Examples of Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Being Balanced - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Being Balanced

I was talking to a highly accomplished leader today who had the self-awareness to realize he was feeling overwhelmed from juggling multiple projects and tasks and not allotting time for activities that would provide him more balance. His story is the same as countless other leaders trying to make sense of their work or personal lives.

You can become so engrossed in living at a rapid pace that you forget you can enjoy life more if you pause occasionally to relax, recharge and reflect. Take some time during your day to not do anything. Look at a sunset, sit by a stream, go walking in the city with no particular goal. Life becomes more enjoyable when you take time to regain your balance.

A big part of building self-awareness is the ability to monitor how you’re thinking, feeling and behaving and knowing when you need to shift direction a bit. Balance helps you maintain a positive course because it keeps you grounded and focused on the bigger picture. You’ll always experience highs and lows but, if you nurture the middle, you’ll be able to deal with anything that comes your way. What will you do to create balance in your life?



Self-Awareness and How to Be Successful in Life - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and How to Be Successful in Life

How to be successful in life? Practice self-awareness by deciding what you genuinely want to do deep down inside and then start taking action. Here are five steps you can take to create success in your life:

1. Think of what you want to happen.

2. Think of three things you can do to achieve that goal.

3. Pick one thing to take action on and start doing it today.

4. Check in with yourself to see how you’re progressing.

5. When you’ve finished one goal, move on to the next.

The purposeful act of choosing to do something and then following through literally builds self-awareness and trains your mind to take on challenges. When you achieve any goal it opens up great possibilities because you begin to understand that you really can impact your work life in significant ways.

Any shift in your work life begins with a conscious desire to accomplish something. The key to success is going from the abstract thought phase to actually taking action and doing something. Try these steps today on any goal you want to achieve and follow through until you generate results. Along the way you will be learning, growing, and increasing your chances of success.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be successful in life?



The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness

When you lack self-awareness you’re more likely to live in a confusing, contradictory, uncertain world where things don’t make sense and beauty is less prevalent. Countless people live this way and pretend it’s normal rather than seeking a more fulfilling, balanced existence. You can choose to move toward inner and outer beauty or away from it, as in the following examples.

If you don’t possess self-awareness you:

  • Lack self-knowledge.
  • Live an inauthentic life.
  • Experience a lot of cognitive dissonance.
  • Have various parts of your mind not talking to each other.
  • Live unconsciously, reacting to your environment.
  • Are not in touch with your feelings.
  • Are superficially happy.
  • Miss much of the beauty in the world around you and inside you.

If you possess a high level of self-awareness you:

  • Understand yourself in a healthy way.
  • Live life based on your innate talents, passions and interests.
  • Think and behave in consistently positive ways.
  • Have the various parts of your mind in sync.
  • Live consciously, deliberately and mindfully.
  • Are in touch with your feelings.
  • Are deeply happy due to living meaningfully.
  • Live a life of inner and outer beauty.

Each day you have the ability to choose where your thoughts and actions will take you. Beauty is all around you as well as inside you, it’s up to you whether you access it. What will you do to celebrate the beauty in your life?



Self-Awareness and Your True Path - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Your True Path

As you increase your self-awareness you’ll naturally follow your true path in life rather than:

  • Pretending you love doing something you don’t.
  • Justifying doing things you really don’t find meaningful.
  • Doing things solely for money.
  • Doing something because you sort of like it.
  • Doing something because you can.
  • Following other people’s visions.

The more deeply you know and understand yourself, the more you’ll:

  • Do things you genuinely love.
  • Do what you really want to do and find meaningful.
  • Worry less about money and more about fulfillment.
  • Do things because you’re passionate about them.
  • Do things because they’re your calling.
  • Follow your own inner compass.

The key to living an authentic and fulfilling life is to be the real you rather than pretending to be someone else. Take the time to discover who you are and let your authentic self guide your thoughts, feelings and actions. What will you do to follow your true path?



self-awareness consulting

Self-Awareness and Realizing Life Is Precious - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Realizing Life Is Precious

Many individuals lack the self-awareness to realize how precious life is and wait until they’re on their deathbeds before they admit they would have liked to resolve certain issues in their lives or behave differently. People often live their lives unconsciously and feel, think, and behave unfavorably or unproductively. I would love for them to ask themselves: If life is precious,

  • Why would I ever hate someone?
  • Why would I spend one more moment living in fear?
  • Why would I let my past hold me back?
  • Why would I resist change?
  • Why would I not live every moment to its fullest capacity?
  • Why would I not pursue my dreams?
  • Why would I live my life based on my hurts?
  • Why would I not do everything in my power to treat myself and others well?
  • Why would I not live a deeply meaningful and enlightened life?

So many people never ask themselves these types of questions, they just exist unconsciously. Luckily, life doesn’t have to be a sequence of reactions to unforeseen events, you can decide to move it in any direction you wish. It’s possible to keep building your self-awareness so you can live courageously and authentically instead of doing stuff that gets in the way and takes you off your true path.

Self-aware people constantly strive to find out who they are deep inside and how they can make the world a better place. You only have one chance to enjoy your time on this planet. What will you do to develop self-awareness and make the most of your precious life?



Ways for Self-Aware Leaders to Celebrate Diversity - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Ways for Self-Aware Leaders to Celebrate Diversity

Self-aware leaders frequently ask me how they can celebrate diversity in their organization. There’s no standardized formula, all it takes is some planning and goodwill. Try these ideas as you begin celebrating diversity in your workplace:

  1. Celebrate everyone. Don’t just focus on a certain group, pay attention to everyone in the workplace.
  2. Put diverse people in leadership positions. Nothing says that you care about diversity more than promoting diverse people to leadership positions.
  3. Set up an ongoing diversity discussion. You’ll show exceptional commitment to diversity if you have a program that allows people to regularly discuss how it affects them.
  4. Set an example. How you treat your employees and colleagues sets the tone for the organization.
  5. Include diversity in your values. Not only is is advisable to have a diversity policy but make it one of your core values as in, “We will value people from all backgrounds and experiences.”

Try these ideas and see how they affect your workplace. Companies that try these kind of approaches find that they create an atmosphere of greater trust and employees who feel valued. What will you do to develop self-awareness and celebrate diversity in your organization?



Self-Awareness and Empathy - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Empathy

Self-awareness and empathy are closely linked together because they are both part of being a happy, healthy individual. Empathy is the ability to understand another being’s situation, to walk a mile in their shoes and attempt to comprehend what they are experiencing. As you build more self-awareness in life, you become more and more comfortable with who you are as a person and you create balance and security. The better you feel about yourself, the better you treat others.

Having empathy means that you feel confident enough in yourself to put your needs on the backburner for a while and think about how others see the world. It’s the ability to step outside your head and think about what someone else is going through before you think, say or do something. What will you do to practice more empathy in your life?



The Self-Awareness Guy