Self-Awareness and How to Get Respect from Others - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and How to Get Respect from Others

A lot of people who lack self-awareness are on a quest for respect. Parents want their kids to do it, employees want bosses to do it, spouses demand it of each other, teachers ask their students for it and people in general feel good when it happens to them. Why is it then that so many people have no clue what respect means? Let’s take a look at this elusive quality by first defining the term.

Respect is a word we hear a lot, don’t always define uniformly, and that means different things to different people. This leaves everyone guessing and going in different directions that may or may not lead to respectful relationships. So let’s try the following definition on for size.

Respect: Being treated in a positive way that makes you feel needed or important.

Let’s not get caught in whether this definition is exact enough or not, we could split hairs all day and probably still disagree. The important concept here is that people want to feel needed and important. Ask yourself if you’ve ever met someone who said, “I just want to be treated like I’m insignificant and a loser.” We’ve all seen the results of people being treated this way and they are generally not positive.

So let’s take our new definition and apply it to ourselves. There are certain characteristics of people who command genuine respect. We’re not talking about people who walk in a room and scare everyone into submission; that’s based on control and fear. Respect is about what people really think of us and it’s sometimes at odds with how we see ourselves from the inside. There are plenty of really bossy and insufferable people who lack self-awareness and walk around thinking they are deeply admired and venerated when they are uniformly reviled.

The general characteristics of a person who is respected are:

  • People generally like and trust them.
  • They can lead people by inspiring rather than through fear and intimidation.
  • They listen to others.
  • They model respectful behavior.
  • They value and are not threatened by the input of others.
  • They are flexible enough to modify their attitudes and approaches.
  • They are kind in general.

So we now have some basic characteristics of people who are respected. Let’s look at a couple ideas you can use to apply this to your situation.

The first step in your quest to be respected is to practice self-awareness by taking a careful look at yourself and evaluating your actions. Your behaviors will determine whether people genuinely respect us or are just afraid or staying out of our way. This requires that you be brutally honest about both your strengths and areas for improvement. Try to be as objective as possible. You may even want to ask the people around you and apply their advice to moving in a new direction.

The second vital element is being empathic (or empathetic) toward others. We deserve respect when we have demonstrated that we can walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and truly understand where they are coming from. People admire us when it is clear that we are not only acting on our own behalf but, rather, in everyone’s interest. People naturally know the difference between someone who genuinely cares about them and someone who is just doing it to get something out of it. Being empathic means listening and valuing what other people say. It works best when we put our own insecurities and needs for control on the shelf and open ourselves up to outside ideas.

As you’ve noticed, respect isn’t about demanding, it is about behaving in ways that get us more positive results. If you really want people to respect you take a good hard look at the areas you need to improve in your life and work on how you empathize with people. Once you do some basic fine-tuning of these areas you will be getting tons of respect for all the right reasons.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and worry less about being respected?



Self-Awareness and Balance - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Balance

Self-awareness helps you maintain balance between the various parts of your life because you’re able to step back and assess what you’re doing at any given moment. Many people live their entire lives without taking the time to examine their thoughts and actions and the reasons behind them. When you consciously and continuously review what you’re doing, you’re able to deal with a range of issues in your life, especially the difficult ones.

Putting off dealing with unpleasant or scary situations creates a lack of harmony in your life because, if you don’t fix things, they don’t go away. The irony is that, if you decide to resolve the challenges in your life instead of avoiding them or pretending they don’t exist, you give yourself the opportunity to live more meaningfully and happily.

Balance is about understanding that you are made up of different facets and that they all require attention to be healthy and happy. What will you do to invite balance into your life?



Self-Awareness and the Joys of Letting Go - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and the Joys of Letting Go

Self-awareness helps you let go of negative issues and live joyfully because, when you understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to focus on what’s really important in life rather than letting less crucial things hold you back.

Have you ever kept doing something even though you know it doesn’t work? Perhaps you keep enabling a negative behavior in yourself or someone else. This is natural because we tend to be most comfortable with what we know. The next time you find yourself hanging on to this negative thing try something new and let it go.

The act of consciously letting go and moving on helps us heal and think of new perspectives. People who let go of the monkey on their back suddenly find they can walk taller and more comfortably. We can take a breath and see our issues for what they really are; things that we can actually deal with. When we give negative behaviors less importance they have a way of going away.

Try letting go sometime, because everyone deserves to feel unburdened. What will you do to develop self-awareness and let go of the things that don’t bring you joy in life?



