
25 Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

25 Characteristics of a Self-Aware Person

Here are twenty-five characteristics of a self-aware person:

  1. You’re able to look inside yourself.
  2. You understand how your thoughts and behaviors affect you and the people around you.
  3. You’re able to manage your emotions and comfortably deal with other people’s emotions.
  4. You don’t walk through life hurting others.
  5. You treat yourself and others well.
  6. You’re generally happy and balanced.
  7. You live a meaningful and fulfilling life.
  8. You know who you are deep inside.
  9. You follow your dreams.
  10. You listen to your inner voice.
  11. You build healthy relationships.
  12. You don’t get into a lot of conflicts.
  13. You don’t try to control other people.
  14. You behave with kindness and empathy.
  15. You don’t feel you have to win or beat people.
  16. You heal your inner damage.
  17. You derive your self-esteem from being a healthy person.
  18. You listen to other people.
  19. You don’t feel threatened by new or different ideas.
  20. You live based on reality.
  21. You give to others.
  22. You don’t have an inflated ego.
  23. You don’t make excuses for the mistakes you make.
  24. You’re willing to change.
  25. You’re a nice person.

Being self-aware means that you’ve done the work necessary to understand who you really are and fix the things that cause you or others discomfort. When you possess self-awareness, you’re in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and actions, so that you can live a life where you treat yourself and others with care and compassion and help build a better world.



Being Sensitive Is Self-Aware - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Being Sensitive Is Self-Aware

Individuals who lack self-awareness don’t understand their impact on others. When people say things like: “You’re too sensitive,” or “Stop being so sensitive,” I can almost guarantee that someone is in the process of being hurt in some way. It usually happens like this:

  1. Person one says something rude to person two.
  2. Person two gets upset.
  3. Person one says, “You’re too sensitive.”

Being sensitive is a good thing, it means that you’re in touch with your feelings and you’re able to express them, and that’s why it makes people who aren’t well-versed in dealing with emotions uncomfortable. Most people run screaming when they experience an uncomfortable feeling inside themselves or coming from someone else, and they’ll do anything to get away from it.

I love connecting with people who value self-awareness because they know what it’s like to experience the world through heightened emotions. It doesn’t mean they don’t use their brains, it just shows they’re extra intuitive and perceptive about their environment.

If you’re a sensitive person, that’s great. Keep experiencing your feelings and encouraging others to do the same. After all, we’re all thinking, feeling beings. What will you do to develop self-awareness and be sensitive?



Self-Awareness and Empathy - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Empathy

Self-awareness and empathy are closely linked together because they are both part of being a happy, healthy individual. Empathy is the ability to understand another being’s situation, to walk a mile in their shoes and attempt to comprehend what they are experiencing. As you build more self-awareness in life, you become more and more comfortable with who you are as a person and you create balance and security. The better you feel about yourself, the better you treat others.

Having empathy means that you feel confident enough in yourself to put your needs on the backburner for a while and think about how others see the world. It’s the ability to step outside your head and think about what someone else is going through before you think, say or do something. What will you do to practice more empathy in your life?



Self-Awareness and Personal Development - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Personal Development

As you develop self-awareness you’ll find that it will help your personal development journey as well. The more you understand yourself and why you think, feel and do certain things, the more power you have to grow and succeed. You’ll also create a greater number of opportunities to shift the direction of your life because you’ll realize which areas you excel in and which might benefit from some attention.

Self-awareness is essential to developing as a person because it allows you to do things mindfully instead of settling for whatever comes your way. You don’t have to stay stuck in one place your entire life, you can deliberately decide to explore a different path. What will you do to keep developing as a person?



Self-Awareness and Where Your Thoughts Lead You - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Where Your Thoughts Lead You

It’s amazing what happens when you build self-awareness and think in ways that lead to positive results. If you focus only on negative thoughts and what you can’t do, your life tends to follow a predictable pattern. It moves very differently if you think in brand new ways. Try the following steps to help you achieve what is meaningful to you:

1. Think of a goal you would like to achieve.

2. Think of the reasons why you can’t achieve that goal.

3. Think of dumping those negative reasons in a trash can.

4. Develop new, positive, ways you can achieve the goal.

5. Picture what your life would look like if you pursued these positive paths.

6. Start working on your goal.

You will find that your thoughts are a powerful predictor for how you will do in life. You get results based on your self-awareness and what you think you can achieve. Try this exercise each time you feel like you can’t do something and begin moving in new and exciting directions.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and think in ways that help you live a great life?



Self-Awareness and Emotional Depth - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Emotional Depth

When you enjoy a high level of self-awareness you’re also likely in touch with your emotions, which helps you relate well to others and live a happier life. Here are some of the characteristics of emotional depth:

  • You recognize and understand other people’s feelings.
  • You understand how your emotions affect others.
  • You don’t work out your personal hurts on other people.
  • You don’t blindly run over people because you’re trying to ignore or placate some deeper emotional issue inside you.
  • You don’t pretend emotions don’t exist or put down people who are “too emotional.”
  • People like you.
  • You’re successful because you’re a nice person.
  • You live a life of empathy.

Many people think that being emotional is something to be avoided at all costs when it’s really just a natural part of being a human being. It’s how you deal with your emotions that impacts how balanced and at peace you are. What will you do to increase your emotional depth?



Self-Awareness and Living Consciously - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Living Consciously

Most people live unconsciously, without much self-awareness, bouncing around from one event to another and reacting based on whatever they feel at that particular moment. They automatically repeat the patterns and roles they learned in their families or wherever they grew up and never move past them. That’s why you see so many adults who behave like children or are perpetually stuck in high school.

Living consciously is an entirely different approach to life. It means building up you self-awareness by getting to know yourself so well that you can deliberately feel, think, and behave positively. It means that you don’t react to things based on your hurts, you actively choose an affirmative path. You’re able to think not only about yourself, but about others and the greater good. You move past reacting to people and events and become a creator and promoter of beautiful things.

There’s no secret to living consciously, it just takes deliberate effort. Be mindful of the things you do each day and take small actions to move in the direction of your dreams. Heal the hurts from your past and move forward courageously to live the life you really want to. What will you do to develop self-awareness and live consciously?



The Self-Awareness Guy