
Self-Awareness and Fear of Emotions - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Fear of Emotions

When you have self-awareness, you’re probably more comfortable with your emotions than most people. Much of our culture is based on a fear of emotions, except for the approved ones: anger and fake happiness. We worship the strong silent type who doesn’t say much or the sports hero who just goes out and does his thing in a physical way. The challenge with not acknowledging the full range of human emotions is that you stay stuck at a certain point of your development, and you still experience them whether you want to or not.

People who possess self-awareness understand that life is brimming with swirling feelings and that we all have vast reservoirs of emotion and pathos. I’ve consistently noticed over years of training and consulting for others that the strongest people aren’t those who pretend to be strong by acting stoic or aloof, it’s the ones who face the full range of human emotions head-on rather than trying to pretend they don’t exist.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and welcome emotions?



11 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now with Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

11 Ways to Improve Your Life Right Now with Self-Awareness

There’s a big difference between letting life happen to you and having he self-awareness to consciously choosing what you think and do. You can live a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life at any time by deciding that you’re going to do it. If you’re not quite sure how to begin, here are ten ways to improve your life starting right now:

  1. Let go of the need to control events and other people.
  2. Think and behave positively.
  3. Love yourself and others unconditionally.
  4. Heal your hurts, especially the ones you don’t want to look at.
  5. Help others without expecting anything in return.
  6. Discover what you really want to do in life and take daily small steps to make it happen.
  7. Experience all your feelings and learn how to guide them in a positive direction.
  8. Spend time doing the things that matter in life; like working on your dreams or hugging your significant other.
  9. Surround yourself with people who appreciate the real you.
  10. Be open to increasing your self-awareness throughout your life.
  11. Be yourself.

Improving your life requires commitment and effort. Try these ideas and, over time, you’ll improve your quality of life because you’ll be more self-aware and thinking and behaving in ways that lead to deeper happiness. Remember that you don’t have to everything at once, start with one item and then move on to the next.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and improve your life?



Self-Awareness and Taking Action - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Taking Action

A major element of self-awareness is understanding what motivates you and actually doing things to create positive movement in your life. I’ve consulted for and trained a lot of people over the years and I’ve noticed that there is often a disconnect between what they say they want to do and what they actually do. People mean well but very often they don’t know how to follow through to reach their goals. The missing ingredient is taking action.

In order to do anything in life it’s important to actually do stuff. If all you do is think about things, you’ll live a great imaginary life but not get a lot done in the physical world. Achievements don’t just appear out of thin air, they require deliberate and conscious effort. You have to actually move from thinking about things in your head to doing things in the outside world.

People who value self-awareness tend to understand the process of working hard each day to get to know themselves better and continue moving in the direction of their dreams. What are your thoughts on taking action?



Self-Awareness Helps Resolve Unresolved Issues - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps Resolve Unresolved Issues

For people who lack self-awareness, it’s difficult to even contemplate resolving unresolved issues. It’s a huge challenge to look at ourselves and acknowledge the deep, dark secrets and traumas that guide us or even hold us back in life but it’s a major part of building self-awareness.

I used to live a life where I would do anything but resolve my issues and the results were predictably horrible. I would react to anything and everything based on my inner hurts and make a mess of things without even trying. I had very limited coping skills for any kind of challenging situation and my interpersonal relationship skills were a shambles.

As I’ve continued to work on increasing my self-awareness and resolving my past pain, I’ve become more balanced and happy. I now can think before I act instead of flailing in distress. I much prefer being able to make calm, conscious decisions instead of letting life just happen to me.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and resolve your unresolved issues?



Self-Awareness and Changing Your Life Completely - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Changing Your Life Completely

At any moment in time, you can change your life completely by deciding to increase your self-awareness and take action to make things happen. Many people settle for whatever comes their way, but you can consciously decide to move beyond the ordinary and live your dreams. Here are some practical ideas to help you shift your trajectory and live meaningfully:

Build Self-Awareness

Deeply understand what you do really well and what you need to improve so you can become the most balanced, fulfilled, effective individual possible. Think in terms of letting go of thoughts and behaviors that don’t work and replacing them with ones that get you better results and make you happier as a person.

Define Your Dreams

Take the time to identify what you would genuinely love to do with your life. Be specific and make sure that whatever you choose resonates inside you. Avoid following someone else’s dreams or ideas of what you should do or what type of person you should be, listen to your own inner voice.

Brainstorm Ideas on How to Make Your Dreams Come True

Sit down and write down as many ideas as possible on how you can make your dreams come true. Stay away from judging your answers or putting limits on what you can or can’t do. Write your ideas down in a stream of consciousness without worrying about things like grammar or what others might think.

Pick One Thing to Begin Working On

Instead of taking on too much and feeling frustrated, pick one item from your brainstorm session and begin working on it. This will allow you to focus your efforts and begin your exciting new journey. It’s much easier to take action when you have a concrete starting point.

Take One Small Step at a Time

You don’t have to do everything at once. Many people falter and get burned out by doing too much rather than focusing on manageable pieces. Try to take one achievable, deliberate step at a time and keep moving forward calmly and purposefully.

People who practice these ideas find that they have less stressful and more fulfilling lives. The key to being truly happy at any point in time is to be self-aware, cognizant of who you are and where you’re going, and take action to keep progressing.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and change your life?



Self-Aware People Look for Answers Inside - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware People Look for Answers Inside

People who lack self-awareness spend a lot of time looking to outside sources instead of looking inside themselves for answers to life’s big questions. Living a meaningful life requires building self-awareness so you can get to know who you really are and live a life that reflects your true self. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you look deep inside and find the answers that work for you:

  • What brings me joy?
  • What do I love doing?
  • If money were no object, what would I do?
  • What is my passion in life?
  • What do I find meaningful in life?
  • Who am I?
  • What kind of person am I?
  • What talent of mine would I love to share with the world?
  • What am I willing to do to live my dream life?
  • What holds me back?
  • What motivates me to take action?
  • What’s my definition of the meaning of life?

Take some time to carefully answer all these questions, they will lead you toward living a genuinely fulfilling and happy life. You can find the answers you’re looking for if you’re willing to look within and listen to your inner voice.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and find the answers inside you?



Self-Awareness Helps You Treat Yourself Well in Relationships - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Treat Yourself Well in Relationships

Self-awareness helps you treat yourself well in relationships because, when you understand why you feel, think, and behave the way you do, you are able to examine yourself, heal your hurts, move in the direction of your dreams, and invite others to join you.

We frequently give ourselves to others in ways that weaken our spirit and take us down a road we don’t want to travel. It’s almost as if we lose our sense of who we are and hand over our destiny to another person.

One of the reasons why relationships stagnate or engender conflict is that the parties have forgotten that they are the most important person in the world. We benefit by first understanding ourselves and working out our own issues and then entering relationships. In this way, relationships become about a connection between two or more healthy people rather than individuals who facilitate each other’s negative behaviors.

Think of yourself as the most important person in the world. Work on yourself first and you will attract people who will enjoy you for who you are, not for what they can get out of you.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and treat yourself well in relationships?



The Self-Awareness Guy