Define Self-Awareness

It Takes Self-Awareness to Look at Yourself - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

It Takes Self-Awareness to Look at Yourself

There are many individuals who construct idealized versions of themselves to avoid having to look at how they really think and behave and the results they’re getting. It takes self-awareness to look at yourself, admit that something isn’t working and change direction. Here are some questions to ask yourself to stop fighting the facts and live based on what’s actually going on in your life and what you’re capable of doing:

  • What do I do in my life that causes me discomfort?
  • What can I do to let go of the things that cause me discomfort?
  • What would I change about myself to feel more comfortable?
  • What can I do to focus on my own behaviors rather than what other people do?
  • What patterns in my life would I change so I could be happier?
  • What am I willing to do to move in a positive direction?
  • What’s my plan for letting go of the thoughts and behaviors that don’t help me?
  • What will I do to be the same person privately and publicly?
  • What will I do to live authentically?

No amount of fighting the facts can change the reality of how you behave and the results you get in life. Take some time to answer questions like the ones I’ve suggested here and get to know yourself on a deeper level so you can live authentically and happily. Life is much more rewarding when you take a good look at yourself and follow your true path.



Self-Awareness and Healthy Interactions - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Healthy Interactions

Self-awareness helps you have healthy interactions with others because, when you’re comfortable with yourself, you’re able to set your personal issues aside and get along with people no matter what the situation.

Have you ever been around someone who always has to win or be in a dominant position? Have you worked with a boss who works out her personal stuff on her employees? Perhaps you’ve endured friends or family members who make everyone miserable or have a tantrum if things don’t go their way. Maybe you know someone who emotionally blackmails others to get what he wants.

These types of behaviors happen all the time and are symptoms of lack of self-awareness. They occur because people don’t feel good about themselves and don’t understand why they think and behave the way they do. When people are deeply in touch with who they are and are happy and balanced they tend to behave more kindly toward others. They have healthy boundaries and empathy for others because they understand that other people also have needs.

Interacting positively with others is a valuable skill to learn because it helps you live a genuinely happy life. It’s the difference between the boss who tramples all over his co-workers and employees and barks orders all day versus the boss who listens calmly and communicates respectfully. One of them is happier and more balanced. You get to choose how you interact with others. You can either let your stuff get all over everyone around you or you can honor who they are and treat them wonderfully.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and promote healthy interactions?



7 Benefits of Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

7 Benefits of Self-Awareness

The more self-awareness you possess, the more positive your life can be. Here are seven benefits of self-awareness:

  • Greater ability to manage your thinking and behavior.
  • Getting to know yourself more fully.
  • Dealing with your personal issues at a deeper level.
  • Becoming healthier and happier inside.
  • Understanding who you really are as a person.
  • Living your life authentically.
  • Treating yourself and others well.

It takes deliberate time and effort to build self-awareness but, the more you get to know yourself, the more in-tune you’ll be with who you really are and what brings you happiness in life. What would you add to this list?


Why Is Self-Awareness Important? - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Why Is Self-Awareness Important?

Why is self-awareness important? Here are some lovely reasons:

  • You get to live life as yourself.
  • You can pursue your dreams.
  • You honor yourself every day.
  • You look within for answers.
  • You live a more fulfilling life.
  • You are in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • You understand why you do stuff.
  • You enjoy positive relationships.
  • You’re able to move in a positive direction.
  • You live consciously instead of reacting to everything that comes your way.
  • You understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • You’re constantly growing.
  • You treat yourself and others well.
  • You genuinely like yourself.

Self-awareness is of vital importance because it’s like the difference between being able to breathe or not. When you possess self-awareness you can enjoy who you are and live a deeply rewarding life. What would you add to this list?



15 Signs of Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

15 Signs of Self-Awareness

Here are fifteen signs that a person has self-awareness:

  • Understand themselves better.
  • Behave proactively instead of reactively.
  • Connect more meaningfully with others.
  • Feel more at ease with themselves.
  • Have worked through past hurts.
  • Behave positively.
  • Pursue their dreams.
  • Enjoy positive relationships.
  • Treat others with kindness and compassion.
  • Have less conflict in their lives.
  • Understand where they end and others begin.
  • Have healthy boundaries.
  • Do things to help others.
  • Make the world a better place.
  • Live life based on their true selves.

You’ll know you’re around someone with self-awareness because they are following their dreams and do things in a way that bring joy to themselves and others. What would you add to this list?



Self-Awareness and Reinventing Yourself after 50 - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Reinventing Yourself after 50

A lot of people reach a certain age in their lives and think that they can’t learn anything new or change in any way. In actuality, you can increase self-awareness and become the real you at any point in life. Being open to change can greatly help you follow a path that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Here are some ideas on how to build self-awareness and reinvent yourself after age fifty:

  1. Visualize who you want to be based on who you truly are deep down inside, the real you.
  2. Make a list of five things you can do to become the person you really are.
  3. Choose one item and take one action to make it a reality.
  4. Measure your progress frequently and, if what you’re doing isn’t working, then choose another item from your list.
  5. Keep taking action until you see positive results.
  6. Start the process again.
  7. Celebrate your accomplishments.

You don’t have to stay stuck at any age because you can always dream and decide to take action to change your life. Reinventing yourself after fifty is possible as long as you’re willing to embark on the journey and stick with it.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and reinvent yourself?



Self-Awareness Helps You Do Your Thing - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness Helps You Do Your Thing

Having self-awareness means that you’re able to decide what you want to do with your life based on who you are deep inside. It’s sometimes hard to do your thing when there are so many people and messages telling you not to. Every day, an enthusiastic teen tells her parents what she wants to do with her life and they advise her that she should focus on something more practical; or an adult tells his friends about his dreams and they make fun of him.

If you pay attention to what other people say you should do, or how they define who you are, then you’ll never follow your own path. The key to living a genuinely happy life is to be the real you no matter what anyone says. Do what you love doing each day and enjoy how it makes you feel and who it helps you become.

I love connecting with people who value self-awareness because they’re willing to be vulnerable and show the world their true selves. What will you do to develop self-awareness and do your thing?



The Self-Awareness Guy