Self-Awareness Meaning

Self-Awareness Is Ongoing - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Is Ongoing

The process of  developing self-awareness is ongoing because you never stop growing and there’s always something new to learn about yourself and the world. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to find new ways to grow. That doesn’t mean you have to feverishly pursue goals all the time, as with anything, it’s a good idea to find a balance that keeps you healthy and happy.



Examples of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Examples of Self-Awareness

Here are some examples of self-awareness:

  • Self-awareness is when you understand how your thoughts affect you and others.
  • Self-awareness is understanding how your behaviors affect you and other people around you.
  • Self-awareness means that you are in touch with all of your feelings and you’re able to manage them positively.
  • Self-awareness means you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Self-awareness is a deeper understanding of who you are and what makes you tick.
  • Self-awareness means being kind to yourself and others.
  • Self-awareness means you’re willing to think of the difficult things in your past that need resolution.
  • Self-awareness is working hard each day to get to know yourself well.
  • Self-awareness is living a genuine life based on your true talents and abilities.
  • Self-awareness means being yourself.



Self-Awareness and Being Unhelpful - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Being Unhelpful

The more self-awareness you have, the happier you are and the more you move away from being unhelpful when others need assistance. There are many instances where people don’t help each other very much or choose to interact negatively, for example:

  • Pointing out what’s going wrong instead of what is going well.
  • Criticizing instead of offering solutions.
  • Talking over people.
  • Making sarcastic or sardonic remarks.
  • Taking a lot of time to explain why they can’t do something rather than doing it.
  • Finding ways to not help.
  • Acting like a know-it-all and making people feel inadequate.

As you gain more self-awareness you move away from these types of behaviors because you realize that other people are valuable, and you do things like:

  • Highlight what is going well.
  • Offer solutions.
  • Listen.
  • Make positive remarks.
  • Do something helpful instead of talking about what you can’t do.
  • Find ways to help.
  • Behave in ways that are kind and helpful.

There is a vast difference between the first list and the second list; one hurts people and creates conflict and the other encourages relationship building. You get to choose which path you take. Self-awareness means you understand how important it is to treat everyone with respect and care. What will you do to be more helpful?



Self-Awareness Means Looking at the Deeper Stuff in Life - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Means Looking at the Deeper Stuff in Life

Self-awareness is about looking at the deeper stuff in life, the things that most people try to avoid. For as long as I can remember I’ve felt comfortable looking at the most unpleasant recesses of my mind. It hasn’t always been a pleasant, easy, or enjoyable journey, but it has enabled me to understand at a very intimate level how people work through their issues in life.

It’s natural not to want to look at the deeper things in life. It’s unpleasant and, unless you’re willing to stick with it, it doesn’t yield results instantly. The irony is that self-awareness means consciously understanding why you think, feel and do the things you do rather than avoiding confrontation with the unsavory elements of your existence.

To live a genuinely happy, meaningful and fulfilling life, it’s vital to take a candid, thoughtful and ongoing look at yourself and do the work necessary to heal inside and out. Self-awareness isn’t easy but the reward is that you get to enjoy life free from the constraints that used to hold you back.


Self-Awareness Begins with Self-Reflection - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Begins with Self-Reflection

True self-awareness begins with self-reflection, the process of examining and understanding what you think, feel and do. A lot of people are able to recognize that they think or do something but are unable to consciously change or modify it. Self-reflection means that you do the following:

  • Be willing to take a candid look at yourself.
  • Recognize your strengths.
  • Identify your areas for improvement.
  • Learn how to experience your full range of emotions.
  • Find ways to identify and heal your deepest hurts.
  • Stop doing things that don’t work.
  • Think, feel and behave consciously and positively.
  • Move from being reactive to proactive.
  • Be willing to learn, grow and change.
  • Be open to new experiences.

There’s a big difference between saying you’re self-aware and actually knowing who you really are. Genuine self-awareness requires constant, ongoing reflection, exploration, and an openness to new perspectives and ideas. What will you do to start your journey of self-reflection?



Self-Aware People Keep Moving Forward - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware People Keep Moving Forward

The only way to make anything happen in your life is to build up your self-awareness and keep moving forward. Many people give up on their dreams because things get difficult or don’t work out the way they thought they would. They don’t realize that they’ll always encounter some type of roadblock, things rarely unfold exactly like we wish they would. The key to success is to keep going instead of staying stuck.

When you possess self-awareness, you’re able to take a candid look at yourself and realize that you have the ability to move in the direction of your dreams. A positive approach that works for me is to just take small steps each day toward something I want to achieve. Each day I build my body of work and my connections to other people who appreciate what I do. It’s a gradual, low-stress, ongoing process that builds over time.

What do you do to keep moving forward?



Self-Awareness Helps You Do Things Now - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Helps You Do Things Now

We all know what it feels like to put things off or avoid tackling difficult tasks or issues in life. Self-awareness helps you do things now because, when you are familiar with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, you are able to deal with any challenge that comes your way instead of trying to avoid it.

Much of self-awareness is being able to make decisions and take action so you can learn more about yourself and keep growing. A lot of people talk about doing something and never follow through, which doesn’t generally lead to positive results. The key to success is starting your journey today and continuing to understand who you really are deep inside.

You’re an important and valuable person who deserves to do things to move forward positively in life. The next time you have a negative thought that holds you back from doing what you really want to, replace it with a positive action. Keep repeating this pattern and, over time, you’ll procrastinate much less.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and do things now?



The Self-Awareness Guy