Self-Awareness Means Looking Inside for the Answers
A lot of people look to external sources for answers when all they have to do is look inside themselves. Although it’s difficult to take an objective look at yourself and begin the process of healing and discovering who you really are, the reward is that you get to live life as the real you.
I’ve found that people are really smart and even if their lives are complete chaos they have this tiny voice inside that reminds them who they really are. The key to living joyfully is to learn how to listen to your inner voice. You need courage to leave behind all the programming people (including you) have have put in your head so you can move in the direction of your dreams. After all, you’re the only one who knows what you really want to do in life.
Looking inside means you’re building up your self-awareness, which allows you to honor who you genuinely are and find the courage to follow your own path in life. All the outside advice in the world, no matter what the source, has anything to do with who you are deep inside. All you have to do to start your journey is to look inward.