What Is Self-Awareness

What is self-awareness, at The Self-Awareness Guy.

Why Self-Awareness Matters - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Why Self-Awareness Matters

You’ve probably met people, even very successful ones, who behave like they’re clueless or unbalanced in some part of their lives. Perhaps they don’t deal with others very positively, can’t get past some childhood trauma or have ideas about the world that aren’t grounded in reality. What they’re often missing is self-awareness, the ability to understand how their thoughts, emotions and behaviors affect them and others.

People avoid looking at themselves because they’re afraid of what they might find. It takes courage to admit that they’re not perfect, that they’ve made mistakes, that they’ve been wrong in the past or that there are areas that need improvement in their lives. Those who do decide to take a candid look at themselves soon discover that they can live deeply satisfying, meaningful, healthy and balanced lives.

Self-awareness matters because you’re worth it. You deserve to live a fully conscious life that reflects the real you rather than doing all the other garbage that makes you (and the people around you) unhappy. When you understand who you are and why you think and behave the way you do, you get to live an authentic life being yourself rather than trying to be someone you’re not or relying on outside sources for your happiness.

Increasing your self-awareness gives you the opportunity to live the life you were meant to live without restrictions. It’s a journey that begins with your willingness to look at yourself honestly and become the most healthy, balanced you possible. How will you start building your self-awareness?



Self-Awareness and Your Worldview - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness and Your Worldview

Your level of self-awareness deeply affects your worldview. If you believe that the world is an unforgiving place where people can’t be trusted or want to harm you then you’ll live your life in a particular way. If, on the other hand, you see the world as a place where people can be trusted and are generally well-meaning you’ll behave in other ways. Your worldview colors everything you do in life and will lead you down a certain path which can be beneficial or full of hindrances.

In order to increase your self-awareness and enjoy life, take some time to ask yourself where your assumptions about the world come from. Identify the beliefs you hold that keep you from living happily and take action to shift them in a more positive direction. For example: If you believe that you can’t talk with someone, consciously decide that you’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and communicate with them in a way that invites them to connect with you. It takes deliberate effort and courage to shift your worldview but it can help you live much more meaningfully. What will you do to create a positive worldview?



10 Behaviors of Someone with Strong Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

10 Behaviors of Someone with Strong Self-Awareness

Here are ten behaviors of someone with strong self-awareness:

  • They do things consciously rather than just reacting to stuff.
  • They are in touch with their emotions and are comfortable feeling them.
  • They are comfortable with other people’s emotions.
  • They treat other people with kindness, empathy, and compassion.
  • They actively work on healing their past hurts.
  • They understand that there are other people in the world besides them.
  • They get along with others and enjoy positive relationships.
  • They know who they really are deep inside and live life accordingly.
  • They’re flexible and open to change.
  • They’re always growing.

People who possess self-awareness are able to expertly manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors so they can live happy, fulfilling lives. If you are self-aware, you know yourself deeply and live based on the real you. This authentic existence allows you to move past all the petty stuff and focus on enjoying your time on this planet and encouraging others to do the same.



It Doesn't Matter What Others Think of You If You're Self-Aware - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

It Doesn’t Matter What Others Think of You If You’re Self-Aware

A major element of self-awareness is understanding that it doesn’t matter what others think about you. There are people who will never appreciate what you do, regardless of how great you are or how much you try to explain it to them.

Some people will write you off because you don’t follow their rules or guidelines or don’t conform to their insatiable need to have everyone be like them. Other critics will come from a profound lack of creativity where they have denied their own muse and are out to make sure nobody produces anything beautiful. You may also encounter naysayers who won’t pay any attention to your work because they have some kind of power trip going on where they have to put you down to make themselves feel more powerful.

There will be plenty of people who don’t get what you do, and that’s OK. As a person who is building self-awareness, your task is to find those who understand and value who you are. They’re out there at this very moment, waiting to connect with you. These are the people for whom your life’s work will resonate and be meaningful, the ones who will support you because you make sense to them.

What will you do to develop self-awareness and move past the people who don’t appreciate you?



15 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

15 Examples of the Importance of Self-Awareness

Here are fifteen examples of the importance of self-awareness:

  1. You get to live life as the real you.
  2. You learn more about who you really are deep down inside.
  3. You avoid the pain and discomfort that comes from living a life that isn’t really yours.
  4. You can work on healing your hurts instead of ignoring or trying to suppress them.
  5. You become a healthier person.
  6. You are nicer to yourself and others and you contribute to making the world a better place.
  7. New opportunities present themselves because you’re living as the authentic you.
  8. People like you for who you are, not whom you pretend to be.
  9. You build healthier relationships.
  10. You get along with others.
  11. Life flows more smoothly because you’re not constantly fighting with yourself and others.
  12. You get to be more fulfilled and happier.
  13. You’re able to feel your emotions and deal with them positively.
  14. You take action instead of reacting to everything.
  15. Your thinking matches your actions.

There are many benefits to developing self-awareness but the biggest one is being at peace with yourself and the world around you. Imagine living your life happily and peacefully instead of just trying to survive each day. What would you add to this list?



Self-Awareness Is the Opposite of Submission - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Self-Awareness Is the Opposite of Submission

I’ve always been profoundly puzzled by people who give up all their power to some authority figure. Self-awareness is the opposite of submission: It means speaking your mind and talking about what’s meaningful to you, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s exploring parts of the universe that other people don’t dare examine and saying and doing things that upset the status quo. It’s living genuinely and questioning the established order. It’s the opposite of submitting to some outside entity.

When you give up your own decision-making ability you give away your self. What does that leave you? Nothing. No amount of riches or status can make up for not living authentically, the voice inside you will always be reminding you of who your really are, regardless of how hard you try to silence it. I love connecting with people who value self awareness because they chart their own course rather than submitting to rules imposed by others who are completely out of control.

How do you emphasize self-awareness over submission?


Welcome to The Self-Awareness Guy Ver1 - On Developing Self-Awareness and Being Self-Aware

Welcome to The Self-Awareness Guy Ver1

I’m self-awareness consultant, workshop and retreat facilitator Guy Farmer. I love helping kind, creative people take a deeper look at their thoughts, emotions and behaviors and learn how to live consciously and deliberately. It’s wonderful to see open-minded, courageous individuals let go of what doesn’t work and discover new ways to enjoy deeply fulfilling and meaningful lives.

I wrote about self-awareness for many years at my previous website, Self-Awareness Workshops, https://www.theselfawarenessguy.com, and decided to apply my knowledge and experience to transition from a corporate training based practice to a person-centered approach.

Self-awareness is the process of discovering who you really are and living your life authentically, based on who you are deep inside. I started this blog as a resource for anyone interested in taking a candid look at themselves and understanding why they think, feel and behave the way they do. Your comments and questions are welcome.



The Self-Awareness Guy