
Self-Awareness and Being Successful - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Successful

If you possess self-awareness and think you will succeed, you tend to succeed because you take action and you move in circles that are beneficial to you. Even though people understand this concept intellectually they often get stuck in, “I can’t succeed,” mode. It’s perfectly normal to feel like you’ll never break through or achieve your goals but you can have a great impact on how your life moves by simply thinking successfully.

Try thinking about the following things the next time you feel like you are lacking success:

1. What do I want to succeed at?

2. What am I doing today to achieve my goal?

3. What baggage can I shed so I can begin working on my goal?

4. What is one step I can do today to succeed?

5. How will I know if I’ve succeeded?

6. What will I do to enjoy and celebrate my success?

7. What do I need to do to continue thinking successfully?

Try working through these seven questions and focusing your energy on building your self-awareness and being successful. So much of your success depends on how you view what you do in your day to day life. If you always focus on what’s going wrong you’ll tend to move in that direction. If you take the time to celebrate the little things you do along the way, you’ll build a positive reservoir that will help you move forward.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and invite success into your life?



Self-Awareness Helps You Take Action - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Take Action

Have you ever met someone with big dreams but who never does anything about them? Frequently, the only thing that separates those who succeed from those who stay stuck is the ability to build self-awareness and take action. It sounds obvious but action is a key element in helping us move forward in life. Many individuals remain in the planning or idea phases of life, living with vague hopes that someday they will achieve something.

I’ll let you in on a secret: The people who succeed move their ideas from abstract to concrete by taking action. How does one do it? Here’s another amazing secret: You actually have to do stuff to succeed. The great thing is that you can begin this process at any time. Increasing self-awareness and taking action feels great and it yields positive results because we are actually taking charge of our lives.

Think about the difference between the person who dreams all day and the one who dreams but also does something to make them come true. Here are a couple ideas that will help you move toward action.

1. Think about something you would love to achieve.
2. Come up with five ideas that might help you start working on it.
3. Pick the idea that makes the most sense to you.
4. Take action and do it. Set a short-term date by when you will finish it.

Nothing happens without actually doing something. What will you do to develop self-awareness and take action on today?



Self-Awareness and Facing Difficult Issues - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Facing Difficult Issues

If you possess a high level of self-awareness, you’re probably used to facing difficult issues head on. Many people fall into the trap of pretending that things are going well or avoiding challenging situations at all costs, which leads to constantly having to suppress unresolved issues and trying to fill the resulting void. Here are some things to think about if you’re hesitant to deal with dilemmas:

  • You can handle any issue in your life.
  • You don’t have to take everything on at once.
  • You don’t have to repeat the patterns in your past.
  • You can change.
  • You can move in a positive direction any time you choose.
  • You can take one small step today toward dealing with the issue.
  • You can keep taking small steps.
  • You can adjust your approach as needed.

The only way to truly grow as a person is to consciously decide to stop doing things that don’t work. Building self-awareness means getting to know yourself well at every level and having the courage to resolve thorny situations. Anyone can avoid challenges, what will you do to face your issues directly?



Self-Awareness and Taking Action to Love Yourself - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Taking Action to Love Yourself

As you’ve probably guessed from experience, loving yourself is about building self-awareness, doing things that lead to positive outcomes, and continuously improving yourself. An additional action you can take to learn how to love yourself is to find out who you are.

Set aside some time, without interruptions, to find out who you are. Ask yourself some self-discovery questions. What is my passion in life? What are the things I do well? What are the areas I can improve? What is my part in creating great relationships?

The process of loving ourselves comes from increasing self-awareness, understanding who we are, and working through the things that block our ability to love ourselves. For example: If you have difficulty committing in a relationship it may stem from something inside you that blocks you from accepting or giving love. If you identify what is blocking you it suddenly gives you a lot of power to change what you are doing.

Self-love is about practicing positive behaviors and experiencing the joy that comes from learning about yourself. What will you do to develop self-awareness and learn to love yourself?



Self-Awareness Helps You Do Instead of Wish - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Do Instead of Wish

I’ve noticed over the years that a lot of people who lack self-awareness think wishing is the same as doing; they expect that if they just hope something happens, it will. Many people also live in a state of denial, where they pretend things are a certain way when they’re really not. There’s nothing wrong with wishing for wonderful things to happen, it’s just that results only come from living in reality and taking concrete action.

Part of self-awareness is having the ability to see how your actions in the present affect your future. Success rarely happens happens in life without ongoing, tangible efforts to make your wishes come true. I love providing life guidance for people who value self-awareness because they are already working on identifying who they are, where they want to go, and how they’re going to achieve their goals. They fulfill their aspirations by actually doing stuff.

The key to living a happy life is to have dreams and also take steps to make them come true. What will you do to develop self-awareness and actually do things instead of wishing they would happen?



Self-Awareness Helps You Dream Big - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Dream Big

Self-awareness helps you dream big because, when you know yourself deep inside and understand your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you’re able to move your life in any direction you wish.

If you’ve ever wanted to achieve something you’ve probably noticed that you get the results that you work on. If you have a small goal you tend to work toward that, if you have a larger vision you tend to move toward it.

A great way to accomplish almost anything is to start with a dream, a specific thing you would like to see happen or that excites you. The dream will guide all the actions to follow. Think about the following questions as you build self-awareness and pursue your dream:

1. What would I love to do, what is my dream?

2. What are the reasons this dream is important to me?

3. What small action can I take today to make my dream come true?

If you dream big you are constantly moving toward expansive and exciting horizons. It doesn’t mean that all you do are grand, sweeping thing, it just requires that you work toward something that really helps you stretch and grow as a person.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and dream big?



Your Self-Awareness Plan - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Your Self-Awareness Plan

When you create a self-awareness plan it’s important to remember to keep it manageable. You’re far more likely to follow a plan that’s practical and achievable rather than a huge, daunting document that scares you from the very beginning. Here are some ideas to help you develop an achievable self-awareness plan.

  1. Define what area of your life you’d like to focus on.
  2. Brainstorm things you can do to address that particular area.
  3. Pick one brainstorming item and take action.
  4. Evaluate what happens and either go back to step one or pick another brainstorm item.
  5. Repeat the process.

A lot of people get stuck in life because they take on too much at once rather than focusing their energy on one area. Try the process we’ve talked about here and check your progress after one month, three months and six months. You’ll be happy with the results if you stick with it.



The Self-Awareness Guy