you choose.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and move your life forward positively?



Self-Aware People Realize Things Can't Make Them Happy - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Realize Things Can’t Make Them Happy

I frequently consult with people who lack self-awareness and genuinely believe that buying things will make them happy. Time after time they realize that buying stuff really doesn’t affect their long term happiness. Sure, there is a buzz that comes from buying something you like but it doesn’t resolve the underlying things that are vital to fulfillment. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy buying things, it just requires that you put some thought into why you buy stuff. If you buy objects with the hopes of feeling better about yourself, I have some basic questions you can ask yourself to build self-awareness and help you focus on what’s really going on.

1. Do I really need this object?
2. How am I focusing on fixing the deeper issues in my life?
3. Do I feel less whole when I can’t shop?
4. In what ways does buying things affect my emotions?
5. Does shopping help me postpone feeling emotions?
6. Do I hide the fact that I buy stuff from others?
7. Do I have to buy other stuff to keep the buzz going?
8. In what other areas of my life could I devote more energy and thought?
9. Could my money be used for long-term success?
10. How am I defined by my things?

The answers to these questions will help you get some perspective on how your buying habits affect your life. There’s nothing wrong or horrible with buying nice things unless it prevents you from looking at the deeper stuff in life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be happy from sources other than buying things?



Self-Awareness and Regaining Hope - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Regaining Hope

Self-awareness helps you regain hope because, when you understand why you feel, think, and behave the way you do, you are able to move your life in a positive direction and move past the barriers that used to hold you back.

Many of us reach points in our lives where we feel like nothing is going right. I ask people to continue building self-awareness and focus on the things that are going right. It may sound simplistic but much of how we see the world is based on perspective.

Why is it that one person sees an event as a tragedy while another sees it simply as a bump in the road? Perspective. Why is it that one person crumbles when faced with adversity but others thrive? Perspective.

When you give up hope you give up believing that you can affect the world around you. This is only a perception because, in fact, you can always do something to move your life in a different direction. Try these simple techniques to overcome the challenges in your life.

1. Take an inventory of the things you do well.
2. Pick one of the things you came up with to work on.
3. Take steps to finish the work.
4. Move on to the next thing you want to do.

Regaining hope is often about finding your inner confidence. You reconnect to your inner hope and confidence by actually doing things and experiencing the challenge of completing tasks. Doing things literally impels you to do something besides dwell on your loss of hope. Try these steps and move in a direction that satisfies you. You deserve it.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and live hopefully?



The Self-Awareness Guy