Self-Awareness Meaning

Self-Awareness and Loving Yourself - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is easier when you possess self-awareness because you understand who you are at a deeper level and are able to live authentically. A lot of people walk through life barely liking who they are and it shows in their thoughts and actions toward themselves and others, including behaviors like self-sabotage, unhealthy relationships and not pursuing their dreams. If you don’t love yourself, you’ll have a difficult time discovering the real you because it will remain hidden until you’re ready.

The key to being happy in life and genuinely loving who you are is to understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Take a careful look at the things you think, feel and do that bring you success and those that don’t and work on improving the areas that need some attention. Loving yourself is an ongoing process of looking at yourself, keeping the things that build you up and letting go of the stuff that holds you back. As you do more positive things in life, you’ll grow to admire the person you’ve become. What will you do to start loving yourself?



Self-Awareness and Hope - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Hope

Self-awareness gives you hope because you’re able to live proactively and consciously rather than enduring whatever comes your way. If you don’t know yourself very well you might see the world as a vast, unknown, scary entity that has total control over you, which might lead you to say things like:

  • Life is hard and it will always be.
  • I have no opportunities.
  • I can only rely on myself.
  • Things will never change.

Fortunately, you have a lot of control over your thoughts, feelings and behaviors and you can view even the most difficult situations from whatever perspective you choose. For example, you could convert the statements above to ones that indicate you understand how much power you have:

  • Life may be hard at times but I can decide to move forward positively.
  • I’m going to look for the opportunities in this situation.
  • I know I can rely on myself but I can also connect with others.
  • I can make change happen.

Each of these sets of examples represents a different worldview: One is based on the assumption that the world is harsh and negative and the other suggests that you can affect your environment even if things are difficult. When you understand yourself really well, you shift from living passively to choosing how you experience the world. What will you do to increase your hopefulness through self-awareness?



10 Signs You Practice Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

10 Signs You Practice Self-Awareness

It’s easy to tell who values self-awareness because they behave in ways that are uplifting for them and the people around them. Here are ten signs that you practice self-awareness:

  1. You know where you end and others begin.
  2. You behave positively toward yourself and others.
  3. You have compassion and empathy for others.
  4. You are able to see other people’s points of view.
  5. You keep your personal stuff out of your interactions with others.
  6. You heal your own hurts.
  7. You know who you really are deep inside.
  8. You live authentically.
  9. You help yourself and others grow and succeed.
  10. You get up each morning and think, feel and behave like the real you.

If you do these things habitually, you’re a person who possesses healthy self-awareness. If you don’t, no worries, just pick one area to strengthen and practice until you become good at it. The key to building self-awareness is to always be cognizant of what you’re doing and whether you’re living positively and genuinely. What will you do to keep building self-awareness?



Insecurity Is a Normal Part of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Insecurity Is a Normal Part of Self-Awareness

Insecurity is a normal part of developing self-awareness because it indicates that you understand that some area of your life that needs improvement. No one feels 100% confident all the time and everyone has doubts. The trick is to use those feelings as inspiration to keep learning and growing instead of letting them affect you and others in less that wonderful ways.

People who are always insecure lack the self-awareness to move past those feelings. The key to getting rid of insecurity is to determine what’s causing it and continue taking action even when it feels difficult. As you keep doing positive things, you’ll gradually feel more confident and less insecure.

Here are some signs you’re moving past insecurity:

  • You feel happier and more balanced.
  • You’re able to overcome obstacles.
  • You like yourself more.
  • You feel more confident but not in an arrogant or fake way.
  • You don’t feel the need to compete to prove how great you are.
  • You help other people succeed.
  • You behave with kindness and empathy.



Your Self-Awareness Journey - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Your Self-Awareness Journey

Your self-awareness journey is particular to you. It will go in any direction that you commit to going. That means that you get to choose what you do and how you move forward. Don’t worry about what others say, it’s up to you which path you take. The key is to make decisions based on your authentic self and enjoy the trip. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Be open to new ideas and approaches.
  • Commit to getting to know yourself at a deep level.
  • Work on healing your inner hurts.
  • Create an inventory of the things you do well and the areas you want to improve.
  • Talk to some professionals about building self-awareness.
  • Resolve to live your life based on who you really are deep inside.
  • Understand how your emotions, thoughts, and actions affect your life.
  • Decide to live consciously.



Self-Aware People Are Dynamic Instead of Static - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Aware People Are Dynamic Instead of Static

People tend to be static or dynamic, which means that they either want to keep the status quo or value ongoing change. When you lack self-awareness and live a static life, you devote a lot of energy to keeping things as they are, a daunting task since the universe is constantly transforming around you. Being self-aware and dynamic helps you be nimble, flexible and able to handle the challenges that come your way, as well as being happier. Here are some signs that indicate whether you’re static or flexible:

Signs You’re Static
Try to keep things the same.
Struggle with change.
Pine for the good old days.
React to events.
Resist new trends.
Struggle with new ideas.
Look at change as losing something.

Signs You’re Dynamic
Don’t mind if things aren’t the same.
See change as a positive.
Pleased that things are constantly evolving.
Behave proactively to welcome change.
Welcome new trends.
Appreciate new ideas.
View change as gaining something.

In the history of the world, many people have tried to halt change but none has succeeded in the long run. Struggling against change only leads to frustration and disappointment whereas welcoming it makes life easier and more enjoyable. Being static will leave you consistently behind while being dynamic gives you the ability to handle any situation that comes your way.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and be more dynamic?



Signs of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Signs of Self-Awareness

I’m often asked whether one can tell when someone has self-awareness. When you’re working on understanding yourself well you might be doing some of the following things:

  • Becoming the most effective you possible.
  • Functioning well in life.
  • Achieving what you want.
  • Finding happiness and balance.
  • Letting go of negative behaviors.
  • Being comfortable with who you are.
  • Resolving personal issues.
  • Enjoying your career.
  • Loving yourself and others.
  • Living consciously.
  • Being proactive rather than reactive.

Many people let life happen to them because they feel they can’t change or develop in any way. The good news is that anyone can move in any direction as long as he or she is willing to put in the effort to make things happen. You decide what happens in your life and whether you believe in using self-awareness as a tool to help you grow and succeed.



The Self-Awareness Guy