
It Doesn't Matter What Others Think of You If You're Self-Aware - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

It Doesn’t Matter What Others Think of You If You’re Self-Aware

A major element of self-awareness is understanding that it doesn’t matter what others think about you. There are people who will never appreciate what you do, regardless of how great you are or how much you try to explain it to them.

Some people will write you off because you don’t follow their rules or guidelines or don’t conform to their insatiable need to have everyone be like them. Other critics will come from a profound lack of creativity where they have denied their own muse and are out to make sure nobody produces anything beautiful. You may also encounter naysayers who won’t pay any attention to your work because they have some kind of power trip going on where they have to put you down to make themselves feel more powerful.

There will be plenty of people who don’t get what you do, and that’s OK. As a person who is building self-awareness, your task is to find those who understand and value who you are. They’re out there at this very moment, waiting to connect with you. These are the people for whom your life’s work will resonate and be meaningful, the ones who will support you because you make sense to them.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and move past the people who don’t appreciate you?



Are You Living a Self-Aware, Creative Life? - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Are You Living a Self-Aware, Creative Life?

Self-awareness and creativity go hand in hand because, when you understand your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you are able to draw upon them to think unconventionally and inventively.

Creativity is one of the most effective ways to overcome any challenges in our lives. Moving in a different direction is often a matter of thinking creatively and doing something differently. Here’s what some smart people say about creativity:

Albert Einstein:

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

Arthur Koestler:

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.

Beatrix Potter:

Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.

Being self-aware and creative is wonderful because you get to experience life to its fullest; with passion, courage, and always open to new ways of seeing things. You also get to explore exciting possibilities you might not have encountered if you were stuck being unimaginative. What will you do to develop self-awareness and enjoy a creative life?



Self-Awareness Is the Opposite of Submission - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Is the Opposite of Submission

I’ve always been profoundly puzzled by people who give up all their power to some authority figure. Self-awareness is the opposite of submission: It means speaking your mind and talking about what’s meaningful to you, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s exploring parts of the universe that other people don’t dare examine and saying and doing things that upset the status quo. It’s living genuinely and questioning the established order. It’s the opposite of submitting to some outside entity.

When you give up your own decision-making ability you give away your self. What does that leave you? Nothing. No amount of riches or status can make up for not living authentically, the voice inside you will always be reminding you of who your really are, regardless of how hard you try to silence it. I love connecting with people who value self awareness because they chart their own course rather than submitting to rules imposed by others who are completely out of control.

How do you emphasize self-awareness over submission?


People Who Possess Self-Awareness Are Less Insecure - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

People Who Possess Self-Awareness Are Less Insecure

People who possess self-awareness understand that the one thing that creates more strife between human beings at every level is insecurity and that it leads to all kinds of undesirable outcomes including toxic relationships and even war between groups and nations. Here is a list of insecurities that are common in people who lack self-awareness:

  • Feeling like you’re less important than someone else.
  • Having to win all the time or being unable to lose.
  • Getting mad at people because you project your hurts onto them.
  • Having to brag all the time.
  • Trying to be on top of people, in a position of superiority.
  • Putting others down.
  • Pitting yourself against other people and groups.
  • Making enemies instead of friends.
  • Finding reasons to be hurt by others no matter how nice they are.
  • Lashing out at others and claiming you’re the victim.
  • Acting out of fear and anger instead of courage and love.
  • Lacking empathy because you think other people will take something away from you.
  • Not being able to trust others.
  • Seeing the world as a dangerous, unsafe place full of people who want to hurt you.

The key thing to understand about insecurity is that it has nothing to do with the outside world and everything to do with how unsafe you feel inside. The way to move past feelings of insecurity is to heal your inner wounds and learn how to emphasize your positive feelings, thoughts, and behaviors so you can move in a more healthy, secure direction. After all, the only person who can make you feel safe is you.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and get rid of insecurity?



Self-Awareness and Dealing with Complex Issues - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Dealing with Complex Issues

A big part of practicing self-awareness is being able to examine the complexities in the world through thinking critically and considering issues from more than one perspective.

It’s easy to look at everything from one point of view, you just make a quick decision based on what you’ve always thought, but I prefer living in a world where things don’t always have an immediate answer.

A lot of people are afraid of dealing with complex issues like death or self-awareness, but it’s in those types of difficult topics that we discover the meaning of life. It’s simpler to subsist avoiding the deeper issues in life but we stay stuck at that level, which doesn’t lead to great meaning or fulfillment. I’ve found it far more productive to welcome ambiguity and discomfort and use them to learn and grow.

Life is full of complicated, uncomfortable, difficult situations, but you’ll be better able to deal with them if you understand who you really are at your core and are willing to use self-awareness to move forward positively.

What will you do to become more self-aware and deal with complex issues?



Self-Awareness Helps You Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Find Your Purpose and Passion in Life

Self-awareness can help you find your purpose and passion in life because, when you are in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you can look deep inside yourself and discover the path that is most meaningful to you.

Here are some ideas on how to find your purpose and passion in life:

  • Decide that you’re going to think for yourself and make your own decisions about what you do in life.
  • Get professional help to heal your inner hurts so you can focus on the wonderful things about you.
  • Start the process of discovering who you are by looking deep inside. Ask yourself, “If I could do anything I wanted to in life, with no restrictions and without worrying about finances or what people and society tell me I should do, what would it be?” Be completely honest with yourself, be courageous. Don’t consider anything but what you truly want to do in life, what really speaks to you at your core or in your heart. Make sure that your answer is something having to do with your path in life, avoid things that force you to give up your power to someone or something else or that you do out of some sense of external duty or obligation. This is solely about you and what you genuinely want to do.
  • Write down the idea you come up with, this is your purpose and passion.
  • Take one small action to make your idea a reality.
  • Continue taking small actions until you have achieved your dream.

A big part of self-awareness is understanding that all that matters in life is being yourself, the real you, the person who lives deep in your heart and who has the courage to live intentionally and consciously.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and find your purpose and passion in life?



Self-Awareness and Being Insecure - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Insecure

When you enjoy a high level of self-awareness you tend to be less insecure because you understand who you really are and you don’t compare yourself to others. Countless people wander through life measuring themselves against some arbitrary standard set by someone else rather than becoming healthy and happy on their own. The first step in moving past insecurity is to acknowledge it. Here are some signs to look for:

  • You compare yourself to others.
  • You try to be perfect.
  • Deep down inside, you don’t like yourself.
  • You’re not living your own life.
  • You don’t treat yourself or others well.
  • You seldom practice compassion.
  • You’re always trying to beat someone else.
  • You revel in power and control.

When you do these types of things, it doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person but, rather, that you may not have yet really gotten in touch with the person you really are deep inside. Take the time to get to know who you really are and live your life based on your true joys and passions and you won’t have to worry about what others think or compare yourself to anyone but yourself. What will you do to reduce your insecurity?



The Self-Awareness Guy