
Self-Awareness and Changing Your Life - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Changing Your Life

Self-awareness can help you change your life because, when you understand your own and others’ emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to navigate life consciously and confidently.

We all reach transitional points in our lives where we are motivated to move in a different direction. For some of us it may be a career change, for others a relationship transformation or a shift that helps us develop personally. Regardless of what change you are looking to make in your life it all starts with increasing self-awareness, deciding what the change is, and taking a step toward your goal and sticking to it over time.

Here’s what some smart people have to say about the subject:

Alice Walker:

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.

Charles DuBois:

The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.

Anais Nin:

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Andy Warhol:

They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.


It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.

The prospect of change can both create fear in us or energize us through the promise of growth and potential. Remember that you’re a valuable person who deserves to leave the fear behind and move forward courageously and joyfully.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and change your life for the better?



Self-Awareness Helps You Find Happiness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Find Happiness

My clients frequently ask me how to find happiness. Over the years I’ve noticed that a common characteristic of people who are happy is self-awareness.

Self-awareness is a deep understanding of who we are. It literally impacts how we treat ourselves and others and what kind of life we live. Let me give you a real world example to illustrate what I’m talking about.

Person A says he is a happy go lucky person that always is having a great time. He has a lot of friends and says he’s confident and an optimist. He lives a life that looks great to everyone on the outside but, when he has to think about it, Person A is deeply unhappy. He has unresolved issues in his life that are so difficult that he refuses to look at them. So person A appears happy on the outside but inside he is constantly struggling to ignore and cast aside the demons he carries. This type of person is not living a life of self-awareness because he won’t even begin the process of understanding who he is in order to move forward. He chooses instead to live a live of superficial happiness based on appearances.

Person B, on the other hand, also has issues that hurt him deeply and made him unhappy. He also appears happy to the outside world but his happiness comes from a very different place. Person B decided years ago to look at the things that brought him pain. He worked very hard to acknowledge his past and create a plan to move beyond the hurt. When person B is alone he feels genuinely happy because he has actually moved past the challenges in his past. This type of happiness is far more genuine because the person has literally worked through the things that made them unhappy. His happiness is real because it’s based on his deep self-awareness based on facing his hurts.

Genuine happiness comes from deep inside us. It is a level of existence that we achieve only when we work through the challenges from our past. I’m not suggesting that we live in the past, only that we acknowledge the things that hurt us earlier in life and then develop a plan to move forward.

Everyone deserves to live a life of genuine happiness, the kind that comes from deep inside. Those who are truly happy have left the burdens of the past in the past. Think about it as the difference between living your life with the burden of carrying a giant monkey on your back and never getting rid of it versus letting it go and living a much lighter and energized existence.

Self-awareness is not about being selfish or self-indulgent, it’s about understanding who you are and constantly working on becoming the best person you can be. Those who choose to be aware of whom they really are reap the benefits of living a genuinely happy life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and find happiness?



Self-Awareness and the House of Cards - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and the House of Cards

I you aren’t actively building self-awareness your run the risk of spending your entire life carefully constructing a house of cards that could come tumbling down at any moment and for any reason. Thankfully, you don’t have to live precariously perched on the edge of disaster, there are much more balanced and fulfilling ways to live, such as:

  • Spending time finding out what you love doing in life.
  • Deciding which of your thoughts and behaviors genuinely reflect who you are deep inside.
  • Thinking, feeling and behaving positively.
  • Living genuinely and authentically.
  • Being happy with yourself deep down inside.
  • You don’t pretend you’re something you’re not.
  • You attract people who know and appreciate the real you.
  • Your life is in balance, no one area dominates all the time.
  • Your happiness isn’t based on defeating others or being on top of them.
  • Other people describe you as a self-aware, kind, wonderful person.
  • You help others feel great about themselves.

The idea in life is to have the self-awareness necessary to consciously move your life in a direction that reflects the real you rather than pretending you’re someone else. What will you do to avoid the house of cards and show the world the amazing authentic you?



The Unlimited Opportunities Self-Awareness Offers - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

The Unlimited Opportunities Self-Awareness Offers

Self-awareness offers you unlimited opportunities to create whatever kind of life you want. The more you understand yourself, the more you’ll be open to new and exciting ways of thinking and behaving rather than getting stuck looking at things from only one perspective. For example: If you’re having trouble finding a job, you can keep doing what you’ve always done or ask yourself questions like:

  • What do I really want to do in life?
  • What would bring me great meaning?
  • Who am I deep inside.
  • What floats my boat?
  • How can I share the real me with the world?
  • Who can I connect with as I begin my journey?
  • What kind of people care about the real me?
  • What is one thing I can do today to create an opportunity?

The wonderful thing about being human is that you don’t have to settle for the crumbs that come your way, you can deliberately work on shaping how you think and behave in relation to your environment. What will you do to create unlimited opportunities for yourself?


Simplify Your Life with Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Simplify Your Life with Self-Awareness

The more self-awareness you have, the less you complicate your life. Many people devote an enormous amount of time and energy to cover up some lie, ignore some unpleasant thing they did to someone, or avoid dealing with some difficult issue in their past. What they may not realize is that, instead of making their lives easier, they’re adding more challenges than there need to be. It takes so much effort to complicate your life that why not try something that will make you happier instead? Here are some tips to simplify your life:

  • Understand why you do the things you do.
  • Tell the truth.
  • Behave kindly.
  • Look for ways to make life easier for yourself and others.
  • Have compassion for other people.
  • Love yourself.
  • Heal your hurts.
  • Live the life you know you have inside you.
  • Show the world your true self.

When you think, feel and behave in ways that reflect the person you are deep inside, you don’t have to worry about putting on a mask or doing things that make your life more complicated. Building self-awareness means taking the time to examine the things that don’t help you succeed and replacing them with positive alternatives. What will you do to simplify your life?



Self-Awareness Helps Reduce Fear of Rejection - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps Reduce Fear of Rejection

Self-awareness helps reduce fear of rejection because, when you understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors well, you’re able to make decisions based on a healthier perception of yourself and others.

An important element of self-awareness is to understand how your fears influence your path in life. Fear of rejection can keep you from doing many meaningful things like:

  • Being yourself.
  • Speaking your mind.
  • Making friends.
  • Dating.
  • Writing poetry.
  • Being creative.
  • Following your own path.

The key to living happily is to realize that there will always be people who don’t get what you do or who you are, but that it doesn’t matter. You’re valuable as you are and you bring amazing gifts and talents to the table. So what if you get rejected, you’re still your wonderful self.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and reduce your fear of rejection?



Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Increasing Self-Esteem

Self-awareness is linked to increasing self-esteem because, when you understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to perform an accurate assessment of who you really are and take action accordingly.

Here are some self-awareness building ideas to help you increase your self-esteem:

  • Do one thing at a time instead of everything all at once.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Surround yourself with people who support your growth.
  • Celebrate your achievements as you go along.
  • Be true to yourself and do things you love.
  • Don’t let others hold you back.
  • Live your life, not someone else’s.
  • Practice completing tasks.
  • The more you practice the more confident you’ll be.
  • Let people know what you need.
  • Find out who you really are.
  • Share your talents and abilities with the world.
  • Learn how to say no.

The key element in how to increase your self-esteem is living your life with self-awareness. Think and behave consciously and positively and you’ll move in a favorable direction. You may encounter obstacles and challenges but you’ll be building your self-esteem by continuing to take action and believe in yourself.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and increase your self-esteem?



The Self-Awareness Guy