Self-Awareness and Finding Meaning in Your Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Finding Meaning in Your Life

Many people who lack self-awareness never find meaning in their lives, even when they actively search for it. If you’re on a quest to find meaning in your life here are some ideas to help you find your own answers:

  • Find meaning in yourself, that’s where it lives.
  • Get to know yourself first.
  • Don’t look on the outside for meaning, it’s inside you.
  • Meaning is the same as fulfillment and fulfillment is doing the things that resonate inside you.
  • You’ll find more meaning if you’re willing to look deep inside yourself and deal head-on with the hurts you carry.
  • Don’t let other people tell you what’s meaningful, you decide.
  • Spend conscious and deliberate time doing things that speak to the deeper part of you. In other words, do the things you love each day.
  • Listen to your heart. It will tell you if you are moving toward a meaningful work life or not.
  • Meaning seldom comes from money or power.

Think about these ideas the next time you are searching for ways to live meaningfully. You’ll find that you already have many of the answers inside you if you’re willing to listen. What will you do to develop self-awareness and find meaning in your life?



The Peace of Mind of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

The Peace of Mind of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness can bring you amazing peace of mind if you let it. The challenge is being able to let go of all the noise and obstacles that get in the way of learning about yourself and living authentically. A lot of people struggle with the idea that there is a different way of living where they get to be themselves and enjoy the results they get from thinking, feeling and acting naturally.

You can start increasing your peace of mind and self-awareness by taking time each day to think about your strengths and areas for improvement. Celebrate the wonderful things about you and also work on one thing you’d like to improve. Repeat the process and, along the way, you’ll discover more and more about your amazing gifts. What will you do to increase your self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Dating - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Dating

A recurring question my consulting clients ask me about dating is: “Why can’t I find anyone who is a good fit for me?” My response is often something along the lines of, “In what ways are you ready to find someone wonderful?” The idea in dating is to look at yourself and build self-awareness so that you’re as healthy as possible and ready to attract great people. Let’s look at a few dating conundrums and possible things you can do to move in a different direction:

1. I keep going out with bad boys/girls. Different direction: I get myself healthy enough to recognize that it’s OK to treat myself well and go out with positive people.

2. I feel lonely. Different direction: I actively work on things that resolve why I am lonely and emphasize learning about myself before dating.

3. Where can I meet people? Different direction: When you get yourself healthy and do the things you love you move in circles where you attract people who are like you.

4. All men/women are terrible. Different direction: There are a lot of great people out there we just need to learn to accept them into our lives and be healthy enough to encourage good people to go out with us.

Dating is ultimately what you make it because you have a lot of control over where it goes. When you’re aware of how your thinking and behaviors affect your dating approach you’ll be able to connect with amazing people rather than repeating the same patterns. What will you do to build your self-awareness and improve your dating life?



Self-Awareness and Encouraging Creativity in Your Workplace - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Encouraging Creativity in Your Workplace

The daily challenges of running an organization have a way of diminishing creativity and producing a reactive work environment. Many well-intentioned leaders who lack self-awareness get so stuck in survival mode that they’re unable to take a breath or make even the smallest adjustments. They forget that creativity offers them the opportunity to move in any direction they want to, at any time. Here are three ways you can use your self-aware leadership skills to encourage creativity in your workplace:

Welcome the Future

Anticipate situations that might come your way and develop strategies to deal with them rather than running around putting out fires. Creativity is your gateway to the future because it helps you see things before they happen. Take the time to brainstorm regularly and use creativity to develop new ideas and solutions. Build a group of key people who meet regularly to brainstorm ideas to deal with any existing or potential challenge. Encourage them to think expansively and without limitations.

Value Your Employees’ Talents

Access your employees amazing talents and energy by letting them take on new challenges and do work that is meaningful to them. Provide them opportunities to acquire more education and skills and to broaden their horizons. Let go of the need to control people and trust that they are perceptive individuals who can come up with their own solutions. Ask for their input regularly. When employees are encouraged to use their brains they feel important and are more likely to share ideas to benefit the organization.

Seek Connections

If you’re isolated you can’t connect with others who might be able to help you become stronger. Creativity helps you connect with any individual or organization you want because you’re open to interacting and you’re not bound by preconceptions or self-imposed limitations. When you’re open to making connections you’ll meet people who appreciate what you do and can help you move forward.

As a leader, you get to decide how courageous and open to new possibilities you are and whether you decide to think expansively or not. Creativity is a valuable tool that can help you shift from lamenting limited choices to enjoying unlimited opportunities. What will you do to develop self-awareness and encourage creativity in your workplace?



The Self-Awareness Guy