
Using Self-Awareness to Be Successful - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Using Self-Awareness to Be Successful

You can use self-awareness to be successful because you’re able to clearly see what your strengths and areas for improvement are. People try to achieve success in different ways. Some people believe a workshop will create success in their lives, others rely on some outside person to make them successful, some think if they work way too many hours it will bring success. There are a couple of characteristics I have noticed in successful people that I thought I’d share with you.

Success Secrets of Self-Aware, Successful People

  • Have a goal in mind.
  • Keep going even when things get tough.
  • Believe in themselves even when others don’t.
  • Set realistic and manageable goals.
  • Set themselves up for success.
  • Do things to understand themselves honestly.
  • Are open to outside help and scrutiny.
  • Understand that success is something you create.
  • Work intelligently, not just to be busy.
  • Follow their passion.
  • Always work on improving their self-awareness.

Try a few of these ideas on for size and see what they do for your success quotient. Successful people are those who follow their dreams and keep walking even when the road seems impassable. What will you do to increase self-awareness and move toward success?



Getting Rid of Destructive Pride with Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Getting Rid of Destructive Pride with Self-Awareness

A lot of people who lack self-awareness believe that pride means being as outwardly tough and invulnerable as possible. They’ll insist they’re proud of doing something or being a certain way even when they’re not. This type of thinking produces people who can never back down, admit being wrong, or change their minds. They present a strong facade but are internally shattered and don’t possess the self-awareness to change direction.

True pride is not how much bravado you project or how strong your shell is, it’s how you actually feel about yourself deep inside and how genuinely self-aware, balanced, and fulfilled you are. People who are willing to take a look at who they are and make the necessary adjustments are much more likely to live happily than those who only focus on projecting invincibility.

Being proud really means being at peace with yourself by living life as the real you, not just pretending you’re doing it. Constructive pride is the ability to feel great about who you are as a person at every level, without any rationalizations or qualifications. What will you do to develop self-awareness and move beyond destructive pride?



Self-Awareness and Rigid Beliefs - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and Rigid Beliefs

If you have a high level of self-awareness you will tend not to have rigid beliefs. A lot of well-meaning people try to convert others to their way of thinking or impose their ideas upon them when the true path to happiness and balance is to know themselves so well that they’re comfortable in their own shoes and don’t feel like they have to change others.

When you genuinely like yourself you will discover that you are open to other people’s ideas, even when they’re different. The trap many people fall into is thinking that their way of seeing the world or perceiving situations is the only acceptable view. They see the world through a single filter and, because they’re trying to convert everyone to their beliefs, are certain that everyone else is trying to do the same.

Genuine self-awareness allows you to let go of trying to change other people and focus instead on becoming the happiest, healthiest most balanced and genuine individual you can be. As you become more flexible, you open the door to all kinds of new and wonderful ideas and perspectives and you become a more complete person. What will you do to let go of rigid beliefs?



Self-Awareness and How You Relate to People - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness and How You Relate to People

When you possess a high level of self-awareness you relate to people more effectively because you’re comfortable with yourself and are able to step outside your own brain and connect with others on a deeper level. If you have a difficult time getting along with others or are uncomfortable in social situations there are some things you can do:

  • Get to know yourself well and be as happy and healthy inside as you can be.
  • Consistently think and do positive things.
  • Avoid justifying or rationalizing your behaviors that don’t build positive relationships.
  • Work on healing your inner hurts and resolving the difficult issues in your life so they don’t get in the way of building positive relationships.
  • Be in touch with your entire range of feelings.
  • Actively pursue your dreams so you can help others do the same.
  • Don’t assume other people think or act like you, accept their way of doing things.
  • Treat people with kindness and compassion.
  • Learn how to trust others.
  • Collaborate with others instead of competing with them.

The happier and healthier you are inside the easier it will be to get along with others. What will you do to relate well with the people in your life?



The Path to Self-Awareness - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

The Path to Self-Awareness

The path to self-awareness reveals itself to you as you’re ready for it. Here are some examples of how you can tell that you’re on your way:

  • You look at yourself without criticism or judgment.
  • You realize that there are things about you that can be improved.
  • You understand that life is a journey rather than a finite goal.
  • You have the courage to examine and continue healing your hurts.
  • You keep growing and learning throughout your life.
  • You see results in your life based on your thoughtful, kind, compassionate thinking and behavior.
  • You actively work on making your dreams a reality.
  • You live life as the real you.

If you do things like these, you know how great it feels to live authentically and share your gifts with yourself and the world; if you don’t, you have a wonderful opportunity to visit many interesting places.



Increase Your Self-Awareness to Stop Going out with Losers - Unlock Your True Potential: Empowering Tips for Building Self-Awareness

Increase Your Self-Awareness to Stop Going out with Losers

If you’re always lamenting going out with losers, you might find it helpful to increase your self-awareness. The more you understand how your emotions, thoughts, and actions affect your relationship choices, the more easily you’ll be able to pick people who will treat you well.

We often actively contribute to getting stuck in negative patterns and we label the other person as a loser rather than looking at ourselves.

Ask yourself these questions next time you’re wondering why you are stuck going out with less than marvelous people:

1. What does being with this person say about me?
2. How can I move in a different direction?
3. What can I do to improve myself so I don’t attract these people?
4. What can I learn from this?
5. Do I have a plan for change?

Everyone is capable of attracting good people. There really are no losers at all, just people who are stuck in negative patterns. Good luck finding your positive pattern. What will you do to build your self-awareness and stop going out with people who don’t value you?



The Self-Awareness Guy