Define Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness: A 10-Step Plan - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

How to Develop Self-Awareness: A 10-Step Plan

Here is a ten-step plan on how to develop self-awareness:

  1. Decide that you’re willing to look deep inside yourself. Don’t start this process if you’re not committed to being fully honest and working hard on developing self-awareness.
  2. Make a list of all the great things about you.
  3. Make a list of the things you feel, think, or do that are detrimental to your well-being.
  4. Make a list of all the things you’d like to improve.
  5. Pick one item from your list of things you’d like to improve and decide on one action you’re willing to take to work on it.
  6. Take action and then evaluate what benefit it had on the thing you’d like to improve. If it worked, move on to the next thing you’d like to improve; if it didn’t, choose another action.
  7. Once you have found the appropriate action to resolve the issue, start the process again. It’s important to do this because your lists will change whenever you change in some way.
  8. Keep working continuously, one item at a time. Don’t overload yourself by trying to do several things at once. Choose one thing and work on it deliberately.
  9. Whenever you resolve an issue in your life, celebrate and praise yourself for the great work you’ve done.
  10. Continue to identify and resolve issues throughout your life.

Developing self-awareness doesn’t happen overnight, it requires sustained attention and effort over time. Try this ten-step process and, as you do it, you’ll be gaining insights into yourself and living a healthier, more balanced life.



4 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem through Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

4 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem through Self-Awareness

Building your self-awareness leads to higher self-esteem because, when you know yourself well and are able to positively manage your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’ll feel much better about yourself and live a happier life.

Have you ever met someone who seems to have strong self-esteem but who does things to sabotage himself or herself? We all do things that keep us from succeeding and we do it at an unconscious level. Oftentimes, the messages we learned early in life keep holding us back and telling us that we can’t achieve what we want in the workplace. The good news is that you can change those inner messages by following some practical steps.

1. Identify the message. Ask yourself, “Where did this message begin.”

2. Ask yourself if the message is true. For example, do you really not deserve to succeed?

3. Think of the opposite of the message and do that instead. Make it a positive message that gets you where you want to go.

4. Every time a negative, limiting message comes into your head repeat these steps until it is gone.

As your self-awareness increases, so will your self-esteem, but it requires concerted effort. It will take you some time to become an expert at changing your inner messages but you will do it if you stick with it over time. Plan on spending at least 30 days practicing the new behavior and then check in with yourself to see how you’re doing. You’ll be happy with the results because you’ll be moving in a positive direction. If you’re not, it’s likely you have another message to work on. What will you do to start building your self-esteem?



Benefits of Self-Awareness in the Workplace - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Benefits of Self-Awareness in the Workplace

There are a lot of benefits of self-awareness in the workplace, including building a happier, more productive workplace where people interact positively and get more done. Self-awareness is a vital skill for everyone in any organization because it helps things run better.

Self-awareness is defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and deal positively with one’s own (and others’) emotions and thoughts, which leads to positive behaviors and the ability to interact well with other people. It’s important in workplaces because it makes things easier for everyone.

Here are some of the most important benefits of self-awareness in the workplace:

  • Leadership treats people well because they aren’t behaving out of fear or ego.
  • Leaders are mentally healthy and model positive behaviors.
  • Employees are better taken care of and are treated as the valuable members of the organization that they are.
  • People don’t work out their problems on each other, they have the ability to understand their own strengths and weaknesses and interact positively.
  • Communication is much easier because people know how to get out of the way and listen to each other.
  • People get more done with less effort because they don’t waste time with power struggles or the need for dominance or power.
  • Less conflict.
  • Fewer arguments.
  • People are able to work well with each other.
  • People understand each other better.
  • Everyone is more motivated because leadership encourages them to do what they do best.
  • People treat each other with empathy and kindness.
  • The organization functions as a cohesive whole.

Imagine what your workplace would look like if you and your employees did all or even some of these things, you might actually enjoy being there instead of having it be a constant struggle.

Self-awareness is vital in the workplace because people are happier and work better when they feel healthy inside. What will you do to enjoy enjoy the benefits of self-awareness in your workplace?



Self-Awareness Leads to Success in Life and Your Career - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Leads to Success in Life and Your Career

Many people who lack self-awareness spend a lifetime searching for the secret to success when it is in front of them the whole time. There really isn’t a magic secret to being successful in life and your career, it just requires purposeful action. Purposeful action means that we behave in a fully conscious manner and think about every action that we take. We don’t leave things to chance, except when appropriate, and we purposefully do things to improve things about ourselves. We don’t let life happen to us, we make it happen.

Thinking successfully requires that we build self-awareness and re-program some of our previous thought patterns. We benefit from consciously moving past the messages about not being successful or having to rely on others for our fulfillment. We also purposefully leave behind the self-talk about not being able to achieve greatness or not deserving a good life. Our new way of thinking allows us great freedom because we get to create success by simply doing things that lead in that direction.

