A Self-Awareness

The Path to Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

The Path to Self-Awareness

The path to self-awareness reveals itself to you as you’re ready for it. Here are some examples of how you can tell that you’re on your way:

  • You look at yourself without criticism or judgment.
  • You realize that there are things about you that can be improved.
  • You understand that life is a journey rather than a finite goal.
  • You have the courage to examine and continue healing your hurts.
  • You keep growing and learning throughout your life.
  • You see results in your life based on your thoughtful, kind, compassionate thinking and behavior.
  • You actively work on making your dreams a reality.
  • You live life as the real you.

If you do things like these, you know how great it feels to live authentically and share your gifts with yourself and the world; if you don’t, you have a wonderful opportunity to visit many interesting places.



Increase Your Self-Awareness to Stop Going out with Losers - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Increase Your Self-Awareness to Stop Going out with Losers

If you’re always lamenting going out with losers, you might find it helpful to increase your self-awareness. The more you understand how your emotions, thoughts, and actions affect your relationship choices, the more easily you’ll be able to pick people who will treat you well.

We often actively contribute to getting stuck in negative patterns and we label the other person as a loser rather than looking at ourselves.

Ask yourself these questions next time you’re wondering why you are stuck going out with less than marvelous people:

1. What does being with this person say about me?
2. How can I move in a different direction?
3. What can I do to improve myself so I don’t attract these people?
4. What can I learn from this?
5. Do I have a plan for change?

Everyone is capable of attracting good people. There really are no losers at all, just people who are stuck in negative patterns. Good luck finding your positive pattern. What will you do to build your self-awareness and stop going out with people who don’t value you?



Self-Aware Leaders Aren't Afraid of Failure - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware Leaders Aren’t Afraid of Failure

Self-aware leaders aren’t afraid of failure because they understand that there is much to be learned from any experience or situation, including the negative ones.

I often work with leaders who set a goal and then pile a bunch of other stuff on top of it and paralyze themselves before doing anything. Then they tell me that they’re afraid of doing something wrong or scared of messing up.

The idea that we do things wrong or mess up comes from inside our own minds and was often put there by our families. We repeat these ideas over and over, even when they lead to negative results. The interesting thing is that messing up is such a relative term because it really depends on your definition of it.

The next time you set a goal for yourself try focusing less on the whole “I’m doing something wrong and what if I fail,” outlook and set yourself up for success. Try the following ideas to let go of the need to be perfect:

1. Set an achievable goal you know you can do.

2. Do one thing at a time and don’t burden yourself with extra things.

3. Celebrate when you complete a task, do something to treat yourself well.

You only fail if you set yourself up for failure or listen to the negative messages inside your head. Success comes from setting realistic goals, completing them and moving forward purposefully.

What will you do to increase self-awareness and use failure as a learning tool?



Use Self-Awareness to Attract Positive People - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Use Self-Awareness to Attract Positive People

Self-awareness helps you attract positive people and build fulfilling relationships because, when you know yourself well and are content with who you are, you’re able to connect with people in a genuine, healthy manner.

People often ask me why they keep dating the wrong people. I usually ask the person to do some self-reflection and the answer they most often come up with is that they are looking for people based on mistaken assumptions.

Most of us look for people that create a spark, that excite us into wanting to get to know them better. This method creates an initial euphoria that blinds us to understanding clearly what we want from relationships. We become so intoxicated with romance that we are unable to make rational decisions.

What I try to help people with is building self-awareness. When we understand who we are and what we love and need we tend to make better choices regarding relationships. If we don’t know ourselves very well or don’t like ourselves we tend to attract people that reinforce that. When we understand ourselves better and are healthier we tend to attract more positive people.

There really is no magic to this process. What’s been shown to work time after time is that people who are healthy attract other healthy people. All it takes is some work first on getting ourselves as healthy mentally and physically as possible. Then we attract people who admire us for the wonderful, healthy people we are.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and attract positive people into your life?



Smiling and Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Smiling and Self-Awareness

When you increase your self-awareness, you’re much more likely to smile because you’re more balanced and happy deep inside. Many years ago I encountered a person I hadn’t met before at a workplace of mine who looked directly at me and asked why I was smiling. Her facial expression and tone of voice indicated that she wasn’t joking, she genuinely wanted to squash my smile and do it quickly.

