Self-Awareness Examples

Self-Awareness and Prioritizing - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Prioritizing

When you’re working on developing self-awareness it’s important to prioritize. You get to decide what’s most important to you and what actions you want to take. You have a lot of power to move your life in any direction you want by choosing to work on things that will create positive results. Spend less time on minor details and focus on what really matters and you’ll be on your way to success. For example: Would you rather heal one of your inner hurts so you can be genuinely happier or do something superficial that just puts a band-aid on everything?

Prioritizing means that you get to choose what you work on and when. A big part of self-awareness is knowing yourself well enough that you can tell the difference between meaningful and superficial work. I always recommend that people work on the deeper things in life, the ones that will bring them meaning and fulfillment rather than just getting by or pretending things are okay. What will you decide to do today?



Self-Awareness and Perseverance - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Perseverance

Perseverance is one of the most important traits a person can possess and is part of self-awareness. People who are able to understand and manage their own emotions, thoughts, and actions persevere more and move past the challenges in their lives.

To me it means having the self-awareness necessary to move forward and trust my inner voice no matter what happens. Very often, talented people will stifle their work or choose a “safer” career path because of what they heard from well-meaning people as they were growing up. I’ve found it helpful to keep going in spite of any inside and outside disparagement and just do my thing.

It doesn’t take superhuman effort to keep going, simply do one small thing each day that helps you continue your journey. Keep building your self-awareness so you can continue clarifying what you really want to do in life. Repeated modest actions will eventually add up to a great body of work and deep fulfillment. How will you build up your self-awareness and keep persevering?



People Who Lack Self-Awareness Crave Power and Control - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

People Who Lack Self-Awareness Crave Power and Control

There is an emptiness to power and control that many people in positions of affluence and influence experience when they increase their self-awareness and realize it doesn’t matter how much they dominate others when they themselves don’t feel balanced and happy inside.

A lot of people seek power and control even though it doesn’t provide them with deep, abiding fulfillment. Sure, it can produce temporary, superficial gratification, but that doesn’t feed the need for meaning. The only way to be truly happy in life is to have inner power and control by healing one’s hurts and being as healthy as possible toward oneself and others.

A lot of people think having power and control means subjugating or dominating others; qualities that are dramatically different from inner peace and balance. The key to living a genuinely happy life is to be so self-aware that it radiates outward and helps others grow and succeed. What will you do improve your self-awareness instead of craving power and control?



Using Self-Awareness to Overcome Your Fears - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Using Self-Awareness to Overcome Your Fears

You can use self-awareness to overcome your fears because, the more you understand your emotions, thoughts, and actions, the easier it is to not be scared of things.

Fear often keeps us repeating the same patterns, even to the extent of repeating behaviors we dislike. We get stuck doing the same thing over and over and don’t see a way out. Overcoming fears is a challenge we avoid because we tend to hang on to the familiar rather than the unknown.

The paradoxical thing is that the unknown can often lead us in new and wonderful directions we couldn’t even imagine when we started out. Facing your fears is a matter of finding out what they are, where they come from and taking action to move in a different direction. Here is what some smart people have to say about the subject.

Bonaro W. Overstreet

Perhaps the most important thing we can undertake toward the reduction of fear is to make it easier for people to accept themselves, to like themselves.

Don Miguel Ruiz:

Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive — the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

Dorothy Thompson:

Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.

Eleanor Roosevelt:

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. What will you do to use your self-awareness to move beyond fear?



Self-Awareness and Envisioning Your Future - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Envisioning Your Future

A lot of people stumble along their self-awareness journey because they forget to visualize what they want to achieve. The key to successful personal development is to be able to envision yourself as being the person you want to be. Take some time to picture what your goal is; what it feels like; what you see; what’s happening around you. Let go of negative thoughts that tell you can’t do it or other noise that only gets in the way. Picture success and you’ll head in that direction.

You might find it helpful to consider the following ideas to help you build your self-awareness and vision:

  • Look deep inside yourself and identify what you really want to do in life.
  • Pick one thing to start working on.
  • Do one small thing each day to work toward your goal.
  • Keep doing small things until you feel like you’ve reached your goal.
  • When you reach your goal, evaluate what you did well and what you would improve.
  • Start the process over again.

Picturing your future doesn’t require some magic insight, all you have to do is take action each day to move in the direction of your dreams. Remember that it’s the act of continuously doing small things that will get you where you want to be. Along the way you’ll learn and grow and become more self-aware.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and envision your future?



The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

The Beauty Arising from Self-Awareness

When you lack self-awareness you’re more likely to live in a confusing, contradictory, uncertain world where things don’t make sense and beauty is less prevalent. Countless people live this way and pretend it’s normal rather than seeking a more fulfilling, balanced existence. You can choose to move toward inner and outer beauty or away from it, as in the following examples.

If you don’t possess self-awareness you:

  • Lack self-knowledge.
  • Live an inauthentic life.
  • Experience a lot of cognitive dissonance.
  • Have various parts of your mind not talking to each other.
  • Live unconsciously, reacting to your environment.
  • Are not in touch with your feelings.
  • Are superficially happy.
  • Miss much of the beauty in the world around you and inside you.

If you possess a high level of self-awareness you:

  • Understand yourself in a healthy way.
  • Live life based on your innate talents, passions and interests.
  • Think and behave in consistently positive ways.
  • Have the various parts of your mind in sync.
  • Live consciously, deliberately and mindfully.
  • Are in touch with your feelings.
  • Are deeply happy due to living meaningfully.
  • Live a life of inner and outer beauty.

Each day you have the ability to choose where your thoughts and actions will take you. Beauty is all around you as well as inside you, it’s up to you whether you access it. What will you do to celebrate the beauty in your life?



Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Searching for Truth

Are you someone who values self-awareness and is searching for truth? Do you seek answers to your questions? Do you want to find meaning and purpose in your life? Well, you’ve come to the right place or, better yet, you’ve always been at the right place.

A lot of people who lack self-awareness think the truth comes from some outside entity, person, or group but it really lives inside you. Right at this moment you possess within you all the answers you will ever need, all you need to do is learn how to listen to your inner voice. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to find your truth:

  • What would I do with my life if I didn’t have to think about money?
  • What brings me the most joy and fulfillment in life?
  • Who am I deep down inside?
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • In what ways do I treat myself well?
  • What do I do to love myself?
  • What actions am I taking each day to get to know myself?
  • What am I doing to follow my bliss?
  • What do I do each day to discover who I really am deep down inside?
  • What am I doing to heal my hurts each day?

Ask yourself questions like these to increase your self-awareness and discover your own truth. The secret to life is that you get to define who you are and what makes you happy. Get to know yourself well, listen to your inner voice, and you’ll find your true path in life.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and discover your own truth?



The Self-Awareness Guy