The following steps will help you achieve what you want in life but there is one condition: You have to do them. Take some time to walk yourself through these ideas slowly and deliberately, the answers will lead you toward your dreams and aspirations.

1. Identify something you want to achieve in life.
2. Brainstorm different tasks that will help you achieve your goal.
3. Pick one task and follow it through to completion. Assign yourself a realistic time limit.

When you are done with these three steps repeat them by going back to your brainstorm list and working on one of the other ideas or by starting at number one again. Use these steps to keep moving and continue taking action toward your dreams. Here’s what the process might look like as you answer the questions:

1. I want to start my own business . (This is where you identify your dream).

2. Tasks involved in starting my business: (This is where you brainstorm ideas).
a. What kind of business.
b. Taking a class in starting a business.
c. Making contacts.
d. Talking to business people.

3. I will decide what kind of business really excites me. I will do this within the next week. (This is where you choose a task and complete it).

When you complete number three, then simply repeat. Success is based on continuous movement and action and going through these steps helps you keep going. If you don’t actually do stuff you never get beyond the idea phase, you benefit greatly from completing tasks. Before you know it you will be on your way to completing one, two, ten, forty, fifty tasks and you will be moving down the road you used to only dream of.

People who lack self-awareness get stuck because they keep repeating the same actions over and over. These three steps allow you to interrupt that cycle. With each action you complete you become stronger and more successful. Don’t worry too much about what goal you choose or what action to take, it is the act of doing things that creates the change in your life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be successful in life and your career?



Self-Awareness and Inner Peace - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Inner Peace

When you possess a high level of self-awareness you also experience inner peace because, when you know yourself well, you let go of a lot of the noise that gets in the way of feeling great about yourself and living the life you want to. Here are some ways self-awareness leads to inner peace:

  • You actively work on healing your hurts so you can feel better about yourself.
  • You look deep inside and discover who you really are and then live your life accordingly.
  • You become familiar with the things you do well and the things you need to improve so you can be a more effective person.
  • You let go of superficial concerns and focus on the things that really matter.
  • You attract healthier relationships because you’re healthier.
  • Each day become an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • You feel a sense of calm inside because you are more in tune with who you are.
  • You do kind things for yourself and others.
  • You make the world a better place for yourself and others.
  • Your life is more fulfilling and joyful.

A lot of people never achieve inner peace because they forget to look within. Self-awareness allow you to intimately understand who you are and live life as the real you. When you wake up each day able to enjoy being yourself, your whole existence changes.



Self-Aware People Are Non-Mainstream - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Aware People Are Non-Mainstream

Self-aware people are non-mainstream because they are in touch with their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, and are able to follow their own inner voices and live the way they want to without worrying about what others think or say.

I’m not a mainstream type of person. I tend to like things that are different, quirky, silly, offbeat, emotionally complex, and that elicit deeper thought. I could care less about rules, fitting in, or society’s expectations of me. I live in a place in the universe where I’m immersed in feelings and an exciting swirl of creativity. I’m constantly and continually building my self-awareness.

Too often, we’re told that we should toe the line, follow the rules, not stick out or be self-aware, and many other types of soul-crushing suggestions. In my experience, these recommendations only lead to misery and self-loathing. People are profoundly unhappy when they don’t have self-awareness and can’t express who they really are. The antidote is to follow your inner voice and live courageously and joyfully as the real you. Here are five ways to be non-mainstream:

  1. Identify what you really want to do in life and do it each day.
  2. Don’t pay attention to what others say, follow your own inner voice.
  3. Have confidence in your abilities.
  4. Embrace the things that are different and unique about you.
  5. Have the courage to live as the real you.

Life is much richer when there’s variety and eccentricity mixed into it instead of everyone being the same. Don’t be afraid of being who you really are, you’ll live a much happier life when you have the courage to do your own thing. What will you do to develop self-awareness, avoid being mainstream, and enjoy being yourself?



7 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

7 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is an important tool to help you succeed at a higher level. When you understand yourself well, you live your life consciously rather than just letting it happen to you. Here are seven examples of the importance of self-awareness:

  • You can connect more easily with other people.
  • You treat people with kindness and compassion and have them do the same for you.
  • You follow your true path in life.
  • You build a career you love based on your natural talents and abilities.
  • You live authentically and openly.
  • You resolve your inner issues so they don’t get in the way of your progress.
  • You can be yourself at all times instead of pretending to be someone else.

Imagine if you did all these things, think of the positive impact it would have on your life. When you build self-awareness, you give yourself the opportunity to enjoy who you really are and experience things at an entirely different level. What would you add to this list?




The Self-Awareness Guy