What happens when you encounter someone who doesn’t smile much? What’s the feeling you get from them? Countless people live lives of sadness, desperation, and resignation. They’re stuck in a depressing place and can’t see the positive alternatives available to them. I’ve found over years of working with people that it’s possible to overcome negativity and move in a more joyful direction, but it requires conscious effort and dedication.

It takes a lot of self-awareness and courage to smile, especially in the face of sadness, anger, fear, or uncertainty. The reason I smile in even some of the most difficult situations is because I ask myself, “What’s the alternative?” which is, by the way, what I said to the woman.

Building up your self-awareness is like smiling, it reflects your inner light and makes the world a better place. What will you do to develop self-awareness and smile more?



How to Date Successfully Using Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

How to Date Successfully Using Self-Awareness

Great dating is about possessing self-awareness, which helps you understand who you are and how to be treated well. We often go for exciting people rather than those who will treat us well and will become more exciting over time. Think about the following the next time you are trying to improve your dating experiences:

1. Who am I as a person?
2. What do I want out of dating?
3. Do the people I date build me up as a person and make me feel great about myself?
4. Do I date because I’m healthy and happy or do I date to fulfill some other need?
5. Am I doing things to date people who share my interests and dreams?

Dating doesn’t have to be serious and boring, it can be very exciting when you find people who really share your interests and who treat you well. Always keep in mind that you deserve to date people who make you feel great and let you be who you are.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and date successfully?



Self-Awareness and Your Work/Life Balance - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Your Work/Life Balance

Self-awareness means living meaningfully instead of frantically. I was coaching a highly driven, successful leader recently who told me she had a very full schedule and felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of activity in her life. She felt empty and exhausted at the end of the day and wondered why she wasn’t happier even thought she worked so hard. After describing her situation for a while, she confided that she had been juggling so many different tasks that she was unable to take the time to look at her life meaningfully or even begin to understand what balance means.

It’s easy to get sucked into living a fast-paced life and forgetting to enjoy the journey. The key to living a happy life is to have the self-awareness to evaluate what you’re currently doing and introduce some new ideas to become more balanced. Let’s look at how reflecting, prioritizing, and relaxing can help you create balance between your professional and personal life.

It’s important to reflect on what you’re doing so you can identify what really matters to you in life. When you reflect consciously you can make adjustments that will help you feel better. It’s up to you to decide what you want to focus on in life. Do you want to work fifteen hours a day at the office or spend more time with your significant other? Will you regret taking on anther work project instead of spending more time with your kids? You have the ability to prioritize your efforts and decide which ones merit the most attention and you get to choose whether you live meaningfully. Take the time to reflect on what’s really important to you and make a conscious decision to move in a positive direction.

The next balance-increasing idea is to prioritize. If you work too much you might consider increasing the amount of time you devote to your personal life. If you don’t work enough you can make an adjustment to increase your activity level. The idea is to be somewhere in the middle between all work and all play. You don’t have to be perfectly balanced all the time, but it is more enjoyable to spend your time in the middle where you’ll feel more calm and relaxed instead of struggling with extremes.

It’s also important to relax regularly. Taking frequent breaks is beneficial to your body because is helps you replenish your energy and brain power. Although you might be able to endure arduous activity for long periods, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is good for your body or mind. You weren’t designed to go at top speed permanently and you aren’t built to process and endless stream of overwhelming information. Relaxing means not doing anything for a period of time so you can function more effectively overall. You can relax by taking a walk, doing non-strenuous exercise, meditating or breathing mindfully. The idea is to interrupt the non-stop action going on in your life.

When you possess a high level of self-awareness you realize that life isn’t a perpetual rat race where you constantly exhaust yourself. The discomfort you feel when you’re out of balance arises because you’re missing a stable center point. Experiencing too much of anything has a tendency to marginalize the other areas of your life. To restore balance you just need to take the time to adjust your life by incorporating more of what’s missing. If you work too much, relax a little; If you are always napping, take action more often. You don’t have to do everything at once, just make small adjustments to balance things out. What will you do to find balance?



The Self-Awareness Guy